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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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If till now you still don't see that China is with Russia, you've got to be blind.

Russia is defeated buddy, what you do when we got Putin? China started a test with Russia and waits what happens. It sees how the west serves Russias head on a tablet and will make its own conclusions.

China never is with anyone, china is with china only
And you went from reporting as a serious military veteran with battlefield and weapons knowledge to... this?? <Joking>
Well, I don't see anything wrong with this news....

That goes with the commanding in chief of a nation and how he conduct warfare.

I mean if US is at war, would you be commenting on the mental status of Biden?

Also, you can see it for yourself about Putin Transitioning. He really look like he have some work done and started wearing make up. I would worry if my commander in chief start wearing a dress. Don't you think?

If till now you still don't see that China is with Russia, you've got to be blind.
With Russia is when Chinese VOTED WITH Russia, I don't see Russia is "Abstaining" from that Resolution. ergo, China is NOT with Russia on this.

Gosh, is English really that hard? Do you want me to type Chinese instead?
Russia is defeated buddy, what you do when we got Putin? China started a test with Russia and waits what happens. It sees how the west serves Russias head on a tablet and will make its own conclusions.

China never is with anyone, china is with china only
This is your wishful thinking, first, Russia is not defeated, second, China is with Russia, anyone who is not blind now can see it.
More destroyed russian equipment and ukrainian soldiers joking about it

With Russia is when Chinese VOTED WITH Russia, I don't see Russia is "Abstaining" from that Resolution. ergo, China is NOT with Russia on this.

Gosh, is English really that hard? Do you want me to type Chinese instead?
You can not judge everything based on a single vote, I watch Chinese TV everyday, they are 100% pro Russia and Chinese social media is overwhelming pro Russia due to the influence of the Chinese government media. You also know it but you are just in denial.
Oh, please. Don't make Chinese look like a bunch of sissy pants.

Peacefulness and friendliness is a plus for men. Women don't like abusive and violent men. Western women prefer Chinese men to Western men precisely because Chinese men are not abusive and violent like Western men. Chinese men are about the same height as Chinese women. Western men are half a foot taller than Western women. Ergo, Western men have too must testosterone therefore violent and abusive to women.
More destroyed russian equipment and ukrainian soldiers joking about it

Sometime I thought Putin just want to out-do the American.........I mean its a two horses race now, how much US left Taliban its equipment vis-a-vis how much Russia left Ukrainian their equipment.

You can not judge everything based on a single vote, I watch Chinese TV everyday, they are 100% pro Russia and Chinese social media is overwhelming pro Russia due to the influence of the Chinese government media. You also know it but you are just in denial.
Again, if that is the case, do tell me why China did not vote WITH Russia on this? Again, do you understand the meaning of "with"

And a few page ago, you said NOT all Chinese are pro-Russia on this, so which one is true now? Because it cannot both be true?

Oh, by the way, it's NOT a single vote. There were 2. Both abstained.
Peacefulness and friendliness is a plus for men. Women don't like abusive and violent men. Western women prefer Chinese men to Western men precisely because Chinese men are not abusive and violent like Western men.
Women do like men to use violence against other men who are harming them.
This is your wishful thinking, first, Russia is not defeated, second, China is with Russia, anyone who is not blind now can see it.

I dont know. I see russian soldiers dieing by the thousands each day as we hammer them with MANPADS. Dont you think chinese commanders make their conclusions too?

Or do you say the russian war goes as planned? Do you see this desastrous military plunder as a sucess?

Before the war, Russia was a small economy but now its a destroyed economy. Do you consider this sucess?

China watchs and thats it about it. You watch as we collectivly beat Russia to pulp.

And only support from China are warm words
Women do like men to use violence against other men who are harming them.

Bullshit. Women prefer men who are not violent and abusive. Thousands of years of civilization shaped Chinese men to be like so. Men who do violence are gunned down by police. They don't get women. And they sure as hell don't pass on their violent genes.
I dont know. I see russian soldiers dieing by the thousands each day as we hammer them with MANPADS. Dont you think chinese commanders make their conclusions too?

Or do you say the russian war goes as planned? Do you see this desastrous military plunder as a sucess?

Before the war, Russia was a small economy but now its a destroyed economy. Do you consider this sucess?

China watchs and thats it about it. You watch as we collectivly beat Russia to pulp.

And only support from China are warm words
Neither you nor me can delare wether Russia or Ukraine is defeated, do you agree?
Oh, please. Don't make Chinese look like a bunch of sissy pants.

If the Chinese see Nuclear warfare in west europe they will intervene on Russia's side and west europe will fall entirely. The Americans can't put forces on the ground like WW2 as they can be logistically stopped from coming over with anything significiant limiting their intervention but the Americans will likely brace for an invasion happening on their lands post that

Wars aren't cheap or easy, which is why nations avoid them unless they are confident of victory.

@amlioh look, I gave him an answer. Boohoo, that's too bad 😞
Now to put things in perspective, USA spent from 2001 - 2022 altogether $2,31 Trillion in Afghan war. And that too in environment which was thousands of km away and cost much much more than if US were to march in a neighboring country.

$20 billion per day would roughly mean $ 7 Trillion in one year and in 20 years time it would be what? $140 (!!) trillion.

Do you even question logically the propaganda sources before sharing them?

Yes wars are not cheap.
Yes we are all against wars and we are also against this one.

But kindly do not spread blind propaganda. Thanks!
This is your wishful thinking, first, Russia is not defeated, second, China is with Russia, anyone who is not blind now can see it.

I agree with you.
This @jhungary from day one is saying that China is not with Russia. That's so ill-informed!! This guy even said at the start of this war that China is going put Russia in place due to Russian using nukes. The use of nukes were not even mentioned start of the war because of the assumption of a cakewalk.
China is definitely WITH Russia. That China abstained is nothing more than China following its official policy of non-aggression and sovereignty.
Having said that, this war gives China advantages which China could use not only in Russia but also through Americans. That's how big powers work!!
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