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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Okay, let's go back to Business.

24 days in. I think Putin should shot whoever is feeding him Intelligence.

I don't see how the entire operation is sound on the intelligence perspective.

Putin underestimated the enemy strength, target were not marked and without precision munition, you may as well just level the entire city.

I don't see if there are any intelligence operation were ever conducted to begin with, there are no pre-invasion assessment. He didn't even know where Zelenskyy is even after tens of high profile call to western leader.

I mean if this is not in intelligence term "Sitting with your thumb up your *** moment" then I don't know what is
Okay, let's go back to Business.

24 days in. I think Putin should shot whoever is feeding him Intelligence.

I don't see how the entire operation is sound on the intelligence perspective.

Putin underestimated the enemy strength, target were not marked and without precision munition, you may as well just level the entire city.

I don't see if there are any intelligence operation were ever conducted to begin with, there are no pre-invasion assessment. He didn't even know where Zelenskyy is even after tens of high profile call to western leader.

I mean if this is not in intelligence term "Sitting with your thumb up your *** moment" then I don't know what is

Come down bro.

It is only 24th day of the war... Wars go on for months or years if necessary we haven't even got started
LOL, Exactly to the point! How not to like the Americans. I`m always surprise, how many people don`t really get the dynamics in Europe for the last 30 years. Soviet Union USED TO BE Russia + Ukraine + Belorussia + many more. The Rus-Ukr war is something like a back to past soviet civil war. Old thinking vs. New Thinking. Old Soviets vs. Current Reality in Europe. It seems , that Mr. P is really getting old and wants to have his young glory Soviet years back.
I have no ties to Ukraine other than knowing that Ukraine used to be a Soviet state and that there are a lot of hot Ukrainian chicks, excuse the typical guy in me. But I am a refugee from communism so for now, I have sympathies for Ukrainian refugees in your Poland and admiration to the ordinary Poles who definitely went above and beyond the call of humaneness to help the Ukrainians.

But as much as I can say positive things to your Poland, the Cold Warrior in me must turn my head towards realpolitiks and that means I believe that as long as Poutine is in power and that China is Russia's ally, your Poland WILL be next. Whether Poland is immediately next or next after a previous victim is unknown, twice your Poland was conquered, Germany and the Soviet Union, so what are the odds under Russia? Americans have a saying "Two out of three aint' bad" to mean something is still worth it, but for Poland "Two out of three" is not odds I want to risk. Good luck to Poland, and I mean it.
Come down bro.

It is only 24th day of the war... Wars go on for months or years if necessary we haven't even got started
Well, in case you have not notice, the longer this war drag on is better for the Ukrainian, not better for the Russian. That is the traditional matrix for all attacker.

That's why Putin tried that risky manoeuvre try to take 5 cities at once. Ended up none.

The first thing of the trouble you can literally see is when the west literally announced Putin plan back in January step by step to the core, that should be a sign for Putin to reassess the situation, because at that point, it render all intel Russia collect up to that point expired, or at least non-active. Set aside the intelligence work by the west, it expose how inadequate Russian Counter Intelligence is. That itself should be a red flag, I mean, if the west know all these, one would wonder, what else did they know?

Plan did not change, and it goes directly as the west said. I mean, what do you really expect when someone told the other guy what your plan was publicly, how you are going to attack and what you are going to attack with and then getting months to prepare for it. And you still execute said plan?

