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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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you are probably correct
but it applies only on the short term
on the long term USA could be the biggest looser here

IF and only IF Russia manages to achieve its goal in Ukraine, which at the minimum would be a bifurcation of Ukraine along the Dnipier River and consolidation of the positions in the held area, along with cutting off Ukraine's sea access, then, yes, Russia will become a big headache for America and its allies and a constant source of friction, requiring attention and using resources by the West. While that would happen, China would get less attention and as in the last few decades the Chinese grew stronger and stronger while America kept spending its resources on foreign wars...
And I don't think that scenario is impossible though unlikely.
IF and only IF Russia manages to achieve its goal in Ukraine, which at the minimum would be a bifurcation of Ukraine along the Dnipier River and consolidation of the positions in the held area, along with cutting off Ukraine's sea access, then, yes, Russia will become a big headache for America and its allies and a constant source of friction, requiring attention and using resources by the West. While that would happen, China would get less attention and as in the last few decades the Chinese grew stronger and stronger while America kept spending its resources on foreign wars...
And I don't think that scenario is impossible though unlikely.

Its impossible simply because Europe crushs Russia to the point it cat even holds its own territory. Thats what Russia did not expect. This is not an american issue but an issue of Europe. We want Putinism destroyed and wont stop before this achieved. Germany alone did rise its defense budget so much, it became Nr. 3 military budget globally.
My overview analysis of this is that the Americans are overwhelmed by this geostragetic occurances and partially due to their policies for the last 30 years because they have been cannibalizing their allies over irrelevant matters example even NATO itself is splitted and at it's weakest point where Germany and France are not on the same page and all that is due to the cannibalism that was taking place but Biden Admin took it to a whole new level and it is coming back to haunt them as an axis that is powerful has appeared..

Example just listen to this report and they are surprised by the overwhelming support Russia is getting in China and it seems like they have been living under a rock if anything China may join this war if it spreads to Europe on Russia side making this report naive.

They have been cannibalizing their own NATO allies and MENA allies because they got to comfortable in the passing years that they became to over-confident and now everything is crashing down.

They were spying on Germany for years and keeping their military weak on purpose, undermining the French and trying to contain Turkey and limit them including trying to create irrelevant quagmires for MENA allies.. Also annoying everyone with irrelevant NGO human right activists..

While completely being oblivious to the fact that their empire is coming to an end nor knowing where the chellenge is coming from.

Right now if WW3 breaks out Europe will fall to Russia-China because everyone else will assume neutrality in the old world because they don't trust the US even Israel will assume neutrality and they can't logistically fight toe to toe with Russia and China in the old world due to logistical reasons because they don't have land-corridor to the Eurasian continent. They will be forced to watch Europe fall entirely to Russian-Chinese forces if they want to commit to an all out offensive campaign.

All of West Europe will fall easier then Ukraine after an intense nuclear campaign because they won't attack NATO unless it is via Nuclear warfare..

The threat the US is facing is alot more credible then most assume. Biden Admin is definitely not coming back to power because it has cannibalized allies and the US will focus on re-gaining allies but unsure whether they will succeed as the other side will also be doing charm offense to prevent and on the other hand NATO itself could split as France may leave the alliance.

West Europe alone can't take on an axis of China-Russia
Dude, you seem to live in alternate reality. Putin administration's ill-advised expedition in Ukraine has galvanized much of Europe (and NATO by extension).

Mighty Russia is suffering heavy losses in Ukraine on the other hand:

Ukraine did not had much of an army to begin with. But ongoing war in Ukraine shows that numbers are just a part of the calculus. People in Baltics are willing to fight for their way of life and big ticket items are not necessary to inflict heavy losses on invading forces. Modern warfare is increasingly challenging and hybrid in character.

NATO is a fully-networked military force with a number of well-equipped Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF) stationed across Baltics:

- and on another level of power projection capabilities in comparison to Russia:

Russia has substantial military might for Eurasian hemisphere but it is not equipped to handle NATO in the Baltics.

China will NOT dispatch its troops to Ukraine or wage war on Europe on behalf of Russia. This is a war that China cannot hope to win even with Russian support on the ground - too much distance and ground to cover in simple terms. Large-scale conventional military operations are very costly to execute in distant lands as well.

I recall a discussion on these lines in another thread and my assessment is 100% correct.

