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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

USA has ways to avoid conflicts besides military way.

Iran Deal is the best example of how Americans can avoid a war if they want.

Besides, they provocated it, without Western money since 2014, it wouldnt be Ukraine mess.

The USSR has not existed anymore.

What is the sense of sustain Europe high standard life for USA? Nothing. It's a problem in a decreasing world in energy resources and raw materials.

Blow up Europe in a thousand pieces is a good thing from USA current interests point of view.
Helping a country to defend itself is not provocation.
Helping a country by cleaning up corruption is not provocation.
Helping a country by establishing trade is not provocation.
Unless you are deranged.
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Ukraine says Iran has stopped transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia because of an offer that was difficult to reject.

The Americans were already dangling Siberia as a reward if we join the sanctions.
Xi Jinping knows that offer is not real, tangible or possible.

Russia is as great a threat to China as it is to Europe!
As of today? if yes, then based on what? please back this up- this is a bogus claim that is just your projection.
Tactically, blowing up the bridges in Kerson made alot of sense for the Russians, but strategically it did not.

Russia could have always left the threat of re-invasion open, but that is gone now.

Ukraine can keep a peace keeping force and relocate the bulk of their resources else where.

Do remember, Ukraine had numerical superiority as they were progressively beating Russian occupation forces in the Kherson region.
Ukraine says Iran has stopped transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia because of an offer that was difficult to reject.

at the end of this Ukrainian war, the position and leverage of Iran and its military will be very high and clear - its already happening. But also, NATO cant win against Russia AND Iran at the same time- so NATO still has a problem on their hand no matter what - Iran wont throw Russia at the dogs, and Russia wont collapse or lose bad on Ukraine - the war is fluid and like @serenity smartly said- whats the standard for a victory in this war?

Ukraine will suffer ALOT this winter - that is clear to everyone, including NATO. we should get ready to all donate blankets and generators to Ukranians...joke.
at the end of this Ukrainian war, the position and leverage of Iran and its military will be very high and clear - its already happening. But also, NATO cant win against Russia AND Iran at the same time- so NATO still has a problem on their hand no matter what - Iran wont throw Russia at the dogs, and Russia wont collapse or lose bad on Ukraine - the war is fluid and like @serenity smartly said- whats the standard for a victory in this war?

Ukraine will suffer ALOT this winter - that is clear to everyone, including NATO. we should get ready to all donate blankets and generators to Ukranians...joke.

I see no easy end or way out of this war.

Iran has proven its efficient and cost- effective weapons already.

Iran offers the best price-efficiency combo.
Helping a country to defend itself is not provocation.
Helping a country by cleaning up corruption is not provocation.
Helping a country by establishing trade is not provocation.
Unless you are deranged.
Tell that to USA in Cuba missile crisis 1962 :enjoy:

There are no decreasing energy resources, Europe just wants to close all its coal and nuke plants and is then surprised electricity is so expensive.

Right now Diesel liter is 20 ct more expensive than Gasoline, it's something unique in Spain history.

What's the cause? Diesel is harder to manufacture from non-crude oil sources (like oil shale).

Peak oil of normal crude oil was more than one decade ago.

Problems will increase.

Moreover, even if energy were endless, what is the sense for USA of sustain Europe high living standards? Does that beneficiate USA in some way? No, it was useful when USSR existed, it's not useful for USA anymore.

It's more useful for USA a rich Mexico, than a rich EU.
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Tactically, blowing up the bridges in Kerson made alot of sense for the Russians, but strategically it did not.

Russia could have always left the threat of re-invasion open, but that is gone now.

Ukraine can keep a peace keeping force and relocate the bulk of their resources else where.

Do remember, Ukraine had numerical superiority as they were progressively beating Russian occupation forces in the Kherson region.

People who actually understand the situation have been saying from the beginning that the Dnieper would become the new dug in border. Everything east of it is to be part of Russia and is supposedly say’. populated with Russians. I don’t believe that. Regarding the Moscow dictator , he was way to ambitious plans in take over of all Ukrainian its an absolute embarrassing Disaster for this Russian army. Been totally out classed.
Ukraine says Iran has stopped transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia because of an offer that was difficult to reject.

Part of the offer. Iran could not resist the offer.

Only a very person living in a different reality thinks that it was the United States that invaded Ukraine.
US didnt invade Ukraine, but US setup the conditions for the Russian invasion of Ukraine- thats the truth and reality.
The Russians invaded despite the US trying to discourage such lunacy.
Because NATO was integrating Ukraine at that point and not reversing- history will tell the full story you are ignoring on PDF.
In the real world, Russia is the invader,
Then why did over 6bn of the world's population not condemn Russia in the UN when it voted on censuring Russia for invading Ukraine?
and the US has been very helpful towards Ukraine.
Oh for sure...Ukraine is a NATO investment, but it wont work - and now US and EU are low on critical ammunition- better pray to God you dont enter anotyher war right now- your adversaries will eat you up cuz you have fewer and less quality weaponry to fight back with RIGHT NOW. lol.
Why make idiotic claims that every sane person knows is pure bullshit?
its idiotic to you, but its factual- dont get personal,argue the point.
Of course, because russia is much more than 30 years behind US in military tech and capability. Probably 50 years.
Bogus stories you tell to just feel better- Russia still has technologies US doesnt have- one example? HGV - US has not deployed any HGV in its military- its behind - stop gassing people here with lies pls. Russia still has missile, sub, warfare technology that US doesnt have equivalents of.

While US is probably ahead of Russia in military tech, i can agree with that because its reasonable, but to say its 50 years behind when US also buys space rocket engines from Russia still, that tells me thats an exaggeration.

I see no easy end or way out of this war.
The chance that this winter will be "manageable" or "ok" for Ukrainian military, IMO, is quite low. Ukraine is low on trooops, ammunition, fuel, etc- alot of things - if and when Russia makes a big push soon, Ukraine probably wont be able to hold all territory it has now- time is not on Ukraine's side, which means as time passes, Ukraine is at more disadvantage, period, Russia wont let Ukraine go so easily without getting something that secures it more in the future.
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