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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well the Pentagon, UK MOD, independent thinktanks like ISW, independent military researchers and those who document military equipment all agree that Russia is about to see a Ukrainian offensive around Kherson, with most of its force tied down in the East and HIMARS devastating its supply and command structure. and here's the kicker: russian military bloggers, separatist command, russian media support that idea.
Until they arrive in Ukraine territory, its all ON PAPER.

Germany will most likely not supply all 100 SPH, especially if Germany dont want to use firewood this winter to keep their homes and factories warm...
They do have nuclear and coal power plants that can be brought back online, they be fine but thanks for your concern
They do have nuclear and coal power plants that can be brought back online, they be fine but thanks for your concern
Standard practice by Russian hooligans

Russia attacks Ukraine installed power capacity, because Ukraine wants to export power surpluses to EU. Half is nuclear, the rest is coal and other fossil fuel. Surplus because Ukraine industrial production is in ruin. Russia troops seized 6 power plants.

Russia attacks Odesa because Ukraine wants to export grains. Hunger, famine is a welcome tool in Moscow.

Putin just wants to steal power and grains from Ukraine. Nothing else.
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. The US lost in Vietnam when they were up against an adversary supported by an apposing superpower, the Soviets suffered the same fate in Afghanistan. But you fail to recognise that the US lost in Iraq and Afghanistan even in the absence of an apposing superpower supporting the Iraqis and Afghans. Oh sure, the US may have inflicted immense military force on the Iraqis and Afghans and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children in the process, much like the Soviets and North Vietnamese, but the military is merely an extension of policy, and that's what you Americans can't seem to understand. Iraq is pretty much in the control of Iran, and Afghanistan has returned to Taliban rule and a proxy for Pakistan. So what "victory" did the the US military achieve in either of these two theatres? As for Ukraine, that's little evidence to suggest the token US and NATO support is having much affect on the Russian main political objective of their military campaign, i.e. the liberation of mostly ethnic Russians in the Eastern part of Ukraine. Oh sure, you'll inflict plenty of pain on the Russians, but at what economic and political cost? This is what you people don't see to understand.

You also fail to recognise the immense losses NATO and the US would suffer in a potential conflict with Russia in Europe... They're not the Taliban with vintage Lee Enfield rifles. Lucky for you your generals and politicians recognise this fact, otherwise they would have directly intervened by now.
Have to remember that the Soviet Afghan war collapsed the Soviet Union, and its doing the same for the Russians as well. You called that little evidence but you see whats happening in just few months of war compared to 10 years in Afghanistan when the Russians were there. The cost is worth it.
Ok, lets assume you are correct- can you point me to the most recent war in modern times the US military actually won?

Cuz if you cant, that means i'm right.
You do not need to convince anyone here. You need to convince the military. Tell them that the US military have NEVER won a war. Then see how hard they laugh at you. :lol:
You do not need to convince anyone here. You need to convince the military. Tell them that the US military have NEVER won a war. Then see how hard they laugh at you. :lol:

Coming from an unbiased Angle the Americans have won many wars.. World war 2 all tho partially shared with soviet union but nontheless a huge win plus twice against Iraq and specially the latest one 2003 (Contrary to what some might say but that war was an absolute US victory) They got stalemate in the Korean war and Lost in Vietnam and Afghanistan.. Won against the Brits in their struggle for freedom back in their early years. Including the successful US invasion of Panama.
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