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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia is not isolated, some of the world most important countries are with Russia. we can together work out something to isolate the west.
What balance?

You do know Russia is a 1.4 trillion economy, right? Ask yourself this, how much China import oil and gas from Russia, and then we start talking about Balance......
Your mistake is that you think all 1.4 million is because of trade with foreign countries .
Your mistake is that you think all 1.4 million is because of trade with foreign countries .
I actually don't know what that guy is talking about, Russia has everything China needs, even China didn't buy much of them from Russia before, China can quickly shift buying priorities and change the whole landscape of world supply chain from now.
Your mistake is that you think all 1.4 million is because of trade with foreign countries .
1.4 trillions not 1.4 millions

And if you have to ask this, I think you pretty much do not understand what GDP mean.....

I actually don't know what that guy is talking about, Russia has everything China needs, even China didn't buy much of them from Russia before, China can quickly shift buying priorities and change the whole landscape of world supply chain.
So, do Russia have Banana plantation? Or are you saying Chinese don't eat Banana hence they don't need them??

Dude, your understanding of worldwide supply chain is laughable......
Few pages back you couldn't tell how Zelensky has fortunate of $560 Millions. Was that due to being a Mental Slave?

You'd never get answer on this from @That Guy

@Apollon Hope above answer drills some sense in your head. :devil:
Lol, I literally said who cares where he got that money from, as it has nothing to do with the current situation. If you're the guy I was arguing with, that just makes this funny, because you're still obsessed over an irrelevant point.
Russia is not isolated, some of the world most important countries are with Russia. we can together work out something to isolate the west.

BLAH HAAHAAHAA. Sure, China and Russia together can isolate the west.

This is pretty much the "You can't fire me, I quit" argument......I mean, you can't Isolate me, I isolate you......

Have you heard? Russian FM plane on route to Beijing got turn back to Moscow.......

Reuters.com front page right now. Perhaps the only major Western news channel which doesn't put in political agendas too much into 'News'. It will be interesting to see what, if any, quid pro quo, Biden and Xi offer each other. Big powers do a lot behind the scene--we only hear occasionally about things like Ribbentorp-Molotov deals. Also, Lavrov is saying that Russia is going to 'look east' to China, India and Asia, away from Europe. Plus the sanctions against Russia would be a double edged sword.
Read on!

First of all, there is absolutely no disputing that Russia is spending a lot of money for this war.


Let me repeat my earlier question which I put several hundred pages ago.

Do you have an authentic source which supports your claim that Russia loses 10s of billions of $$ a DAY due to this war?

Lets just analyse a bit and do a little calculation:

If Russia is losing 10s of billions a day, it would mean at least 20 $ billion a day (otherwise it is 10 and not 10s of billions).

Now the war is in its 22nd day.

That would mean Russia has already spent/lost MINIMUM of 440 $ billion? o_O

Where the heck are they getting this money from? And above all, does that make any sense? :undecided:

Wars aren't cheap or easy, which is why nations avoid them unless they are confident of victory.

@Amliunion look, I gave him an answer. Boohoo, that's too bad 😞
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You come from the West and are not as familiar with industrial knowledge as the Chinese, so you really underestimate the difficulty and time of rebuilding the modern industrial system from scratch.

These are consumables for coal and oil mines. If the supply of consumables is stopped, these mines will be shut down within three days. If the work is stopped for more than three months, these machines need to be overhauled and then scrapped<So if China ZCC.CT group (factory 601, which produces 15% of the world's cemented carbide products) imposes sanctions on Russia, Russia will not be able to produce any resources.>.
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View attachment 825231
The modern industrial system is a result of the gradual upgrading and accumulation of human beings over a thousand years. If the industrial chain breaks, it will be scrapped quickly, but the reconstruction time will take generations.
For example, if you want to make penicillin, a necessity of modern mankind, you first need to be able to make freeze-dried powder. If you want to make lyophilized powder, you first need high voltage current. If you want high voltage current, you first need stainless steel, special steel, rubber and electric welding. Synthetic rubber needs organic chemical industry, which needs ethylene manufacturing and aromatics manufacturing. Welding requires electrical systems, which require capacitor manufacturing and mercury arc rectifiers, which require chlorine manufacturing and aluminum industry. Just one penicillin, you need to develop hundreds of industrial links. It takes only a week for China to get resource countries to abandon the dollar, because Chinese have mastered the necessities of life and production consumables they need. The west can't even make light bulbs in a week, because it needs vacuum pumps, and then vacuum pumps need hundreds of advanced technologies.
Even if Western countries are given a hundred years, they will not be able to rebuild the whole industrial chain from scratch. China is the only country on the blue planet with a complete manufacturing industry.
So long as you have the knowledge and the raw material, rebuilding isn't that difficult. Throughout the history, usually it is the lack of the raw material that disrupts a civilization, like the collapse of the Late Bronze Age.
So, do Russia have Banana plantation? Or are you saying Chinese don't eat Banana hence they don't need them??

Dude, your understanding of worldwide supply chain is laughable......
lol, sure, your banana world supply chain is indeed an eye opener, lol...
US said it wouldn't block debt payment from Russia, at least for now.

[Edit] okay, back to work, won't log on for a while.
I wonder if debtors would loose confidence in Russia because of failure to meet payments when it is under such restrictive sanctions. Perhaps even if Russia defaults, it may get a pass after the sanctions are lifted because its credit rating will easily come back up again. :unsure:
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