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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Top attack atgms and low observable drones seem to be not currently defeatable by tanks. Only passive measures like smoke screen and efficient dispersion can be developed and installed on tanks with limited effectiveness. Smoke screen needs to cover 360 degrees and also on top of the tank for unlocking top attack missiles. It should also block both IR for blocking heat seekers and visible spectrum to block optical-laser guidance. Also chaff dispersion is necessary for hellfire agm types that have mmw radar seekers.

Also some specialised platforms are needed to detect incoming atgm launches then alert all vehicles to launch their smoke screens individually. The early warning vehicle needs to include both a radar dome and iir array 360 degree seeker. It is evident that tanks detection systems are not enough and air defense platforms, apcs, mlrs etc. cannot carry sensors required to detect atgms all at the same time. Some quad copter cheap drones need to be in air continiously scanning for laser pointers on the ground targeting the vehicles or nearby.

This also wont work against uav guided artillery strikes or mini drone attacks like switchblade having low ir/radar signature. Smaller glide bombs also would have very low radar-ir signature. Mam-L missile that TB-2 uses has small size and ir signature and only after the initial attack they can deploy passive measures to obscure themselves.
We have nukes ourself buddy.

Also i dont think taking money is equal to threaten with death. If i take stuff from you, you can counter in taking from me but not threaten with death.

I think thats also in iranuan law that life is holy even if we are robbing you.

I know, they said if we look at debt ect we are still 100 billion in plus

I Knew you have ( although both Greece and Germany don't have nukes ) , but will you enter a nuclear war for it ?

I think thats also in iranuan law that life is holy even if we are robbing you.

well , we would rather die to let other countries rub us ... USA thinks is can get away with robbing our money , but we never forget about what they owe to us and if we find power or they become weak , we will get back our money with its interest from them or if they don't pay , we will make sure they receive more marital damage than what they owe us ...

Iranians generally are stubborn and Vindictive people ...
Well answer your question. You think we would give the money back then or what?

well , you would give money back , or If you not and Russians are not bluffing , we ( Iranians and other none western counties ) would enjoy you arrogant western blown up yourselves to stonge age in a nuclear war and get exterminate in process ...
There are now talks to go after russian millionaires too not just billionaires.

West need to seize everything possible. Every cents.

I hope you guys make Russians cornered and desperate and drive them to madness ...
There are now talks to go after russian millionaires too not just billionaires.

West need to seize everything possible. Every cents.

Don't worry the real rulers of Russia (oligarchs) will soon gang up against Putin after making them lose billions of $.
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He is a spoiled, uneducated kid, haven't even finished school yet and worked a day for his living, but bragging loud about the money of his parents. Writing things like: 10 € gas price is ok. Because he is rich!

Do you REALLY expect this lunatic do understand even basic things? And no, he does not give a shit about germany or europe, the people here, it is all about his lunacy. All about being the loudest, when it comes to political correctness.

People like him are the death sentence for europe and the west.

They are the final product of the hypocritical and warmongering medial brainwashing.
Maybe he is REALLY young, then it's "ok", happened to many later - realistic (or at least more realistic) thinking persons too (ideological thinking in a unrealistic scale).
When you have to drive a lot to go to work to feed your family and paying the rent and you aren't born with golden spoon in you a*s you will "feel" it.
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