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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Dude, I am not going to go back to a post I made 3 weeks ago, and I just did with another member.

You know what I said 3 weeks ago, and if you want to know again, go back to that post.

Or I will ask you the same question, why a $100 note worth $100 and not the 10 cents it was printed on? And if you think it's the Fed that said so, then you have a bigger problem then what guaranteed Fiat Money....Because Fed can say the 1.03 trillions US National T Bond China is holding worth 0.001 cents and that, I think would be a bigger problem then what guarantee fiat money.
Then read this: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fiatmoney.asp
Fish out of water wiggles the most! Western media is making it Obvious .
Relax, as initially stated Russia will carve out nations! Surgery is underway, don't be impatient.
Did you even read your own source?

Fiat money is a government-issued currency that is not backed by a physical commodity, such as gold or silver, but rather by the government that issued it. The value of fiat money is derived from the relationship between supply and demand and the stability of the issuing government, rather than the worth of a commodity backing it. Most modern paper currencies are fiat currencies, including the U.S. dollar, the euro, and other major global currencies.
Care to explain what "the relationship between supply and demand" mean? Does that mean "Nothing"?
Reuters.com front page right now. Never mind that all NATO countries are protected by American military umbrella. Never mind that Russia is a has-been and a B-Grade power. War is big bucks in America and Europeans are once again proving incapable of independent thinking and, if this war spreads, it will be Europe which will pay a huge price. But it's a win for China, too.

Russia didn't want to help a competitor. If you think russia cant extract its own oil, I think you are mistaken and will be surprised.

Yes i think they cant extract their own oil. Russia is not an industrialized country.
Reuters.com front page right now. Never mind that all NATO countries are protected by American military umbrella. Never mind that Russia is a has-been and a B-Grade power. War is big bucks in America and Europeans are once again proving incapable of independent thinking and, if this war spreads, it will be Europe which will pay a huge price. But it's a win for China, too.

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What you dont understand is, that facist russia is the enemy of Europe. We dont need USA to understand whats going pn and that this Russian regime must be destroyed. No matter what
Did you even read your own source?

Care to explain what "the relationship between supply and demand" mean? Does that mean "Nothing"?
It is a relationship, not a guarantee since supply is very easy to accomplish. It is just a few keystrokes. No other goods can be made this easy, not even a twitter post.
It is a relationship, not a guarantee since supply is very easy to accomplish. It is just a few keystrokes. No other goods can be made this easy, not even a twitter post.
US can print money easily because of $ reserve status. Other countries cannot afford to do so without more severe consequences.
Yes i think they cant extract their own oil. Russia is not an industrialized country.
Think in this way. Daqing oil field, one of the few million barrel oil fields in the world, was developed in China back around 1959. China wasn't an industrialized country at all.
Think in this way. Daqing oil field, one of the few million barrel oil fields in the world, was developed in China back around 1959. China wasn't an industrialized country at all.
Not all oil fields are made equal. You should know that as a resident of Canada :cheers:
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