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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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LMAO,Russians invade Ukraine with dubious and BS reasons but somehow it is the US/Ukraine fault. Some here are so brainwashed by their anti western hatred and swallowed every bit of Russian propaganda for years that they would believe anything Russia would want them to believe.

To be honest majority of Russians support this agression against Ukraine I have no pity for everything that's happening to them and the body bags coming (for those they recover I'd say) back home.
For those interested, a look at how the Russian economy will handle sanctions.

It`s not a US Proxy war. It`s Russia trying to subjugate Ukraine with force, as their policy completely failed. Helping them to defend themself is not being part in this war. Generally nothing good will come out of this war for Russia and russian Speakers in eastern Ukraine.

you don't help them to defend themselves ... you just using them as cannon fodder against Russians ...
even if Russians pull out tomorrow , who will pay for rebuilding Ukraine to what her was prior to war , you or Ukrainian themselves ...

The idea of joining NATO wasn't worth it for Ukrainian ...

by every passing day , Russians army will lose more solders and personnel and at some point , they wouldn't stop at anything except total victory or destruction , even Puttin can not control an army which sacrificed so much solders in war and just sign a cease fire ...
Yes, on Social Media.:partay:

Is Russia in a better position today economically, politically, or militarily than it was a month ago? Yes they’ve already lost strategically and from a military tactical standpoint their getting wrecked.

Yes Russia has already lost. Economically their already being sent to the Stone Age.

Is Russia in a better position today economically, politically, or militarily than it was a month ago? Yes they’ve already lost strategically and from a military tactical standpoint their getting wrecked.

Yes Russia has already lost. Economically their already being sent to the Stone Age.

Lmao. Whatever helps float you boat.
We have nukes ourself buddy.

Also i dont think taking money is equal to threaten with death. If i take stuff from you, you can counter in taking from me but not threaten with death.

I think thats also in iranuan law that life is holy even if we are robbing you.

I know, they said if we look at debt ect we are still 100 billion in plus
Neither Greece or Germany has nukes, what are you talking about?
Hope you know who poured Billions in Ukraine, sponsored Maiden Protest & got regime change? I can list down quite a things which lead to this but it is futile.
"poured Billions in Ukraine" - why not, if they ask for it to defend them selfs and want to do reforms. Euro maidan was about the EU and having a better quality of life in the future. Generally Ukrainians are rebelious and proud and self organising, making out of them "small russians" for years rather did not help, on the contrary it was a completely stupid strategy. Even if Russians will be able to somehow control Ukraine, in a couple of years you will have another maidan, orange revolution, chmielnicky uprasing, peltura, you name it. I know many Ukrainians, I know what I`m writting.
Russians are so desperate (thought they were winning?) that they have to bring in trashes from Syria and states that do not even exist.
FYI: Ossetian forces were integrated with Russian Army.

US/NATO - Strategic Allies: Taliban, Alqueda, ISIS-Daesh etc., enough of your sanctimonious.
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"poured Billions in Ukraine" - why not, if they ask for it to defend them selfs and want to do reforms. Euro maidan was about the EU and having a better quality of life in the future. Generally Ukrainians are rebelious and proud and self organising, making out of them "small russians" for years rather did not help, on the contrary it was a completely stupid strategy. Even if Russians will be able to somehow control Ukraine, in a couple of years you will have another maidan, orange revolution, chmielnicky uprasing, peltura, you name it. I know many Ukrainians, I know what I`m writting.

In fact Russians expected Ukrainians to welcome them with open arms while it is totally the opposite. This crisis is creating more hatred from Ukrainians towards Russians and Russia.

Even the anti Russian sentiment is growing strong in eastern Ukraine despite being majority Russian speaking,in fact they are asking themselves "how could Russians do this to us?".
"poured Billions in Ukraine" - why not, if they ask for it to defend them selfs and want to do reforms. Euro maidan was about the EU and having a better quality of life in the future. Generally Ukrainians are rebelious and proud and self organising, making out of them "small russians" for years rather did not help, on the contrary it was a completely stupid strategy. Even if Russians will be able to somehow control Ukraine, in a couple of years you will have another maidan, orange revolution, chmielnicky uprasing, peltura, you name it. I know many Ukrainians, I know what I`m writting.
Billions of Dollars were Poured for regime change, not reforms. Plenty of information is available on this on Internet. Apparently, you can look for it.
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