Remember that Xi asked, or more like ordered, Poutine to wait until after the Olympics to attack Ukraine. So did Xi considered Poutine's sociopathy that could, not would, moved the world back to the Cold War yrs mentality? The word 'could' mean 50/50 meaning you hope that the outcome would go into your half, and not the other half. But is hope ever a valid policy especially when the nuclear war option is available? Am sure Xi is practical enough that he does not consider hope. That mean Xi fv<ked up big time in supporting Poutine. And now YOU are paying the mental price for that strategic error. You also erred when you ridiculously claimed that somehow Russia and China were baited into the war. Let us say that mentally declining Joe Bidet was smart enough to come up with that plan. Then what does that say about Xi? That Xi was gamed by someone with 1/2 his mental faculties? Maybe Xi should resign. Imagine how powerful the US could be over the world if Bidet had %100 of his head. :lol:

It is still possible, maybe even probable, that Russia will physically win over Ukraine. But is certain, no hope or odds, that Ukraine will win global sympathy and here is the global setback that everyone will seek out people like me who lived thru the Cold War yrs to find out how to prepare themselves against the nuclear threat from Russia and China. You read that correctly, that I said your China is perceived as a nuclear threat because of China's support for Russia. Change can be in either direction, progressive or regressive, and thanks to Russia and China, we will regress a few decades.
The war is occurring because the US is using Ukraine as a pawn and part of an anti Russian crusade. If Ukraine was not being used by nato and was a neutral country, there would be no war.
Well, in case you have not notice, the longer this war drag on is better for the Ukrainian, not better for the Russian. That is the traditional matrix for all attacker.

That's why Putin tried that risky manoeuvre try to take 5 cities at once. Ended up none.

The first thing of the trouble you can literally see is when the west literally announced Putin plan back in January step by step to the core, that should be a sign for Putin to reassess the situation, because at that point, it render all intel Russia collect up to that point expired, or at least non-active. Set aside the intelligence work by the west, it expose how inadequate Russian Counter Intelligence is. That itself should be a red flag, I mean, if the west know all these, one would wonder, what else did they know?

Plan did not change, and it goes directly as the west said. I mean, what do you really expect when someone told the other guy what your plan was publicly, how you are going to attack and what you are going to attack with and then getting months to prepare for it. And you still execute said plan?

I am neutral in this conflict..

But we can't bypass the fact that they hold 35% of the country after just 3 weeks of war that gotta count for something besides I don't see this tilt towards Ukraine if this drags on as I question for how long will the Ukrainian moral stay up or their will to fight for the long haul
I'm surprised that the obvious bias of those who talk about great powers BS has escaped your notice. They simply want to see China's influence rival and dominate US/EU influence because it suits their own regional interests. All this talk of NATO enticement for Putin is just pseudo intellectual BS that these people roll with to justify this inhumane invasion to themselves. Best thing is to just ignore their opinions and thank them for their tax $. They help fund the cause of freedom afterall :laugh:
The bias did not escaped my notice. Every PDF Chinese will support Russia uncritically and will exert great mental gymnastics to portray Russia in a positive light. But I am surprised and disappointed at India.
I'm sorry. I'm afraid your elders didn't expect that China would face a serious population problem.

Even if the Russians give us Siberia, we have no population to develop. We are even having a headache about the negative population growth in Northeast China.

Now the Russians exploit Siberian resources and sell them to us. Isn't that a better result?

You can't understand the pragmatism spirit of the Chinese people, and the Chinese people can't understand your obsession with territory.
I like the Chinese, very pragmatic and clever, they cant populate an area with their 1.3 billion people buy russia with their 140 million can.

They are happy to pay for resourced that used to be theirs and were taken and are now sold back to them.

If you even want to go into business with me I would be more than happy.

If you want, I can even let you pay me rent if I let you live in your own house.
The war is occurring because the US is using Ukraine as a pawn and part of an anti Russian crusade. If Ukraine was not being used by nato and was a neutral country, there would be no war.
NATO never, I say again, NEVER wanted Ukraine. Germany and France is not going to allow them.

Ukraine know that from beginning rejected twice in the last 15 years, there weren't even a membership action plan for Ukraine (there were one for Georgia)

As I said many time before, why NATO wanted Ukraine when they can do all Putin accused NATO wanted to do in existing NATO member nation. NATO is not a problem Russia make out to be. Hell Russia even sell S-400 to Turkey.

