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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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They should tell Putin thay they lost the war.... :p:

Wich game is it?

I don’t which game it is? Apparently, information Warfare. We should wait for war to end then only we shall be able to conclude which side has won?
Party that throws out fakes and mis-quoted information for propaganda purposes is always at an advantage on internet.
They just come up with bullshit and then you have to get to bottom of it and find out the reality / truth. thus you need to put in much more effort and time. By the time you are done debunking the original post, propagandists has moved on to his new lies. And then once again you are burdened with more work.
That is also the reason that fake news works so well on interweb, because most people either do not have time/ resources or simply inclination to find out the truth.

Party that throws out fakes and mis-quoted information for propaganda purposes os always at an advantage on internet.
They just come up with bullshit and then you have to get to bottom of it and find out the reality / truth. thus you need to put in much more effort and time. By they time you are done debunking the original post, propagandists has moved on to his new lies. And then once again you are burdened with more work.
That is also the reason that fake news works so well on interweb, because most people either do not have time/ resources or simply inclination to find out the truth.

At the end of the war: Party which wins the war will define that Propaganda or information Warfare failed . My two cents.
That is why I always stress that US is the biggest winner in this conflict. With the sacrifice of Ukraine, it severely damages Russia, forces EU to self-immolate and humbles China. All it has to offer is just some infantry weaponry.

you are probably correct
but it applies only on the short term
on the long term USA could be the biggest looser here
Considering how bad Russia performs in Ukraine i say negotiations should be only option B. Russia already stalls at all fronts and the new systems that USA provide can take out the russian artillery. We already see that Russia starts to stop shelling simply because lack of ammo and its collapsing logistics. A war victory is far more devastating than a negotiation victory for Ukraine. At moment i would opt for a total military victory against Russia and no negotiations until their artillery is crippled.
@jamahir Still waiting for you to also tell those who post several times absurd Russian released video like these where you can spot from 45km it is fake. Russians lack so much footage that they have to come with such footages that their funboys would believe are real.

The Tweet I have posted is from the Pro Ukrainian account.

Near Kerson

It's very easy to see what's happening.

Ukrainians made a small attack on a village in between Mikolaiv, and Kerson to bait out Russian counterattack.

The moment they got into the open field, Ukrainian artillery already been waiting them.
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