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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The new global divide is democracy vs authoritarianism.

The westerners supporting russia are would be autocrats who think authoritarian governments are more efficient and successful.

The large amount of muslims supporting him may do it for the same reason. At least half of all muslims live in dictatorships and think this is a good idea.

The system which generates more high tech and wealth will ultimately win. We shall see one day who is right
Its obvius why he ban them and who
"The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine decided to ban the activity of Opposition Party — For Life, Shariy Party, Nashi, Opposition Bloc, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, State, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialists Party and Volodymyr Saldo Bloc, Zelensky said"

And you had to be a moron to disolve azow when a potencial invasion of russia is real ... like those nuts will fight to death of course he will not get ride of them...

Azow only exist thx to russia

Ukraine is fighting a war for its survival against a much more powerful nation,of course every spectrum of the society will take arms to defend their country,from far leftists to moderates to far rightists and what not.

I understand though why Russia is targeting Azov because they are suitting their BS narrative of "denazification" because some dudes have nazi tatoos or harbor nazi flags (Just like many Wagner operatives) and because they are literally trashing the Russian army on the field.
Ukranian foreign minister Dymetro Kuleba says, EU should not pay for gas in Ruble because it would be humiliating. And that Europeans should make a wise and responsible decision regarding this.
With same logic @jhungary should also be sanctioned. He is also using the Chinese flag, even though he is not a Chinese or living in China.

So let it be and lets continue discussing the topic on hand.
His posts are moatly sensible.

U expect every Chinese to have same opinion lol.
His posts are moatly sensible.

U expect every Chinese to have same opinion lol.

Lets not derail the topic here. There is a dedicated thread about that, feel free to go there and discuss it.

In the meanwhile, according to media report Stoltenberg has been extended for one more year as NATO secretary general. His post as chief of Norwegian central bank will have to wait now. (Reports TV2).
I can upload my Video/Audio replying to your posts in Russian. :lol:

What happened to the Boiling Situation?
Are u guys done with pussy jihad and cow jihad lol? I thought endia is famous for that against its minorities. Why u now crying for discrimination done by another country lol. Ukraine is not perfect and ya they have dicks. How is that any different then fucking rss?

Look at ur shit hole india and tell us what u did to stop those first.
Lets not derail the topic here. There is a dedicated thread about that, feel free to go there and discuss it.

In the meanwhile, according to media report Stoltenberg has been extended for one more year as NATO secretary general. His post as chief of Norwegian central bank will have to wait now. (Reports TV2).
UK to supply 6000 more missiles to Ukraine and 25 million pounds to pay the wages of the Ukrainian military.

Will be interested to know how many of these missiles will be the deadly Starstreak manpad SAM.
With same logic @jhungary should also be sanctioned. He is also using the Chinese flag, even though he is not a Chinese or living in China.

So let it be and lets continue discussing the topic on hand.

Again, let me give you a hint.

They DO suspend people for using false flag.

I have been using this flag for over 9 years, and I was not suspended once. (I was suspended once for trolling) and I can't say the same for people who keep accusing me in the last 9 years.

I will give you 3 guess as to why?

Oh and I will give you one giant hint, I was interviewed by this forum once

So, let me know if you can figure it out.
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