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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Busted! :lol:

US may allow dual citizenship, however.... China does not allow dual nationality. So you CAN NOT be US/Australian citizen AND Chinese citizen

Try better next time. As I said anyone with common sense can smell that you are fake from miles.

"Article 3 The People's Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for any Chinese national."

@beijingwalker is that so?
I logged in again at the sheer stupidity of this logic.

That's literally not how any of this works.

Just because China doesn't recognize dual nationality, doesn't mean dual national Chinese don't exist. It just means that China recognizes the person as their sole citizen.

Also, his professional title HAS TO BE VERIFIED BY THE ADMINISTRATION IN ORDER TO GET THE TITLE, he has ALREADY proven himself. Any further questioning of his title can and will result in negative ratings, as well as a report to the mods/administration.

@LeGenD @The Eagle @WebMaster @Horus
Russian offensive has been stalled for 2 weeks now. As long as Ukraine continues to get weapons and supplies they'll continue to inflict heavy losses on Russia. Their manpower is still well in excess of 200K.
I've been thinking about food supplies for Ukrainian population. Millions of people are trapped in a place where food production has come to an halt. Baking bread is one thing, but who can keep supply of grains? US/EU countries can supply arms for months or even years, but how will it be possible to feed the Ukrainian civilians from outside food? Logistically, this will be a nightmare :undecided:
It is a perfect western strategy, i agree with you on that. Plain and simple: Fight Russia till the last Ukrainian but the problem with this strategy is thousands of Ukrainians are being killed and the West shares the responsibility. I am not saying that, Zelensky is saying that.

In war sacrifices have to be made. Freedom is born with blood and doesnt come for free. This is Ukraine war for freedom and we help them with powerful weapons, intelligence and endless support.

Putin has already lost this war, even the most russian loyal ukrainians hate russia now so as cynicl as it may sound...this strategy is better than any no flight zone. Western weapons cause extreme high damages on russia, on same time russian economy is crushed. Russia can only react with harsher bombardment which creates even stronger hate in Ukraine against Russia. On the other hand Russia faces a Ukraine with an endless stream of advanced weapons.
I've been thinking about food supplies for Ukrainian population. Millions of people are trapped in a place where food production has come to an halt. US/EU countries can supply arms for months or even years, but how will it be possible to feed the Ukrainian civilians from outside food? Logistically, this will be a nightmare :undecided:

Food supplies to refugees are not the West's (government level) concern, in case you haven't found out.
What is to be read?... you are saying Russia is spending $ 20 billion a day, which is like 7000% more than the most expensive war of our recent memories fought by the USA in Afghanistan.

That is plain bullshyt. Use some common sense. Dont just blindly believe in everything that you read or watch.
In other words, you're literally just proving my point.
A lot of hot air and foolish claim. If manpads are as good as you claim, no country needs to field expensive anti-air missile systems like S-400, Patriot, or HQ9's. These systems are expensive and take long training time and personnels to operate compared to Stings. You've been taught but refused to learn or do your own researches. You just like to repeat troll posts and should be banned.

Seem quite effective when we see the number of dead russians. Last week alone 17.000 manpads were delivered to Ukraine. They have so much of them, they even use them against russian trucks and cars. Good luck on controlling that. Thats the thing you dont get, Ukraine doesnt need S-400 and bullshit like this. They have russian soldiers in their country, soft targets. How you kill a bus with russian soldiers with S-.300 and patriot? You cant, you use MANPADS and Panzerfaust for that.
Probably going to have to ignore this entire forum from now on.
I have been following your posts, your posts when you started posting on this thread was informative. Please do continue. Ignoring helps. Ignore for 2-3 posts they wont tag or reply anymore.
In war sacrifices have to be made. Freedom is born with blood and doesnt come for free. This is Ukraine war for freedom and we help them with powerful weapons, intelligence and endless support.

Putin has already lost this war, even the most russian loyal ukrainians hate russia now so as cynicl as it may sound...this strategy is better than any no flight zone. Western weapons cause extreme high damages on russia, on same time russian economy is crushed. Russia can only react with harsher bombardment which creates even stronger hate in Ukraine against Russia. On the other hand Russia faces a Ukraine with an endless stream of advanced weapons.
So you are trying to dictate whats best for Ukrainians when i quoted Zelenskyy? Just awesome. Zelenskyy wants a no-fly zone and not your weapons or support or lip service but the problem is west wants to use Ukrainian blood for their own freedom. Why don't West give their own blood for freedom of Ukrainians if they care so much?
In other words, you're literally just proving my point.

Now that you are threatening me to give negative ratings, what is the point in discussing?

Russian war expenses in Ukraine of $20 billion per day defy any common sense and logic.

War is expensive, yes. Russia will pay heavy price, hell yes... but will it be $7 trillion / year of pure war expenses whereas USA had in all the 20 years of Afghan war spent a total of $2,3 trillion makes absolute no sense.
Seem quite effective when we see the number of dead russians. Last week alone 17.000 manpads were delivered to Ukraine. They have so much of them, they even use them against russian trucks and cars. Good luck on controlling that. Thats the thing you dont get, Ukraine doesnt need S-400 and bullshit like this. They have russian soldiers in their country, soft targets. How you kill a bus with russian soldiers with S-.300 and patriot? You cant, you use MANPADS and Panzerfaust for that.

Just FYI, MANPADS are anti-air weapons like Stingers. Your referring to anti tank/armor weapons like Javelins and NLAWS.
Lol, sure. @LeGenD is he derailing this Russian-Ukranian war thread by talking about Zelensky's financial situation, which is unrelated to this war thread?

Also, I literally say on that page, who cares and that it doesn't matter where he got the money from. You are literally making a worthless point.

Putin is a multibillionaire, and he got his money through corruption, and investment as well.

Who cares?

What matters is this war. Talking about these two's financial situation is literally derailing the thread.

It's like mentioning that Lavrov sent his kids to the west to live in, while deriding the west as evil. Who cares? It's has nothing to do with the thread topic.
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