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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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But who will you support when they do this is Kazakstan?
I'm a beneficiary of NATO protection which I'm glad to pay for with my tax $. So you can easily estimate where my loyalties will lie :cheers:
You are asking moderator to help you? I can shate your posts wherein you've mentioned that Zelensky made $600 Millions with help of his advisors? I am stating facts, why are you afraid of it?
Where's the quote? Pretty sure the entire comment chain was me trying to prove how pointless stating his networth was.

I'm asking the mods for help because you're derailing the thread by trolling. Last time I didn't tell a mod, I got in trouble for it.

Okay, seriously, I'm done for a long while, I just came to take a final check, probably won't have reliable internet for a long while.
I have zero confidence in the competence of US govt officials. The state department is purely focused on foiling Russia and China and they don’t give a damn about the welfare of the American people, who are going to get fucked big time.
There may be some who is tough and clear headed. Like Fed's chairman Volcker around 1980.
I am half Chinese, I know what Chinese people think I live in China for over a decade, have you?

And no, you cannot be with Russia and not inflict damage on Chinese own economy. How hard is it for you to understand? If you don't want damage done to your economy, you can't support Russia, which is being sanctioned at the moment. You are saying you want to play with fire but don't want to get burn.......

You were born in US, where is the US flag?

For every one of you as 'Chinese' there are a million Chinese unlike you. Perhaps you are a 'CBBD' (Chinese Born Confused Desi)?? Indians and Pakistanis know that category well! BTW, this claiming to know a country and its latest geopolitical situation because of your ancestry or claiming to know all military matters because you might have served in military decades ago is akin to a psychiatrist claiming to be a heart surgeon!
China is behind Russia! And will be to the extent of China's own interests not getting affected. But feel free to believe otherwise.... Chinese here and in other forums won't find it hard to shred your 'logic' to pieces if you continue on this path...

I think he said his ma is Chinese.

It would be too simple to explain just who general Huo Qubing is. Google can do it.

I mean, explain what "弱冠" "羽林郎" "定襄" "渔阳" "汉殇"means, who "烈候" "吾皇" means, and so on.

If he can explain these details and allusions clearly, we have no reason to doubt his Chinese level.

@Musings, @jhungary is the same person who claimed some days ago that he lived in Venezuela in his childhood and knew Hugo Chavez personally. So is he really a half-Chinese-ancestry person who had lived in Venezuela ? Now, Hugo Chavez became president in 1999 and JHungary said, IIRC, that he had been a soldier in the American military in Iraq in 2003 and after. JHungary's timeline of events in his life confuse me. And now that the forum's Chinese members have questioned him on his Chinese language and history skills he is not replying.

Totally trustworthy source, let's use some common sense here.

This newspaper is the source source that declared that in the first five days of the war Russia had lost 300 tanks. Yeah, totally trustworthy source. :lol:

They know they are next. Who will you all support when he invades Kazakstan?

These people make interesting videos. But I doubt if they are for real. Every time these videos show what an average western audience would like to see. It makes me suspicious :)

I have mentioned this interview vid before some pages back. The vid was posted as a thread by @beijingwalker. Contrary to what TheTutle is saying there is a girl in the vid who says that if Russia gets down to fight against the world ( meaning the Western bloc ) then Kazakhstan will fight the world alongside Russia.
A lot of Russian Orthodox Saints,Elders,as in holy men,nuns and other very pious people who died in the 19th,20th and 21st century,mentioned that there would be a big war between Russia and China in the future. Some mention that the Chinese will grab land through various means,then there would be a big war between the Russians and the Chinese where millions of soldiers would die. The Chinese will reach the Urals and stop there.

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Does your therapist know you are on the internet again?

Does Russia demonstrate similar capability in this conflict? :unsure:

Russia has military recon satellites, GLONASS, drones. Similar.
Where's the quote? Pretty sure the entire comment chain was me trying to prove how pointless stating his networth was.

I'm asking the mods for help because you're derailing the thread by trolling. Last time I didn't tell a mod, I got in trouble for it.

Okay, seriously, I'm done for a long while, I just came to take a final check, probably won't have reliable internet for a long while.

I have faith in Moderators. Let's see how they react.

Edit: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russia-ukraine-war-news-and-developments.706984/page-789
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I still yet to see you come to any of my post I quoted you and challenge me. I mean, If what I wrote is just copy and paste collection, then you should be able to read it up and start challenge me by now, right?

Then why I never heard back from you? I am waiting, I am all game, I can talk to you about anything in the Military. How to operate a M1 Abrams, How to use a M82 rifle, how to use a Manpad (yeah, I also didn't see you answer that question about MANPAD @dBSPL ask, I did tho)

Talk is cheap bro, act on it, do something, call me out if you think I am really that fake?

The burden of proof is on you.

It is you who claim to be Chinese.

Who claim to have been posted in Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, Australia, Arctic, Mars and God knows where .... and you want us to believe it.... and then you havent produced any proof for that. Any fake internet troll can do that. Unless as you produce some credible proof for that

AFA talking about other military stuff, big deal? Anyone with a little brain can research on any military term in the internet and copy/paste stuff.

With that, as wrote earlier... carry on... you give us some good giggles in these darker times, :-)
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Sure, everything that disagrees with your world view is propaganda.

Once again, pretty clear you didn't actually read the entire thing.

What is to be read?... you are saying Russia is spending $ 20 billion a day, which is like 7000% more than the most expensive war of our recent memories fought by the USA in Afghanistan.

That is plain bullshyt. Use some common sense. Dont just blindly believe in everything that you read or watch.
@Musings, @jhungary is the same person who claimed some days ago that he lived in Venezuela in his childhood and knew Hugo Chavez personally. So is he really a half-Chinese-ancestry person who had lived in Venezuela ? Now, Hugo Chavez became president in 1999 and JHungary said, IIRC, that he had been a soldier in the American military in Iraq in 2003 and after. JHungary's timeline of events in his life confuse me. And now that the forum's Chinese members have questioned him on his Chinese language and history skills he is not replying.

This newspaper is the source source that declared that in the first five days of the war Russia had lost 300 tanks. Yeah, totally trustworthy source. :lol:

I have mentioned this interview vid before some pages back. The vid was posted as a thread by @beijingwalker. Contrary to what TheTutle is saying there is a girl in the vid who says that if Russia gets down to fight against the world ( meaning the Western bloc ) then Kazakhstan will fight the world alongside Russia.

The burden of prood is on you.

It is you who claim to be Chinese.

Who claim to have been posted in Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, Australia, Arctic, Mars and God knows where .... and you want us to believe it.... and then you havent produced any proof for that. Any fake internet troll can do that. Unless as you produce some credible proof for that

AFA talking about other military stuff, big deal? Anyone with a little brain can research on any military term in the internet and copy/paste stuff.

With that, as wrote earlier... carry on... you give us some good giggles in these darker times, :-)
I don't think US Army allows Chinese citizens ( currently holding Chinese citizenship) into Officer cadre probably not even after obtaining US citizenship. Not so sure how it works.
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