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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Very simple, happens in China as well.

Troops go for a "1 week drill" in another climate zone, of course without appropriate kit, then they got stuck there for 1m+ due to logistics.

Most of Russian military genuinely believed they were going for a drill, and prepared accordingly.
With the temperatures improving in April, the Russians may have a better morale in Ukraine. Think Kyiv is in Montreal latitude, so April should be significantly better.
Not too many troops got inside Germany? And 2 million rapes only in Berlin? Both are wrong, kindly read some unbiased history, Allied forces went deep inside Germany and there was a race between Allies and Soviets of who will get to Berlin first, Allies also committed mass rapes in areas they captured. It is a documented fact which Allies did their best to censor.
Not only in Germany in Japan also, US and Australian troops committed mass rapes and forced women into prostitution. There is a documented incident happened in japan in which Australian troops raped women in a hospital both the patients and staff.
The problem you have is the west clearly dominate the media circus. They make out the boogeyman to be 10 times worse than what is factual of proved by evidence. Its quite disgraceful how the truth is demolished. "Finding condoms" on soldiers is something i dont believe - but retards will take it as gospel. Sky and Fox news is used as a source.
Im no fan of Putin and think he is liable personally for a lot of misdemeanors and misadventures in Ukraine. He should have the full wrath of international law thrown at him because 1000s of white blue eyed lives have been lost.
Now let something else sink in - Iraq - millions died. A war built on lies and illegal law - who punished Blair and Bush? Why was that treated differently? Brown million people dying isnt worth the stink?
Now back to this war - Russians soldiers no angels - but dont believe the exaggerated bullshit propagated by so called "professionals" on here.
This is interesting. Where can Europeans buy Rubles from? Putin hopes to achieve mutual destruction before Europe can escape the clutches of Russia. :rolleyes1:
lol putler said russia wont pay bond in dollar but in rubles.

but he did paid in dollar :lol:
Does it mean in long term less train from china to Europe?

Seems turkey will become ever more important strategically for Europe
The middle corridor train route from Baku to London is ready. Train logistic activities between Turkey, Iran and Pakistan are gaining momentum again. China can use the middle corridor as effectively as possible in a few years.
I don't see this war ending anytime soon
If the Ukrainian troops manage to employ their new equipment from NATO to break the siege at Mariupol, then it would be a big psychological bump for them. But I don't see any reports so far that speculate that this may even be in their agenda :undecided:
Russians are starting to rely on stand off weapons, which means another Grozny / Syria style scenario.
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