Post in thread 'If you must be occupy the USA, you can choose 10 countries to form an alliance to launch an attack' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/if-y...ance-to-launch-an-attack.728160/post-13428914

Post in thread 'If you must be occupy the USA, you can choose 10 countries to form an alliance to launch an attack' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/if-y...ance-to-launch-an-attack.728160/post-13429033

Post in thread 'If you must be occupy the USA, you can choose 10 countries to form an alliance to launch an attack' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/if-y...ance-to-launch-an-attack.728160/post-13430056

It won't be easy to take even Taiwan by force.

Latest headlines:

@jamahir Still waiting for you to also tell those who post several times absurd Russian released video like these where you can spot from 45km it is fake. Russians lack so much footage that they have to come with such footages that their funboys would believe are real.

So is it as fake as the "Ghost of Kiev" pics and vids ? Or those also from the Ukranian side that were debunked by a German member ( unfortunately I don't remember his name ) ? And just today a same vid was posted twice that showed a Russian armored vehicle being hit from a distance and I think one of those two times was you posting. Come on.
Dude, you seem to live in alternate reality. Putin administration's ill-advised expedition in Ukraine has galvanized much of Europe (and NATO by extension).

Mighty Russia is suffering heavy losses in Ukraine on the other hand:

Ukraine did not had much of an army to begin with. But ongoing war in Ukraine shows that numbers are just a part of the calculus. People in Baltics are willing to fight for their way of life and big ticket items are not necessary to inflict heavy losses on invading forces. Modern warfare is increasingly challenging and hybrid in character.

NATO is a fully-networked military force with a number of well-equipped Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF) stationed across Baltics:

- and on another level of power projection capabilities in comparison to Russia:

Russia has substantial military might for Eurasian hemisphere but it is not equipped to handle NATO in the Baltics.

China will NOT dispatch its troops to Ukraine or wage war on Europe on behalf of Russia. This is a war that China cannot hope to win even with Russian support on the ground - too much distance and ground to cover in simple terms. Large-scale conventional military operations are very costly to execute in distant lands as well.

I recall a discussion on these lines in another thread and my assessment is 100% correct.

Post in thread 'If you must be occupy the USA, you can choose 10 countries to form an alliance to launch an attack' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/if-y...ance-to-launch-an-attack.728160/post-13428914

Post in thread 'If you must be occupy the USA, you can choose 10 countries to form an alliance to launch an attack' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/if-y...ance-to-launch-an-attack.728160/post-13429033

Post in thread 'If you must be occupy the USA, you can choose 10 countries to form an alliance to launch an attack' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/if-y...ance-to-launch-an-attack.728160/post-13430056

It won't be easy to take even Taiwan by force.

Latest headlines:

@Titanium100 has a point about US spending 30 years "cannibalising allies" I am 100 percent agree.

US, and Biden now got the "get out of jail free card", and a mandate to reset its relationship with allies, and it's still very mixed results, to outright failing even under current circumstances.

This war gave NATO a new raison'd'etre, but not necessarily to US foreign relations.
As per some investigative journalist guy in CNN, Russia has the resources (men and material) to keep the fight going for 2 more months. But after that, Putin will find it difficult to be in the fight without direct help from his allies.

I think two month's time is too long for the defenders to hold the line given Russia's gains so far :tsk:
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In the meanwhile Putin and French president Macron have had a call as well and talked about ending the war.

The number of war refugees has increased to 6.5 million.

Poland has the most refugees.
IF and only IF Russia manages to achieve its goal in Ukraine, which at the minimum would be a bifurcation of Ukraine along the Dnipier River and consolidation of the positions in the held area, along with cutting off Ukraine's sea access, then, yes, Russia will become a big headache for America and its allies and a constant source of friction, requiring attention and using resources by the West. While that would happen, China would get less attention and as in the last few decades the Chinese grew stronger and stronger while America kept spending its resources on foreign wars...
And I don't think that scenario is impossible though unlikely.

I believe its very likely Russia either will annex all territories east of Dnipr or atleast install a Russia-friendly vassal state that will be armed to the teeth. They already have forces in Transnistria and right now forces from Crimea stonghold is moving westwards in order to connect with Transnistria. When that happens Ukraine will be land locked, left with a much smaller territory centred around Lviv.

It makes no sense for Russia to spend so much manpower and war equipment, then just withdraw back completeley with no signifant gains. Taking into consideration the massive sanctions and losses on Russian economy it makes even less sense to give up this massive strategic area.
As per some investigative journalist guy in CNN, Russia has the resources (men and material) to keep the fight going for 2 more months. But after the, Putin will find it difficult to be in the fight with direct help from his allies.

I think two month's time is too long for the defenders to hold the line given Russia's gains so far :tsk:
That is what Hitler also believed.
Russia is used to circumstances where it must fight back while its on its knees.
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