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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Now look its not europe that will have a problem


sunflower could ba a problem but we mostly use canola oil
Possible, dude. Possible.

Average income includes pensioners, students and welfare earners.

Russian average wage is 60k rubles.
Moscow average wage is 140k rubles.
PPP to nominal ratio for Russia is currently 4.
That means average Moscow citizen earns $6k per month equivalent for US wage with free healthcare.
What does that mean ppp to nominal ratio?
What does that mean ppp to nominal ratio?

That means average difference of cost in US dollars of goods and services produced locally compared with the price of the same goods or services in US.
NATO is pumping weapons into Ukraine, that's all it needs to do. And its working. Russia is bleeding dry and becoming an international laughing stock.

Why doesn't Russia have the guts to attack NATO for supplying weapons to Ukraine? What is Russia waiting for?
US never attacked China for supplying Vietnam and in Vietnam US had 3000+ planes shot down. In fact during the height of the Vietnam war in 1972 Nixon went hat in hand to Beijing.

It's funny, Ukraine is 1/4 the size of Russia by population, 1/8 by GDP. It is putting up a good fight like Imperial Japan did against the US. They're doomed to a slow loss by war of attrition since their heavy weapons and most of all, oil, isn't being replenished, just like Imperial Japan was, but they're doing OK.

But Vietnam? lol they were what, 1/10th US population, 1/50th by GDP? yet US lost 3000+ planes, 5000+ helicopters. Then tanks rolled into Saigon and it was all over.

Bickering spooks at war over disastrous Ukraine invasion​

Vladimir Putin reportedly arrests head of the FSB's foreign service ...
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