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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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If true, This will be a game changer. EU will be forced to trade with Russia to get their share of Rubles to buy Russia gas.
The value of Ruble will appreciate in the short term; like a candle flame that temporarily roars before it burns out. :laugh:
Why not go to Russia? At least they won't be used as human shields there and there is no war.
It also means the Ukrainian military shouldn't use them as human shields!

Colonel Macgregor said several days ago that Ukrainians have been using civilians as human shields. Mariupol is still not taken because Ukrainian military is using civilians as human shields. The moment most/all civilians leave that city it will be truly ground to dust with weapons like hyperbaric bombs. An exit path is granted to not just the civilians but also the Ukrainian army with their weapons but not taken. Using civilians as human shields is cruel and cowardly!
In the meantime, Millions became Refugees, Cities turned into ashes. Ukranie paying dear price for this US Proxy War against Russia.

Slaves are expendable.

British ruled millions of Indians with few thousand white officers as they had enough Indians who were willing to become their foot soldiers to control the Indian masses.

British and other White Colonial powers employed this strategy everywhere they went and colonized.

NATO is modern colonial Super Power. It is employing the same tactics.

NATO has found enough Ukrainian Slavics who are willing to sell their souls to fight the fellow Russian slavics.

NATO could not care less on how many slavics die on either side as long as their White Blue Eyed Blonde soldiers are safe.
The economic value of ADS losses alone is over (probably) $2 billion. On the inventory scale, it is almost more than the total air defense systems of a medium-sized country. (And the most important of all is to have lost a couple battalions of soldiers in one of the most valuable personnel classes)

It is less than that. Remember, Russian export prices are many times their own cost.
The value of Ruble will appreciate in the short term; like a candle flame that temporarily roars before it burns out. :laugh:

The flame will continue to burn as long as China survives.

US will not take on China until Russia dies and China will not allow Russia to die as it knows very well that if Russia dies, China will be next to die.

China says Russia CANNOT be expelled from G20 – after US suggested they should be excluded - in latest sign of diplomatic protection by Beijing​

  • China described Russia as an 'important member' of the G20 group today
  • US raised the prospect of excluding Russia from G20 due to invasion of Ukraine
  • Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin have declared a relationship of 'no limits'

PUBLISHED: 11:25 GMT, 23 March 2022 | UPDATED: 12:28 GMT, 23 March 2022
At the rate Russia is losing armor, I don't know how the Russian military can continue to be combat effective in a month.

They need to change tactics and also deploy UCAVs, ATGMs like HJ-12s, loots of RPGs and possibly MANPADS with better communications between troops.
I found this particularly insulting because it shows the Mongols and all the Asian tribes of the past as somehow subhuman warmongering barbarians.
The geography stretching from the Asian steppes to today's Ukraine has witnessed the domination struggle of east Slavs, Proto-Russians, Prototurks, Turkic and Turko-Mongolic elements. The history of this region is also one of the main factors shaping the political order of modern Europe. In the illustration, Putin is seen wearing an AltinOrda Khanate helmet and is depicted with Turkic-Mongolic features.

A typical manifestation of a truly racist worldview.
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