Putin cannot afford to have a Maidan Style Protest in Russia, and his popularity is going down to toilet, plus people can see Ukrainian started to prosper when Russian economy is tanking. Ukraine doubled their GDP since 2015 from 96 to 220 billions. Russian dropped nearly half from 2.3 trillions to 1.4 Trillions. That alarm Putin. Which is why he painted Ukraine as a big bad bear. Even as he said "they were the same country"
in 1939, It took the Germans 2 weeks to penetrate 200 km into PL up to Warsaw and their logistics was based on horses. Yes, Information warfare :D

Russia has made grave mistakes, fatalities on their side tells that & Ukrainian been trained by NATO since 2013. They are defending well, no doubt in that.

'Snake Island, The Ghost of Kyiv, Sharing Video Games Footage, Old Videos, Photos, claiming to Sink Russian Ship which turns out to be Fake, Russia taking over Ukraine in 24-48 hours etc., presented as the Gospel Truth.

Eventually, Russia will Win but pay or paying a dear price for it.

I am not a war monger. When I see Plight of Ukrainians, their cities etc., it makes me feel bad.

On other, Zelensky fighting US Proxy War with Russia + West lecturing other on Humanity, Morality etc., piss me off...

Thanks to Information WareFare Putin is Potrayed as Hitler. However, US & EU President/PM who carried out Genocide in Iraq, Libya, Syria etc., bestowed with Nobel Peace Price. That's why I support Russia who been demonized by Monsters & trying to expose thre Hypocrisy!

We live in a Cruel Word. :tdown:
The bias did not escaped my notice. Every PDF Chinese will support Russia uncritically and will exert great mental gymnastics to portray Russia in a positive light. But I am surprised and disappointed at India.
In Indian government or mainstream Indian public or Indians in PDF? In my opinion, there are very rational reasons for how these individual groups behave.
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Russia has made grave mistakes, fatalities on their side tells that & Ukrainian been trained by NATO since 2013. They are defending well, no doubt in that.
'Snake Island, The Ghost of Kyiv, Sharing Video Games Footage, Old Videos, Photos, claiming to Sink Russian Ship which turns out to be Fake Russia taking over Ukraine in 24-48 hours etc., presented as the Gospel Truth.

Eventually, Russia will Win but pay or paying a dear price for it.

I am not a war monger. When I see Plight of Ukrainians, their cities etc., it makes me feel bad.

On other, Zelensky fighting US Proxy War with Russia + West lecturing other on Humanity, Morality etc., piss me off...

Thanks to Information WareFare Putin is Potrayed as Hitler. However, US & EU President/PM who carried out Genocide in Iraq, Libya, Syria etc., bestowed with Nobel Peace Price. That's why I support Russia who been demonized by Monsters & trying to expose thre Hypocrisy!

We live in a Cruel Word. :tdown:
NATO never, I say again, NEVER wanted Ukraine. Germany and France is not going to allow them.

Ukraine know that from beginning rejected twice in the last 15 years, there weren't even a membership action plan for Ukraine (there were one for Georgia)

As I said many time before, why NATO wanted Ukraine when they can do all Putin accused NATO wanted to do in existing NATO member nation. NATO is not a problem Russia make out to be. Hell Russia even sell S-400 to Turkey.

Putin cannot afford to have a Maidan Style Protest in Russia, and his popularity is going down to toilet, plus people can see Ukrainian started to prosper when Russian economy is tanking. Ukraine doubled their GDP since 2015 from 96 to 220 billions. Russian dropped nearly half from 2.3 trillions to 1.4 Trillions. That alarm Putin. Which is why he painted Ukraine as a big bad bear. Even as he said "they were the same country"

That is not why... NATO was gathering in East-Europe for years now and this got on his nerve as expected plus Ukraine was arming like a MOFO and if you were following the armament news on this forum you would have known..

Ukraine was involved in gazillions of ventures but all these projects production arrival was around 2025 to 2030s meaning Putin had a short window to deal with them before they go above the treeshold of military action
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