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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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how do you know it wasn't released by Ukrainians then they claim pro Kremlin source released then removed it, if they don't give the archive link?
Because multiple sources corroborate the claim independently. This includes Moscow based News outlets. At some point you choose you believe what you think is credible.

I don't care about what others think is credible. :agree:
I think Russians have made some advance in the North of Kyiv today with helicopter gunships. We'll see if they are able to make something out of it or lose ground again. Must recent American arms shipment have not reached the Ukrainians yet. I hope it allows the Ukrainians to get back Mauripol and push back in Kyiv :cheers:
What I hear is Ukrainian started to counter attack from the West of Kyiv.

Kyiv is not encircled yet, and the exact point of Russian troop of not being able to put centre of kyiv within artillery range is showing that they were still contesting the outskirt of Kyiv.
Because multiple sources corroborate the claim independently. This includes Moscow based News outlets. At some point you choose you believe what you think is credible.

I don't care about what others think is credible. :agree:

Well we've learnt that your credibility is based off of Twitter, so thank you for sharing that.
Well we've learnt that your credibility is based off of Twitter, so thank you for sharing that.
If twitter reports are not to be posted here, then this thread will not have half as many pages.

Your opinion of my credibility bothers me none. I do not plan to start a news agency anytime soon :bunny:
America is getting ready for the fast coming drought and food wars!

Legal preparations are being made to make it mandatory for the farmers dealing with grain and pulses to establish grain silos in sizes to be determined according to the production volume.

China had started its preparations long before.

The Ukrainian war is an excuse. The world is going to a worse point than it is now. A major catosphere risk is growing.

Wait, what? Dude, this is truly an imagination beyond the fantasy of even the most hardcore akp fan. If you have a parliamentarian who actually says this, you should lift his immunity and put him in the nearest clinic. And please don't terrorize the minority for your excuse, whose population is only a few hundred thousand.

Attesting to that. My classmate who works more on the civil defence, and emergencies preparedness always tells of them having some kind of "wargames" for emergencies scenarios. One of which certainly was food imports going down to something happening to major food exporters overnight. Exactly like today.
Yes, 'tragicomic' would be the right word to describe this bumbling, bungling senile Presidency in America when it pushes for a reconciliation with Iran to the point of De-Terrorist-Designation of the IIRC at the expense of UAE. When it reaches out to Venezuela for oil sales. When it calls the Arab countries to help with oil prices but gets a cold shoulder. When it publicly castigates its only real ally in Asia which is India. When it indirectly threatens to freeze USD reserves of even China. I see 'Bidet' (thank you @gambit !) is Splashing around. Throwing things around, hoping something would stick. But I see only $hit would stick on Europeans face if this goes out of hand.

PS. Last evening a nice German American lady friend was over at our house. Briefly the Russia-Ukraine war came up. And her quick response was: Well, Putin is out to reclaim the old USSR. This lady, would never agree with anything any Democratic President would say but when it comes to foreign wars most Americans take the intellectually lazy path of least resistance--even if that would mean bombing the crap out of the world.
Well you can’t really blame them when they ar only ever exposed to one side of anything. I blame those who control the media and information.

Watch this video, what do you see?

This is Kherson AFTER Russian have already taken the town.

What you see on the surface is the citizen out and about protesting on the Russian occupier. But what it didn't show is that the Russian may have taken Kherson, but they has not been able to control the population, one may venture a guess as for why is that. but it wouldn't be far off to say either the Russian troop that was in Kherson now is not trained to deal with Riot Control, or they know they don't have the number to turn the crowd hostile.

Bear in mind, Kherson is a relatively big city, with population up to 100,000 resident (still small if you compare it to Odesa or Kharkiv or even Mariupol now) if the crowd turn, it would be a bloodbath between Russian troop there and the civilian there, and The Russian may lose control of the entire City....
A popular revolution is usually from the people or being from the ground up and we can always see it coming. The people would be discontent and will express their anger. As time passes and the populist pressure build, Poutine will have time to lash out against both internal and external, and this is where the irrational nuclear response might come.

But what if Russia is de-Putinized via a coup? We can be sure that Poutine is aware of this potentiality and have taken preventative measures, as best as he can. But a coup would be fast enough that Poutine may not have enough time to lash out.

There can't me a popular revolt in a country with 10 spies per square metre. Completely crushed classes cannot revolt. And I know that China is tough, and Russia must be near NorKo now in that.

For a revolt, you need a class which is either not simply crushed, but super duper crushed, so they are ready to rise up solely out of animalistic rage, or somebody higher up on the ladder, with previous grudges, and who was not "crushed enough"

Look for Deng, or Kruschev like figure
We’re all sheep here. Some fighting for the greater glory of Zion, some fighting against it.

Either way, we’re sheep. Whichever side wins no one here will will get anything. The sheep killing each other lose their lives. All of us pay more for gas.

The masters sitting in Tel Aviv will be making all the money.

Please continue.
Yup. I think they planned it as if it would be Crimea 2.0

Russia planned to fight Ukraine but they ended up fighting the whole of NATO.

Regarding Turkey, I saw one report that America's sanctions against Turkey related to Turkey purchasing the Russian S-400 system could be waived if Turkey ships that system to Ukraine!! Turks are not buying that as of now.
Related to this, a short clip which has an Indian analyst is worth watching:

Turkiye buying S-400 from Russia could be a secret plan of US & NATO to develop counter measures.

Now that they have studied it, They may give it to Ukraine.
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