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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The first man in space: "____________________________, from _____________________"

I have Ukranian family so have a natural sympathy for them, but this by the Yanks is unbelievably petty, Gargarian's achievements are for Russia for sure, but they are at the same time for the whole of humanity.
Vladi wanted Ukraine incorporated in his empire of dirt. He is in so much financial trouble, he cant care for his own land...by destroying Ukraine he adds ash to dirt.

Simple thimg...you break it, you own it.

It will be hard to explain to russians to pay rebuilding of ukraine
Putin wants lands, people, oil, gas, natural resources. A typical behavior of an aggressive imperialist.
"We european blah blah", "I cant take poor country seriously".
Lol, what is wrong with your fellow country men apollon.
I don't know,he studies in Germany he said

Putin wants lands, people, oil, gas, natural resources. A typical behavior of an aggressive imperialist.
No sir. Russia has more than enough land,oil,gas and natural resources. He just wants a pro-Russian Ukraine.
That means average difference of cost in US dollars of goods and services produced locally compared with the price of the same goods or services in US.
That’s unrealistic. Impossible.
A Russia worker can never make things 4x cheaper than a US worker.
Can you make a Mercedes in Moscow 4x cheaper than in Chicago?
Xi didn't force the PLA to divest its business enterprises. That event preceded Xi by 20 years even by US sources. So that assertion of yours is factually incorrect.
Sure, my occasional mistake. So the problem is that an American made a minor chronological mistake of Chinese leaders but not about the larger issue of (in)competence at the national leadership level.

1991 Iraq had 1/20th the population of the US and 1/50 the GDP. It was always going to be a stomp, only question was by how much.

2022 Ukraine has over 1/4 the population of Russia and 1/8 the GDP. Relative to Russia, they're as big as Imperial Japan was compared to the US. Imperial Japan handed US a few defeats but still lost in the end.
Fine. This still does not absolve the Russian military of poor intelligence before invasion. This is a bad way of trying to save face for the Russian military. From the beginning of this war, I have refrained from commenting. I entered this discussion when it was already over 500 pages long. So no one can accuse me of jumping to any conclusion.

From a USAF perspective, the VKS have a shiddy performance over Ukraine. That is my opinion after 3 weeks of war.

The Ukrainian Air Force have about 100 combat jets in FLYABLE or MISSION CAPABLE condition. Was this factoid made to the VKS leadership? If yes, the fact that the Ukrainian Air Force continues to sortie means what and then what does that finally say about the VKS? My refrain from commenting until the two weeks mark is more than reasonable. It is overly generous given what the world seen with Desert Storm and use as example on how a powerful air force should perform and PRODUCE. The VKS failed. Gary is US Army and he pointed out how the Russian Army failed.

The word 'failed' here does not mean Russia cannot conquer Ukraine. It means that the Russian military failed to live up to the image that it cultivated over decades and then when it comes to actually produce results, it failed to produce within the expected time that came with that image of power and competence.

Chinese leadership thinks completely different than Russian leadership has in the past 30 years. Russia has been in COIN mode since Chechnya, China has always been geared for high intensity total war. Just looking at the GDP, population and existing force posture of Ukraine, the PLA based on their total war bias, is unlikely to predict a campaign less than a few weeks.
If that is true, then maybe Xi should fire the entire staff just like Poutine did with his. Maybe we will see that later. As long as the Russian military continues to push, eventually it will capture the requisite strategic targets such as the major cities. But there WILL be increasing cost that will repel observers, and in that observers group includes your PLA.

When I was active duty, the USAF have only 60 yrs of aviation history and from limited list of countries to draw upon, whereas the US Army and US Navy have literally thousands of yrs of history spanning continents and cultures. The USAF have a notebook while the US Army and US Navy have a stack of text books. Same situation for the PLA. In that global history, with each war, it is the responsibility of the military's leadership, no matter what country, to study the conditions prior to war and the outcome of that war, then compare against previous wars. The more in-depth the study, the better the analysis for the next war, whenever it might be. I think there is a building call 'military academy' to do this. You might check to see if there is something similar in China. So clearly, the USAF no longer uses WW I and less reliant on WW II. Does the PLA leadership do the same? If not, then in my opinion, Xi should fire the entire staff.

You are making a weak excuse with this 'total war bias' stuff.
Putin wants lands, people, oil, gas, natural resources. A typical behavior of an aggressive imperialist.
Putin just tried to prevent the outbreak of a world war. But he failed to foresee the trap of getting (UK-US coordinated) Russia into the swamp. Among the global military powers in the world, the only non-globalist leader is Putin. Russia's mistakes, failures are another story, but I see that Putin's complete demonization is just unfair and western-biased point of view.
But Vietnam? lol they were what, 1/10th US population, 1/50th by GDP? yet US lost 3000+ planes, 5000+ helicopters. Then tanks rolled into Saigon and it was all over.
You really have no idea what you are talking about here.
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