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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Slaves are expendable.

British ruled millions of Indians with few thousand white officers as they had enough Indians who were willing to become their foot soldiers to control the Indian masses.

British and other White Colonial powers employed this strategy everywhere they went and colonized.

NATO is modern colonial Super Power. It is employing the same tactics.

NATO has found enough Ukrainian Slavics who are willing to sell their souls to fight the fellow Russian slavics.

NATO could not care less on how many slavics die on either side as long as their White Blue Eyed Blonde soldiers are safe.
You are really smoking some heavy stuff.
20 Bayraktar TB2s have been downed so far. All visual evidence can be seen in the photo.

Just by the way of a movie "Inside Man", one can try to explain the oft repeated rhetoric: "How can there be Nazis in Ukraine when their president Zelensky is a Jew himself?"

The banker was a Jew but a Nazi collaborator at the same time.
Movie also mentions that half of Fortune 500 have Nazi roots.


Now one may say it's just a movie.
True, but it depicts reality.

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I found this particularly insulting because it shows the Mongols and all the Asian tribes of the past as somehow subhuman warmongering barbarians.

Don't be insulted, this is the time to use these types of news pieces to show the Russians a different path in creating a new alignment and to let the Russians know they were never accepted as part of the West. We need to play it smart grab Russia and pump it so we can get arms and create a multi-polar world. Often times a wounded enemy is more dangerous when used to your advantage.

I'm actually enjoying all this, if we play our cards right it'll be good for us.
Whatever helps you to sleep better. :tup:
Well, you know. I`m like in Europe and did not see a lot of price change. Again you are writing about something you have no clue about. I`m not writing about the situation in India, as I don`t how it`s really is.
Not everything NASA use is applicable to everyone else. This kind of 'reasoning' is why I do not take you seriously. :enjoy:

So why can't those modern vacuum channel transistors not be used in regular computers ?
The geography stretching from the Asian steppes to today's Ukraine has witnessed the domination struggle of east Slavs, Proto-Russians, Prototurks, Turkic and Turko-Mongolic elements. The history of this region is also one of the main factors shaping the political order of modern Europe. In the illustration, Putin is seen wearing an AltinOrda Khanate helmet and is depicted with Turkic-Mongolic features.

A typical manifestation of a truly racist worldview.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Sometimes their mask falls off.
The geography stretching from the Asian steppes to today's Ukraine has witnessed the domination struggle of east Slavs, Proto-Russians, Prototurks, Turkic and Turko-Mongolic elements. The history of this region is also one of the main factors shaping the political order of modern Europe. In the illustration, Putin is seen wearing an AltinOrda Khanate helmet and is depicted with Turkic-Mongolic features.

A typical manifestation of a truly racist worldview.

So what's new?? When Germany was opposing the Iraq war of 2003 they were called 'the Huns'. And if today the Scandinavian countries don't follow a certain policy about this conflict then they would be called, perhaps, names like 'Viking Savages'.
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