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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

lol, I like how your reply have nothing to do with what I said, instead it is just some random rant of 2A right.

and if Iran have to copy Javelin, a 1980s technology, Or 1990s tech like Starstreak then I guess all are not right in Iran.

Newsflash, we send them these weapons because we don't care if Russian (Or anyone hostile to us) have their hand on it, I am pretty sure they have a few hundred Javelin missile or a few CLU.
FGM-148F production started 2020
FGM-148E production started in 2017
FGM-148c production started in 2000

by the way javelin produced in 1996 not 1980
now the question is which version you send to Ukraine ?
i say by the number you sent probably all
Russia moving at 1km per day

but they are moving forward

Russia is slowly grinding forward

no matter what they throw at Russia, at the end of the day Russia will win this war

the juggernaut is the largest nation on earth

because they know how to take and hold land

if Russian break the road between Soversk and Bakhmut the fight is over for Ukraine

they have almost reached the road

coal is horrible for the environment, so unsustainable for a country that cares about the global climate. Typical American is ignorant of things like climate change.

can you not comprehend or is this just a tactic to avoid being wrong? I asked you to name which war US won IN MODERN TIMES, not in eternity...explains why US cant win any wars anymore- FIGHTS with emotions and little strategy.
There’s been clean coal for over 20 years, multi million dollar scrubbers are standard in the US. The green energy is a farce and the inputs are far worse for the environment, please read up a little

What’s your point, one person in Ethiopia likes Putin, irrelevant 🤷🏿‍♂️
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FGM-148F production started 2020
FGM-148E production started in 2017
FGM-148c production started in 2000

by the way javelin produced in 1996 not 1980
now the question is which version you send to Ukraine ?
i say by the number you sent probably all
Javelin was designed in the 1989, it entered service in 1994.

When was a particular tranche produce is not really the matter. This is not a fighter aircraft, you don't have major upgrade, even if we are talking about Fighter Jet, just because the F-16A Block 10 Taiwan was using was produced in year 2000 does not make it 2000 tech, it would still be the same plane that was used in 1980s.
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