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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Now to put things in perspective, USA spent from 2001 - 2022 altogether $2,31 Trillion in Afghan war. And that too in environment which was thousands of km away and cost much much more than if US were to march in a neighboring country.

$20 billion per day would roughly mean $ 7 Trillion in one year and in 20 years time it would be what? $140 (!!) trillion.

Do you even question logically the propaganda sources before sharing them?

Yes wars are not cheap.
Yes we are all against wars and we are also against this one.

But kindly do not spread blind propaganda. Thanks!
Yes yes, everything you disagree with is propaganda. Also, you clearly didn't read the entire thing, it's very much obvious.

Let's ignore the fact that the Russians are pouring in more resources in Ukraine in a short time span, while the US didn't have to, because Iraqi barely had a functioning army before and during the invasion.

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Again you think China (not the Chinese here, who know the square root of jack shit in international politics) would risk isolating themselves with the US, Canada, EU and UK, which represent 70% of world economy and 90% of world currency base. And go help out Russia, who can't even manage to take Maruipol after 23 days of fighting.

I mean if China fancy selling their product to Africa and Russia, than 2 or 3 times the price in US, EU, sure, be my guess, go with Russia, as I said, you don't even know how much the West wanted China to side with Russia. The further they step into that deep hole, the more problem they will get, China already have North Korea as their liability, do you think they need Russia as well?

So not, you should just give on China is with Russia.

A Chinese person is better placed to answer your post. To me and just about all Western thinkers, China supports Russia! That China might not go to the extent to inflict damage on the Chinese economy is a different matter.
If the Chinese see Nuclear warfare in west europe they will intervene on Russia's side and west europe will fall entirely. The Americans can't put forces on the ground like WW2 as they can be logistically stopped from coming over with anything significiant limiting their intervention but the Americans will likely brace for an invasion happening on their lands post that
The US can’t fight a ground war against Russia. Period. Not going to happen. Russia is taking a lot of hits but Russia is willing to take those hits to win. Remember it lost twenty million but destroyed Nazi germany. Russia is the entire reason why Hitler was defeated, the western Allies just jumped in to kick a dying corpse in the end after Russia had already cannibalized Germany.
A Chinese person is better placed to answer your post. To me and just about all Western thinkers, China supports Russia! That China might not go to the extent to inflict damage on the Chinese economy is a different matter.

I am half Chinese, I know what Chinese people think I live in China for over a decade, have you?

And no, you cannot be with Russia and not inflict damage on Chinese own economy. How hard is it for you to understand? If you don't want damage done to your economy, you can't support Russia, which is being sanctioned at the moment. You are saying you want to play with fire but don't want to get burn.......
Again, Is that a no then?

Also, at least the Chinese UN representative disagree with you. They voted abstain. not with Russia......

China abstained because Russia recognized the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk. It is impossible for us to allow a region to vote for independence without the consent of the central govt. Otherwise, Taiwan will also vote. What shall we do?

If Russia organizes a volunteer army to help the East Ukrainian army overthrow the Nazi govt of Ukraine and solve the problem under the national framework of Ukraine, rather than splitting Ukraine. We will support Russia.

Putin does not solve the problem within the national framework of Ukraine, but recognizes the independence of eastern Ukraine. We suspect that Russia wants to annex these regions, just like Crimea. This is an obvious act of aggression, which the Chinese don't like. We oppose sanctions against Russia, but we do not support Russia's annexation of Ukraine. Can you correctly understand the Chinese attitude towards the war?
It would be interesting for China to supply Russia with Chinese designed weapons for real world use in Ukraine.

I wonder if that is possible.
China abstained because Russia recognized the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk. It is impossible for us to allow a region to vote for independence without the consent of the central govt. Otherwise, Taiwan will also vote. What shall we do?

If Russia organizes a volunteer army to help the East Ukrainian army overthrow the Nazi govt of Ukraine and solve the problem under the national framework of Ukraine, rather than splitting Ukraine. We will support Russia.

You do know what you are saying is that China is NOT currently supporting Russia, right?

Because Russia is NOT solving this problem under the national framework of Ukraine....

You are saying had they done it otherwise, China will support them, well, duh, they weren't doing it any other way tho....
I am half Chinese, I know what Chinese people think I live in China for over a decade, have you?
No, you don't, you really don't, here we have many Chinese members, ask them if you don't believe. If all Chinese believe you don't know China and Chinese people and you insist that you do, that only will make you a laughing stock.
The US can’t fight a ground war against Russia. Period. Not going to happen. Russia is taking a lot of hits but Russia is willing to take those hits to win. Remember it lost twenty million but destroyed Nazi germany. Russia is the entire reason why Hitler was defeated, the western Allies just jumped in to kick a dying corpse in the end after Russia had already cannibalized Germany.
The Soviet Union is not the Russian federation.

If it was the Soviets, Ukraine would has been under complete Soviet control within a matter of days, an Zelensky would have been buried 6 feet under within hours of the invasion.

The fact that the Soviets took those hits is the reason why Russia's population suffers extreme fluctuations. The Russian Federation can't afford to take such hits, which was the reason behind Russia's modernization plan in the first place.

Okay, now I'm done.
I dont know. I see russian soldiers dieing by the thousands each day as we hammer them with MANPADS. Dont you think chinese commanders make their conclusions too?

Or do you say the russian war goes as planned? Do you see this desastrous military plunder as a sucess?

Before the war, Russia was a small economy but now its a destroyed economy. Do you consider this sucess?

China watchs and thats it about it. You watch as we collectivly beat Russia to pulp.

And only support from China are warm words
We beat Russia to a pulp? Dude NATO and US are scared to implement a no-fly zone, they don't have the balls. They are just fighting Russia till the last Ukrainian.

In the process of not implementing a no-fly zone because they are scared, they are allowing Russia to beat Ukraine to a pulp. As Zelensky has mentioned it countless times that West is responsible with Russia for thousands of Ukrainians deaths.
The Soviet Union is not the Russian federation.

If it was the Soviets, Ukraine would has been under complete Soviet control within a matter of days, an Zelensky would have been buried 6 feet under within hours of the invasion.

The fact that the Soviets took those hits is the reason why Russia's population suffers extreme fluctuations. The Russian Federation can't afford to take such hits, which was the reason behind Russia's modernization plan in the first place.

Okay, now I'm done.
Sure you can say that, but the Russians aren’t facing Nazi germany today either. Also keep in mind that in the early stage of the war, the soviets took massive losses in territory and population. Russia has only gained territory in Ukraine despite some heavy losses and logistical issues.
LOL whatever, as if what you or anyone here think will change what I did and what I went thru.

Dude, it's been what, 6 years? Since we have this Chinese Flag talk, does it even get old with you guys?
You were born in US, where is the US flag?
Police serve civilization. Civilization eliminates violent and abusive men. That is why after thousands of years of civilization Chinese men are like so. No more violence and abuse in China.
So some men are allowed to use violence while others aren't as long as those some men serve civilization. I suggest every violent man claim to use violence to serve the civilization.
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