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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

View attachment 892785

This shutdown half of saudi oil production in a single strike. When they were on high alert in the middle of a war with this inventory of american multibillion dollar garbage.

The americans couldnt even defend their own base. And those were tactical strikes.

Now the entire western world is behind the ukies, and a few cheap drones are wreaking havoc, strategically humiliating western doctrine and has the ukies desperate for ad
So exactly what do you mean by “the best NATO has to offer” in Ukraine? You said “yet again”, so youre implying the best NATO has to offer is in Ukraine, and the flying lawnmower is defeating it.
He thinks that 1 Iris-T and few GEPARD can cover entire Ukraine. Let NASAMS and Iris-T come in full strength and see how these flying scooters will stop over night.
I know what he implies. He is just an iranian fanboy cheering random terrorbombing of unguarded civilian infrastructure. I just want him to point out exactly what the best NATO has to offer has got to do with it.

I think the western strategy is all wrong when dealing with these bombings of infrastructure. Give Ukraine the means to retaliate on russian soil. It would be easy to construct a few thousend drones like this and give them cruise missiles too. Let the russians have a taste themself, and let Putin choke on his nuclear threats. We‘re not supposed to bow to nuclear threats, so why should the ukrainians. If ukrainian infrastructure are considered legit target so must russian infrastructure be.
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I know what he implies. He is just an iranian fanboy cheering random terrorbombing of unguarded civilian infrastructure. I just want him to point out exactly what the best NATO has to offer has got to do with it.

I think the western strategy is all wrong when dealing with these bombings of infrastructure. Give Ukraine the means to retaliate on russian soil. It would be easy to construct a few thousend drones like this and give them cruise missiles too. Let the russians have a taste themself, and let Putin choke on his nuclear threats. We‘re not supposed to bow to nuclear threats, so why should the ukrainians. If ukrainian infrastructure are considered legit target so must russian infrastructure be.

Please do reference what wunderweapon nato has to counter the doritos?

In what quantity?

At what production rate?

If all of the above doesnt match the dorito, that means you have a strategic problem.

Yes we know ridiculously priced western 500 k missiles can take them down. But if they are not available because the.cost is too much, or they cant produce enough or whatever other excuse you come up with. The. You have a seriousssss strategic problem.

Also 100k stingers are on video repeatedly missing the shaheds… i dont recal many (or any) footage of a successful intercept from stingers.

If ukies are taking these down like they say. They wouldnt have so much buttthurt and they wouldnt be so desperate for AD

But like i said before pastry man. The ukies are taking 3 out per ak round. So whats the problem here?

Im sure when fateh’s and their 500kg warheads coming in at mach 4 on ukie heads smae thing will happen. , we will just experience more breathtaking rambo ukies shooting them down with hunting rifles and slingshots #natopropaganda

Putin says Russia 'doing everything' to help Iran join Asian security bloc​

Iranian leader trumpets cooperation with Moscow to overcome Western isolation

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) leaders' summit in Samarkand on September 15, 2022 (AFP).
MEE staff
Published date: 15 September 2022 18:27 UTC | Last update: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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Russia is accelerating Iran's bid to become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a central Asian security bloc dominated by Moscow and Beijing, and designed as a counterweight to Western influence in the region.
"We are doing everything to make Iran a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation," Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday in Uzbekistan during a meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Ebrahim Raisi.
Iran applied for membership in 2008 and is one of four observer states in the SCO. Last year, the security body approved Iran's application for accession, overcoming concerns about letting a country under UN and US sanctions into the group.
The group has eight full members: China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan.

Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow's quest for Middle East arms deals upended by fighting
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On Wednesday, Iran signed new documents to advance its full membership.
"By signing the document for full membership of the SCO, now Iran has entered a new stage of various economic, commercial, transit and energy cooperation," Hossein Amirabdollahian, Iran's top diplomat, wrote on social media.
Grigory Logvinov, deputy secretary-general of the organisation, told Russian state TV that Iran would now be able to take part in the bloc's meetings, although it is still some way from achieving full membership.

Russia looks East​

The move is the latest sign of Russia and Iran inching closer to each other. For years, Moscow has been able to trumpet its larger size, economic ties to the West and sophisticated defence industry as advantages over its historic and more isolated partner.
However, following the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has become more isolated in the West. Its defence industry, long a source of pride for leaders in Moscow, has been hamstrung by Western sanctions and battlefield losses.
Russia has since turned to Iran for assistance in acquiring armed drones and sidestepping Western sanctions. On Thursday, Putin said a delegation of 80 large companies would visit Iran next week.
For its part, Iran has welcomed the growing proximity of Moscow, particularly as it finds itself more isolated in the West with the near-collapse of talks to revive the 2015 nuclear deal.

