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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Europe has given more in total then the USA.
With a 20% smaller economy.
While having budgetted away much of their military stocks…as opposed to USA where its just sitting in the sierra desert.
As such it is sending much larger % of their military stock.

135 out of 6500 Bradleys
31 out of 5000 Abrams
0 out of 12.000 combat aircraft.
Its small change. Peanuts for America.

Also lets not forget europe were always the “peace through trade” idealists with Russia.
While USA never stopped with the “red scare”. That is…until Russia actually attacked an european democratic ally of USA…then for the Republicans its time to throw that ally, and the rest of europe..under the bus.

France? Well they are equally shit.
But atleast France never pretends to be the “arsenal of democracy and freedom”

US could develop Ukrainian armed forces at a much faster pace but Americans have a soft corner for Russians deep down. This war should be concluded before next Presidential Election but Joe Biden is sleeping.

Europe has given more in total then the USA.
With a 20% smaller economy.
While having budgetted away much of their military stocks…as opposed to USA where its just sitting in the sierra desert.
As such it is sending much larger % of their military stock.

135 out of 6500 Bradleys
31 out of 5000 Abrams
0 out of 12.000 combat aircraft.
Its small change. Peanuts for America.

Also lets not forget europe were always the “peace through trade” idealists with Russia.
While USA never stopped with the “red scare”. That is…until Russia actually attacked an european democratic ally of USA…then for the Republicans its time to throw that ally, and the rest of europe..under the bus.

France? Well they are equally shit.
But atleast France never pretends to be the “arsenal of democracy and freedom”
You hit the nail on the head, Europe stopped caring about the Russian threat. So no matter the amount of money they give they don’t have the weapons to give.
Time and time I’ve said this is Europe’s mess not America’s so stop crying and lay the blame where it belongs (at the feet of Europe)
Europeans can’t even except blame and they once again expect Americans to rescue them, gee I wonder why maga republicans don’t want to fund this fiasco any longer

Look at the polling, the majority of Americans agree
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Ukrainian Patriot system is a much better configuration than previously admitted.

Ukrainians have received the best-in-class PAC-3 MSE interceptors as well.

Ukraninian Patriot systems have shot down virtually anything within range. These kills includes Russian jet fighters, Russian helicopters, Russian and Iranian drones, Russian cruise missiles, and Russian quasi-ballistic missiles including hypersonic types.

Machine being excellent no doubt, quality of men is also a factor. Ukrainian men have done a good job with Patriot systems.
Yes just like Bayraktar, Leppards, Callander Tanks, and all the rest were meant to be game changers. Mother Russia has an answer to everything. The soon the Clown of Kiev realises that this is an unwinnable war, the better for the region and the world. He needs to come to the negotiation table rather than fight to the last Ukrainian. Just another Yahoodi forcing and killing off the Christians again. A scumbag of the highest order.
Game changer: repeated attacks inside Russia (ports on Black Sea, a bomber base, and Moscow) all were supposed to be Russia's humiliating red lines that would never be crossed and now pretty much crossed several times a week. Not every weapon to bear will have the intended effect.

Look at the fame Wagner: out on their b**ts, in a foreign country after turning on its own military. No Bradley or Leopard has done that has it?

An upgraded airframe from late 70s purchase, upgraded most recently likely 15 years ago, lets see how it matches against Russia. Ultimately it will be weapon deployment, tactics, training, and OODA loop that will determine if they prevail or lose to Russian air

Biden out in the next election. Then maybe we can have peace.

On a bad day, Philly is likely a better place than where 50% of Russians live
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Russia is more powerful more united and more aggressive now than ever before

Russia did not move closer to NATO, it was NATO that moved closer to Russia

when was the last time you seen a Non-Western AirPower take out advanced Western ground equipment ?

Ka-52 yesterday took out Leopard and Bradley

these are all important millstones and first of kind kills
I would welcome this engagement: at the rate Ka-52s are being shout out of the sky for destroying a tank or a bradley, let them keep coming as the Ka-52 dwindles
Still, nuclear war is a horrible development. Let's hope that it does not happen.

