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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It is seen that the main-secondary attacks of the Ukrainian army from the Kharkiv and Izyum axis, including deception and diversion, produced results and affected the positions of the Russian army, the will and determination to fight, and forced them to retreat. The Russian army had to retreat in order not to disperse, not to lose force, not to be all front dissolved. If they had not retreated, a terrible loss would have occurred.

There is some success that can be included in the curriculum of the war academies worldwide.
We don't call it parade uniforms, it's called dragon green chivalry type 002 uniform. Just like your pal Hungary said, you have no idea about our uniforms and he is an. Outfit expert. A Hahahah.
You can call it anything you want. The bottom line here is that you and your fellow PDF Chinese are clueless about military life in general, let alone something as serious as warfare. You guys treat warfare and soldiering as convenient props for Chinese propaganda never expecting that somewhere along the way, a couple of guys who actually served their country exposed the lot of you for the fools that ALL of you really are. Anything from finance to semiconductor, fools you are. So bad that you guys actually tried to gaslight the world on who invented the internet.

PLA = Parade Line Army.

Your China will do nothing to help Russia. Whatever short term gains do not outweigh the probable international cost.


For every meter of Ukrainian land regained, Xi will take one meter away from Poutine. Russia will never be the vassal to China. We all joked about it, but seriously, Russia have too much nuclear weapons to submit to China. Instead, China will begin to mend rifts with the West over this miscalculation. China will attempt to mollify the Asian regional powers, re SKR and JPN, so that they will not increase their defense spending, but China will fail in that theater. An Asian version of NATO is coming. Taiwan maybe just physically 100 miles away, but that virtual distance is increasing and more countries will be looking at some kind of formal relations with Taiwan. This latest news for Russia is not looking good for Xi. He is still politically safe in China, but now as there are calls in Russia to remove Poutine, Xi cannot afford to go down with him.

So save your faces, just leave this Ukraine thread. You cannot help China any more here.
Unconfirmed claim: Russian Defense Minister dismissed.
BREAKING: Russia has closed its border gate and not accepting fleeing civilians from conflict zones.
Am an Air Force guy, so let this be a lesson to anyone wishing to win any war -- look what happened in Ukraine and see how the VKS failed Russia.
lol, no one in the entire administration saw it coming??

I mean, probably it's a different time when I was working in intelligence, I mean, Russia used to be the shit and on par with ours........
No, they don’t see it coming because they are confident that would never come. I listened to his speech on the forum, published on YouTube. He read from the script, he spent most of the speech to insult the West, and painted a wonderful picture of Russia.

“Russia has not lost anything”.

- Vladimir Putin

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