Speaking alongside Putin on Thursday, Iran's Raisi said cooperation between the two US-sanctioned countries would be beneficial to both.

Ukrainian fighters unfazed by Iran drone supplies to Russia
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"The relationship between countries that are sanctioned by the US, such as Iran, Russia or other countries, can overcome many problems and issues and make them stronger," Raisi said.
"The Americans think whichever country they impose sanctions on, it will be stopped; their perception is a wrong one."
Raisi added that his country was "seriously determined to develop bilateral strategic relations" with Russia in the fields of politics, economy, trade, and aerospace.
Many business and political leaders in Iran expected to benefit from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with a rise in oil and commodity prices.
Yet Russia has been forced to slash prices for its goods as it contends with Western sanctions, meaning that even as Tehran and Moscow align closer in the political realm, they have been forced to compete with each other in markets such as China and Central Asia.
as i recall after hijacking Ukraine those region wanted independence and it was Ukraine army that attack them first .
interestingly i was not talking about clash between armed forces , i was talking about Ukraine shelling villages and civilians in that 8 years .
As you 'recall' that you were in theatre of operation or your village got attacked or you have some credible news source about destruction of infrastructure. Pls share some information vs. a lose recollection. If you were not there in person than a non-kremlin mouthpiece would be good.

The more they try to reach for China, the further China gets away.
Yes its perfect for China: lowest GDP growth in Asia, 40% of debt locked up in a housing bubble where there are more apartments than people to buy them.

You will have get past the fact that war in one is better for China (or vice versa): its all interlinked. The sooner this is over the quicker both camps can get along (China and west).

you forget in donetsk and luhansk they were fighting for independence since 2014 , only thing that russia did help them achieve it its not artificial state like kosovo
Iran didn't let Syria grant its western population independence, why should Ukraine have let those? Heck Iran doesn't even let its population express itself , by hypcocritically you are preaching that others should give independence to its colonies. Nobody volunteers it
One of the commanders of the PMC "Wagner" revealed the details of the rapid offensive of their units in the battles in Ukraine. As it turned out, PMC "Wagner" use the tactics of the fire shaft in their offensives. Details of the work of PMC "Wagner" in the video.

A column of military and automotive equipment of the Ukrainian army came under attack by Russian artillery in the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog direction. According to preliminary data, an armored vehicle of the Ukrainian army and three vehicles used by the military were destroyed.

The Ukrainian army received the first Armtac 400 demining vehicle manufactured by the British company Armtrac Ltd. The Armtrac 400 is the largest in the British manufacturer's line of demining equipment. The machine is equipped with a 3-meter rotary cultivator that plows the ground to a depth of 55 cm and withstands the detonation of anti-tank mines equivalent to 10 kg of TNT. According to the developers, a skilled operator of the complex can clean more than 2.5 thousand square meters in an hour. The complex can be controlled by an operator from an armored cabin equipped with air conditioning, or from a remote control, being at a distance of up to 800 meters from the car. The cost of Armtac 400 is about 500 thousand dollars.

An episode of the work of PMC Wagner in Ukraine has been published. After storming a stronghold in the Zaitsevo area, the soldiers of the PMC Wagner take prisoners of the Ukrainian army in the Bakhmut direction.

the air battle with the Su-24 tactical front-line bomber of the Ukrainian Air Force. Developed in 1975, the MiG-31 still remains unsurpassed in the class of heavy fighters.

You are smarter than this. Posting quotes from a guy who is obviously a a Russian fan and as far back as 2014 was on RT calling for annexation of eastern Ukraine. He couldn't even secure Senate nomination to become Ambassador to Germany under Trump (where anybody could get through).

Just because he has an American accent and former military does not mean he speaks for the US military. Find me one person on TV thats in Russia today and former Russian military that disagrees with the operation. Or because you can't find one, does that mean everybody agrees with Putin?

Those drones not only humiliated western defence systems. But. they are methodically and systematically dismantling ukraines vital infastracture piece by piece.

The ukies are claiming to shoot 3 of them down per ak round. So i dont see what the butthurt is for?

As an added bonus they have exposed a MASSIVE western strategic weakness

The west cant build anything cheaply anymore

attrition warfare with cheap pgms will quickly exhaust western resources. This is the lesson Russia and many other countries will be taking from this war.

Thanks to Iran.
Humiliation? All those years of equipping Hamas has shown how worthless Iranian capability is since Israel hardly shivers and is freely assassinating inside Iran. What Iran has excelled it is the equivalent of US B-17 carpet bombing: inaccurate projectiles that can attack civilian targets and cause civilian pain.

No single use of Iranian asset in Ukraine has changed the situation on the battlefield. Only caused pain to civilian infrastructure. Much like Iranians do in Syria and Kurdistan, and Gaza (when Israel retaliates).