5% of population is proportionally way less than WW2 losses, when most of them were working age men. If it would be just the silo based missiles, it's will be far less.

I am by no means encouraged by that, but leadership must evaluate nuclear scenarios with brevity. A coordinated launch gives the best bang for buck, and for anything less, Russia obviously loses due to reasons I stated above.

"A limited nuclear attack" scenarios over which Western think tankers salivate so much, where Russia nukes a capital of a minor NATO country as a statement of determination, will just mean that the West will finally take Russia seriously: SWIFT will be cut off for sure, at least some military response will be there, and at least trade will be finally severed, if not blockaded.

I don't believe the current white house will have balls to pressure Beijing into "you are with us, or against us" even in that scenario, but even that way, many critical commodities would be denied. Imagine Russia without rubber to make tires. While Russia has no shortage of oil to make tires from, all the chemistry for it is coming from the West, not China.
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You hit the nail on the head, Europe stopped caring about the Russian threat. So no matter the amount of money they give they don’t have the weapons to give.
Time and time I’ve said this is Europe’s mess not America’s
Are you kidding me?

1: America actively opposed too much european-russian integration. As such it partly made sure the “threat” remained.

2: America wants europe to buy their weapons at a premium…but otherwise remain completely dependant and subservient. Including granting America massive military bases which are mostly for american interest and power projection.

too much “united states of europe”, own european defence industry or cooperation???….it was all heavily opposed and underminded by America.

“U.S. administrations have traditionally been skeptical of the EU as a defense player. They have been concerned about unnecessarily duplicating NATO structures, about losing influence in Europe, and about Europeans pursuing a diverging foreign policy course on Russia or China. Washington has also been apprehensive that EU defense market integration would restrict U.S. defense companies’ market access. Under former President Trump, the United States openly lobbied against the EU’s defense industrial initiatives, accusing the Union of deploying protectionist instruments to shut out U.S. firms”

3: as a return for “buying american” and handing out military bases for american use, USA always claimed to be the “arsenal of democracy”. To “defend its european allies”.
This 180 at a moment of need is a complete stab in the back. Is this how you treat your allies?

So no…USA is elbow deep in this mess and a major cause of european lagging behind in its own independant defence.

so stop crying and lay the blame where it belongs (at the feet of Europe)
Europeans can’t even except blame and they once again expect Americans to rescue them,
Russian army is being completely depleted of its soviet stock and with polish and german re-armament it really is not a large threat so we do not need to be “rescued”.

What we do hope to avoid is russia turning into a larger north korea…with a new cold war, asymmetrical warfare, and decades of military spending on both sides.
And for ukraine (your ally) to not to be crushed underfoot.

What would be needed to avoid this is America sending more then 1% of its military stocks….
But no…its throw your allies under the bus time.

gee I wonder why maga republicans don’t want to fund this fiasco any longer
Look at the polling, the majority of Americans agree
Cause they are short sighted troglodytes heavily infested/puppeteered by Putin.

This is their once in a century chance to tackle their age old “red scare” for small change and a sprinkle of their military stock.

But no. Lets hide in your cave, have russia become a north korean like gas station/colony for China and lose your european allies to boot.
Oh and ofcourse you are not really “saving mah tax money”. You will spend it on your military (sitting in the american desert), or more trillions for tax cuts on the rich.
Russia has heavy air defense with S300 and S400

Right now They don’t have anything to shoot down

Once F16s come like leopard they become big targets

F16 or no F16 Russia has this war under it’s belt
Russia has heavy air defense with S300 and S400

Right now They don’t have anything to shoot down

Once F16s come like leopard they become big targets

F16 or no F16 Russia has this war under it’s belt
The question is who will die first?

S300, S400 are said have operational range of 300-400km. The Russians must move the vehicles closer to the front. Which in turn will become targets by F16s potential long range missiles.
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