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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I am neutral in this conflict..

But we can't bypass the fact that they hold 35% of the country after just 3 weeks of war that gotta count for something besides I don't see this tilt towards Ukraine if this drags on as I question for how long will the Ukrainian moral stay up or their will to fight for the long haul
35% of the country, but only 2 small cities. That is no kind of progress

You can't really call that progress. Say if we have a Peace Treaty tomorrow, what kind of "chip" do you think Russia have? Oh, I will give you back 35% of country side in exchange for.....

If you look at how US invaded Iraq, by now, day 24, we already took Baghdad (day 19), Basra (Day 16), Najaf (Day 16) and Nasiriyah (Day 13)

You question how long would Ukrainian fight? How long can the west keep the supply of weapon? Dude, if by now you still do not know Ukrainian will fight the Russian with bare hand if they had to. Then you are seriously lagging behind the news here.
I like the Chinese, very pragmatic and clever, they cant populate an area with their 1.3 billion people buy russia with their 140 million can.

They are happy to pay for resourced that used to be theirs and were taken and are now sold back to them.

If you even want to go into business with me I would be more than happy.

If you want, I can even let you pay me rent if I let you live in your own house.
Russians earn less than Chinese. If we let the Chinese exploit resources, we may have to pay more money and waste valuable human resources.

Stanovoy Range is not the traditional territory of the Han nationality, and Taiwan is the traditional territory of the Han nationality.
There are Russians and Mongols living in Stanovoy Range, they cannot shake the legitimate rule and stability of the Chinese govt.
But Han people live in Taiwan, in China's history, only the separatist forces of the Han nationality have the ability to undermine the stability of the country.
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Military personnel participate in a troop review in Grozny, the capital of the Chechen Republic, on Feb. 25. The presence of these fierce warriors in Ukraine is a psychological weapon that could backfire on Vladimir Putin if the war drags on. (AP Photo/Musa Sadulayev)

Chechens fighting in Ukraine: Putin’s psychological weapon could backfire

Published: March 18, 2022 10.34am EDT

Aurélie Campana, Université Laval

The Chechens have gained a reputation as fierce warriors in two wars against Russia, the first from 1994 to 1996 and the second from 1999 to 2014.
It was the most violent conflict between Europe and the former U.S.S.R. since the Second World War.
Chechen warriors are now fighting in Ukraine on both sides of the front line.
Those who fled to Ukraine after the wars that ravaged their country are supporting Ukraine’s armed forces, even though their involvement has gone almost unnoticed. However, the announcement — made with great fanfare on Feb. 25 — that Ramzan Kadyrov’s troops would be sent to Ukraine to fight alongside the Russian army did cause a stir among western media.

Ramzan Kadyrov, president of the Republic of Chechnya since 2007, even claims to have gone to Ukraine. He is a loyal supporter of Vladimir Putin who brought Chechnya back into the Russian Federation by using terror as a government weapon.
Kadyrov leads tens of thousands of men known as the Kadyrovtsy. No other federated entity in the Russian Federation has an armed force of this size. Although the Kadyrovtsy are members of the Russian National Guard, they remain under the sole command of Kadyrov, who also holds the title of major-general.
So how should their participation in the Russian invasion of Ukraine be interpreted?
As a professor of political science at Laval University, my research focuses on civil wars — particularly those in Chechnya and the Sahel conflict in Africa — and political violence.
The Russian-Chechen wars were fierce. In this 2000 file photo, Russian soldiers rest in Minutka Square in Grozny, the devastated capital of Chechnya. (AP Photo/Dmitry Belyakov, File)