That is what Iranians are good at.

View attachment 892785

This shutdown half of saudi oil production in a single strike. When they were on high alert in the middle of a war with this inventory of american multibillion dollar garbage.

The americans couldnt even defend their own base. And those were tactical strikes.

Now the entire western world is behind the ukies, and a few cheap drones are wreaking havoc, strategically humiliating western doctrine and has the ukies desperate for ad

Where is this prowess against Israel? Iran is too pussy to do anything there. Saudis are hardly a warrior country. They probably were sleeping at the switch so to speak. And didn't Iran gets it General killed by US but didn't do anything proportional? Yes a missile strike but with sufficient warning that there wasn't a single casualty. Thats Iranian victory....in capable of striking militarily
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Hes by faaaaaar the most reliable mainstream american voice. Highest rated by a wide margin.

But forget all that. You can Refute his points not attack his supposed character short comings.

If hes saying something thats a lie point it out. If your just gonna call him a liar and based on that wrong opinion dismiss his points without refute shows how intellectually bankrupt you are. Pathetic
Do the math: he (like Fox) is top rated because its the only channel that takes an anti-everything biden is doing view. There is only one channel that will fabricate facts (like Republicans will never cut social security when thats pretty much what the politicians have said in the past). All people anti-democrat/or voter fraud gravitate to this channel because they have nowhere else to go.

The other half have a dozen networks to go to. He is top rated because he is on Fox and Fox there is no alternative to Fox who just oppose democrats

Tomorrow if all those dozen networks went away went to one, then that would be also a top Rated channel.

So worship away T. Carlson as he makes his own alternate reality.
Oh and btw, do you have a top rated anchor like this in Iran who opposes Iran's interference in Lebanon/Yemen? Pls share that as well so we can worship him.

When American troops land in brown lands it is all for spreading democracy. When Russian troops land in Ukraine it is a death wish. Nice.
There was no reason to invade Iraq. That much is true. But if you are comparing facts (morality aside) in two countries over 15 years US lost 4,000 service men. Russians have lost many times that number in 6 months
Saudis are hardly a warrior country?

Think a bit..who brought you Islam with their blood..stop your stupid arrogance or better yet your ignorance,,

Another thing..Iran as the whole of the Middle Est know that Usrael is NATO in disguise..that is why everyone is prudent there..

You are smarter than this. Posting quotes from a guy who is obviously a a Russian fan and as far back as 2014 was on RT calling for annexation of eastern Ukraine. He couldn't even secure Senate nomination to become Ambassador to Germany under Trump (where anybody could get through).

Just because he has an American accent and former military does not mean he speaks for the US military. Find me one person on TV thats in Russia today and former Russian military that disagrees with the operation. Or because you can't find one, does that mean everybody agrees with Putin?

Humiliation? All those years of equipping Hamas has shown how worthless Iranian capability is since Israel hardly shivers and is freely assassinating inside Iran. What Iran has excelled it is the equivalent of US B-17 carpet bombing: inaccurate projectiles that can attack civilian targets and cause civilian pain.

No single use of Iranian asset in Ukraine has changed the situation on the battlefield. Only caused pain to civilian infrastructure. Much like Iranians do in Syria and Kurdistan, and Gaza (when Israel retaliates).

That is what Iranians are good at.

Where is this prowess against Israel? Iran is too pussy to do anything there. Saudis are hardly a warrior country. They probably were sleeping at the switch so to speak. And didn't Iran gets it General killed by US but didn't do anything proportional? Yes a missile strike but with sufficient warning that there wasn't a single casualty. Thats Iranian victory....in capable of striking militarily
Saudis are hardly a warrior country?

Think a bit..who brought you Islam with their blood..stop your stupid arrogance or better yet your ignorance,,

Another thing..Iran as the whole of the Middle Est know that Usrael is NATO in disguise..that is why everyone is prudent there..
Those drones not only humiliated western defence systems. But. they are methodically and systematically dismantling ukraines vital infastracture piece by piece.

The ukies are claiming to shoot 3 of them down per ak round. So i dont see what the butthurt is for?

As an added bonus they have exposed a MASSIVE western strategic weakness

The west cant build anything cheaply anymore

attrition warfare with cheap pgms will quickly exhaust western resources. This is the lesson Russia and many other countries will be taking from this war.

Thanks to Iran.

Targeting civilians & civilians infrastructures is not the own you people think it is. Terrorbombing didn't help Hitler it will not help Putin either.

Iranian drone maybe cheaper but they are not effective compared to switchblade or Bayraktar drone which the latter singlehandedly turn the tide of war twice already.

Kherson already being abandoned while the Russian waste their pgm & drones on useless target.

BUT the Russian are wInNiNg:

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