A psychological weapon​

Many analysts believe that Russia’s military strategy did not work in the first two weeks of the war. Ukrainian resistance coupled with Russian supply difficulties, as well as poor co-ordination of the various army corps and problems of motivation among conscript and professional soldiers, has considerably slowed down the advance of the Russian troops. Faced with these military and logistical difficulties, Russia has now made psychological warfare a central element of its strategy.
The announcement of the entry of Kadyrov’s troops into the war and the propaganda surrounding it are part of Russia’s effort to destabilize the enemy.
The Kadyrovtsy are above all specialists in policing conquered cities. They are known for the cruelty and abuse they administered in Chechnya itself, in the Donbass in 2014 where they intervened, and in Syria where some of their soldiers are still deployed.
Russia’s announcement that Chechen troops were being brought in was meant to strike fear in the Ukrainian population. Similarly, the rumour that their special forces have been given the specific mission to kill Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is intended to sow uncertainty and create fear.
However, their role may go beyond that: Moscow sent one of these battalions to the Donbass in 2014 to bring the pro-Russian separatists to heel and purge them of their most undisciplined elements. The presence of Chechen troops shows that Moscow is preparing for urban guerrilla warfare in Ukraine. Kadyrov’s troops could be an asset for this, not just to overcome local Ukrainian resistance but also to discipline Russian troops and their affiliates.

A rebel who has fallen in line​

Other more political dimensions directly and indirectly feed Russian propaganda and the psychological warfare it is waging.
Ramzan Kadyrov’s appearances on Chechen television and on social media are a constant reminder of his loyalty to Vladimir Putin. While these sometimes border on caricature, they do illustrate the support of a once rebellious federated subject who has now fallen into line after two unprecedentedly violent wars and the establishment of an authoritarian regime that is on Moscow’s payroll.
Chechnya’s President Ramzan Kadyrov speaks to military personnel in Grozny, the capital of the republic, on Feb. 25. He was in Ukraine and declared that the military of his republic is ready to carry out Vladimir Putin’s orders. (AP Photo/Musa Sadulayev)
Of course, the over-personalization of politics and decision-making in the Federation silences any dissenting voices — if there are any left. The fact that Kadyrov embodies this image of cohesion is paradoxical, however, given that the relationship between Moscow and Chechnya is still characterized by a type of exceptionalism within the Federation.

Cracks that could widen​

On another level, Kadyrov’s support is a reminder that the commitment of the subjects of the Federation to backing up Putin is not being hindered by ethnic and religious boundaries. These differences are being erased by the common objectives of opposing the despised West and fighting Ukrainian authorities who have been described as “Nazis.”
However, cracks are beginning to show in the façade of this ad hoc alliance, and these will become more difficult to hide if the war drags on. The Kremlin appears to have asked the leaders of the federated subjects to defend the official discourse that this war is a “special military operation” targeting only military objectives. It could be difficult for most of them to maintain this smokescreen as questions begin to arise among their own populations about the significant losses that the Russian army appears to be suffering.
But referring to the Russian army as a whole, without giving more details, tends to obscure its multi-ethnic character. Experts even estimate that non-ethnic Russians (i.e., Russian citizens, but of non-Russian origin) constitute a majority in the army. Coming from less socio-economically well-off federated entities, these members could account for a significant proportion of deaths. Such a scenario could not be countered by Kadyrov’s calls to intervene quickly in Ukraine. Such calls could turn out to be counterproductive for Putin.
The role of the Kadyrovtsy in the conflict in Ukraine is far from one-dimensional. Beyond the terror they inspire, they also embody total commitment the federated subjects have to Putin. However, this idyllic picture could crack if the war turns out to be longer and harder than anticipated.
The use of these troops is a risky gamble. Their poor integration into the chain of command could diminish the benefits associated with their engagement alongside regular units of the Russian army. With Kadyrov’s triumphalism seeming out of step with the reality of this war, he could become a political liability to Putin.
That is not why... NATO was gathering in East-Europe for years now and this got on his nerve as expected plus Ukraine was arming like a MOFO and if you were following the armament news on this thread you would have known
Ukraine almost have no offensive capability, they are using upgraded T-84 tank, old soviet Mig, the entire Ukrainian Navy have 1 major battleship, the west gave them nothing but BS before this war. The best weapon they got is some 200 Javelin Missile Launcher. If you ask any analyst, they will tell you the way Ukraine can wage a war with Russia the way Putin said is next to zero.

In fact, judging from EU and NATO response, they think the war is going to go down, and they think Ukraine will capitulate within the first 3 days. That's why they don't even bother talking about sanctioning Russia until March 1.

There were no US troop in Baltic States, now there are roughly 20000 US and UK troop over there, basically Putin is the reason why his own volition come true, had he not invaded Ukraine, NATO wouldn't care much about the Baltic.
Russians earn less than Chinese. If we let the Chinese exploit resources, we may have to pay more money and waste valuable human resources.

Stanovoy Range is not the traditional territory of the Han nationality, and Taiwan is the traditional territory of the Han nationality.
There are Russians and Mongols living in waixing'an mountains, they cannot shake the legitimate rule and stability of the Chinese govt.
But Han people live in Taiwan, in China's history, only the separatist forces of the Han nationality have the ability to undermine the stability of the country.
Stop explaining. The simple fact as to why China will support Russia is because if Russia falls, the West will come for China next. It is as simple as that. Back to back, China and Russia are a formidable bloc. So it is in the interest of both countries to cooperate in the face of unremitting hostility from the west.
Outer northeast is truly ours, illegally annexed through an illegal treaty signed under coercion by incompetent, illegitimate government in its death throes。

Its our arable lands, it's Han land, and we lived there for centuries。 Russians there just force us to pay to use our own land, We pay them for Chinese soy grown by Chinese farmers, on Chinese land because of connivance of the party (which itself is also an import from Russia。)

It's 2 to 3 times of our entire land suitable for crop cultivation,and our food security independence


Ask people in Beijing why they are obsessed with a 3000 times smaller mountain island without fresh water in the south sea
Have you ever thought about why the Chinese government can make Mongolia independent, let badashankh region join Afghanistan and let gorno region join Tajikistan. Only Taiwan independence is not allowed?
Because Taiwan is the traditional territory of the Han people, Taiwan is related to the "法統"&"道統" of the CCP government. This represents the legitimacy of CCP govt in Han culture. "法統"&"道統" are also the reason why successive Han govts are bound to pursue unified China.

The war is occurring because the US is using Ukraine as a pawn and part of an anti Russian crusade. If Ukraine was not being used by nato and was a neutral country, there would be no war.

Truer words never been spoken on this thread. Had Ukraine been in the south or the east side of Russia without the land connection to the mightiest and the richest military alliance in human history, this war would have been over pretty quickly. Ukrainian bravery, while admirable, is based on very solid foundations.

I am neutral in this conflict..

But we can't bypass the fact that they hold 35% of the country after just 3 weeks of war that gotta count for something besides I don't see this tilt towards Ukraine if this drags on as I question for how long will the Ukrainian moral stay up or their will to fight for the long haul

Pakistanis can comfortably afford to be neutral in this conflict. The only potential gains are via Pakistan's ally China's gain.
NATO never, I say again, NEVER wanted Ukraine. Germany and France is not going to allow them.
The Party ordered him to say so, just like how Xi ordered Poutine to wait until after the Olympics to invade Ukraine.

Am not saying Xi ordered Poutine as a joke. I do believe that Xi believes that China is now the superior partner no matter how Poutine feels or how many more nuclear warheads Russia has over China. For Xi, China have even more economic 'nukes' so there is no reason for Xi to believe otherwise that China is the superior. So even though Xi may have been caught surprised at the current status of the war, and he will go after the PLA leadership in due time, there should be no doubt that he colluded with Poutine about the war.

The Party ordered him to say so, just like how Xi ordered Poutine to wait until after the Olympics to invade Ukraine.

Am not saying Xi ordered Poutine as a joke. I do believe that Xi believes that China is now the superior partner no matter how Poutine feels or how many more nuclear warheads Russia has over China. For Xi, China have even more economic 'nukes' so there is no reason for Xi to believe otherwise that China is the superior. So even though Xi may have been caught surprised at the current status of the war, and he will go after the PLA leadership in due time, there should be no doubt that he colluded with Poutine about the war.
Lol I don't know Winnie the Pooh like Cheesy Potato Snack LOL

Anyway, anyone who try to pin it on NATO should really recheck their source, NATO is all but abandon by Trump, I remember reading one of the headline from BBC on March 3 saying Putin make NATO great again, and that's why Putin is banking on for his plan on Ukraine. Russia never afraid of NATO (Hell Russia themselves even wanted to join at one point) for the 20 years that they were surrounded by NATO member on all 3 sides and you are telling me adding Ukraine is now suddenly unbalancing the equation?

If I have to say, this is nothing more than a "Social Experiment" conduct by Xi or Putin or both to test EU resolve, the only thing Russia win from this experiment is sanction tho. I mean, Putin is stupid enough to test the water for the Chinese for their Taiwan adventure, he probably deserved to go down.
NATO never, I say again, NEVER wanted Ukraine. Germany and France is not going to allow them.

Revisionist history. And that too when things have been so much out there in the last several weeks.
Russia wanted a guarantee that Ukraine wouldn't join NATO and to that this Goddamn senile warmonger President of America Biden came out in the media saying something like 'we don't take blackmails' or something similar to that.
My, my. How right in front of us is history so written by those who are not even the victors yet!!
I am neutral in this conflict..

But we can't bypass the fact that they hold 35% of the country after just 3 weeks of war that gotta count for something besides I don't see this tilt towards Ukraine if this drags on as I question for how long will the Ukrainian moral stay up or their will to fight for the long haul
The Russians don't really own 35% of the country, just cause you are passing by or bypassing the cities or towns because of fear of urban combat and so on doesn't mean you own everything including the terrain beyond the roads. The supply columns just keep getting destroyed left and right. Its pretty much Indian country out there.
Revisionist history. And that too when things have been so much out there in the last several weeks.
Russia wanted a guarantee that Ukraine wouldn't join NATO and to that this Goddamn senile warmonger President of America Biden came out in the media saying something like 'we don't take blackmails' or something similar to that.
My, my. How right in front of us is history so written by those who are not even the victors yet!!
Exactly what more guarantee than NATO telling Ukraine "They Can't Join" TWICE" in the span of 15 years? I mean by saying "You can't join" twice in 15 years that NATO actually mean "Oh, I am just kidding, we want your membership"

I mean, Putin don't just want Ukraine not joining NATO, he wanted to roll NATO back to pre-1995 format (Losing Central Europe and Baltics) which mean if this is his plan, whether or not Ukraine joining NATO would not be any question here. Because that mean a confrontation with NATO to begin with.

And lol, Biden is actually saved by Putin, I mean, since when did we have bi-partisan policy made the last time? There are nothing better for uniting your nation than an aggressor you can pin on, and Putin is simply playing an useful Idiot for Biden here.
Exactly what more guarantee than NATO telling Ukraine "They Can't Join" TWICE" in the span of 15 years?

I mean, Putin don't just want Ukraine not joining NATO, he wanted to roll NATO back to pre-1995 format (Losing Central Europe and Baltics) which mean if this is his plan, whether or not Ukraine joining NATO would not be any question here. Because that mean a confrontation with NATO to begin with.

And lol, Biden is actually saved by Putin, I mean, since when did we have bi-partisan policy made the last time? There are nothing better for uniting your nation than an aggressor you can pin on, and Putin is simply playing an useful Idiot for Biden here.

I will agree that Biden is saved by Putin. The Covid policies failures and the inflation etc have taken a backseat in America now. And never forget... the first job of a politician is to gain power. The second is to hold on to power.
It is a universal principle.
I will agree that Biden is saved by Putin. The Covid policies failures and the inflation etc have taken a backseat in America now. And never forget... the first job of a politician is to gain power. The second is to hold on to power.
It is a universal principle.
Well, Biden don't really need to do any of that. I mean, if this war drag on, I can't even see how Trump can present as head of RNC on the ticket.

And this war is going to drag on
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