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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It's really pointless to hold Kherson IMO. But then if Kherson fall, it will threaten Crimea and all part of the Western Battlefield.

That's why Russia want to talk now, and try to counter attack in the East, they know if Kherson fall, that's goes the entire Western Flank. Think of all the troop that freed up and the flank that left open, that will be a unwinnable war for Russia.
Yep, if Kherson falls, its pretty much over. Only need to leave a token force to watch the west side of the river like two or 3 brigades. Even if the bridges were intact, it be suicide trying to cross them since the Ukrainians can easily blow them up or ambush with massive artillery strikes and anti tank weaponry waiting for the Russians if they attempt to go back. The majority of Ukrainian forces can be shifted to the east.
Ok, so that means there won't be wars or conflicts in those regions?

I'm more interested if the Ukrainians should hit the Russian troops being quartered into the apartments and hotels in Kherson City more during the winter.
You knew my position, if it was up to me, I would rather level Kherson and rebuild it after the Ukrainian kick the Russian out. Instead of playing long game. This is a perfect bottle neck situation. They are stuck in Kherson, and they can't move them all out since there are no bridge. You can only feedback in piecemeal.

But again, seems like AFU high command do not want that to happen. They choose to play the waiting game...

Yep, if Kherson falls, its pretty much over. Only need to leave a token force to watch the west side of the river like two or 3 brigades. Even if the bridges were intact, it be suicide trying to cross them since the Ukrainians can easily blow them up or ambush with massive artillery strikes and anti tank weaponry waiting for the Russians if they attempt to go back. The majority of Ukrainian forces can be shifted to the east.
The problem the Russia had is they didn't go all the way to Mykolaiv, that's a natural buffer point where instead of now which the Russia has around 200km front in Kherson, if the Russian took Mykolaiv, that would have been 2 crossing point between North and West instead of a continuous frontline.

They really should have stopped the Eastern advance and reposition troop to the south because Kherson is the major anchoring point of the entire line, without Kherson, the entire Kherson Oblast will fall, and without Kherson Oblast, Russian troop in Zaporizhya Oblast will be out flanked, it will be the same situation with Kherson half a year or 9 months down the road, then Zaporizhya will fall, and whether or not Russia can retain control in Donetsk and Luhansk will then be a serious question.
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Probably payment was promised, but somebody embezzled it. Just another day in Russia.
Putin runs out of money. Just a matter of time he will ask China for loans. If not already happening.

this primitive war of attrition will continue for months or years and costs money.

Ukraine-Krieg - Bachmut

Ukrainische Soldaten bei Bachmut: Tausende werden von ihren Angehörigen vermisst. (Quelle: Efrem Lukatsky/AP/dpa-bilder)
come and get it , iran superme leader is azeri and there never ever was a kurdish kingdom , they always been part of other kingdom .
and as i said artificial , when was the last independent kosovo ? its not important if master USA say something and Slave EU follow . it would have been most hilarious if NATO attack a country and take part of it away but don't recognize that part as a country

And the blockade was the main cause triggering the hot war.
when its blockade that they close all the routes , Egypt only closed its territorial water and Israel ship could use other side of the island , only 10km longer route

And the blockade was the main cause triggering the hot war.

NATO is an organisation without territory.
It has not annexed a single km2.
but participated in balkanizing other countries . overthrowing other countries government , supporting terrorist groups in other countries .

Ok, so that means there won't be wars or conflicts in those regions?
it means the war with be their own war , not European wars that had nothing to do with that countries .
it means those countries can solve their difference themselves , not European make artificial wars there and then come with their armies to solve those artificial wars

Sorry but you felled for the Russian narrative about Ukrainians bombing the cities for 8 years. I guarantee that Donetsk City which is few km from the frontlines have not been destroyed after 8 years like you see Russians do against other cities like Mariupol in few weeks and months.

Donetsk City.

Profile photo for Boris Ivanov
Boris Ivanov
Studied History & Literature at Russian State University for the Humanities1y
Is it worth visiting Donetsk?


Not really. Well, if you want to join the Donbas War and kill some Ukrainians and/or Russians, Donetsk might be worth the travel. But otherwise, not really. Even before the war, it was mostly a place of business, not a major tourist destination. You can do some sightseeing there, but it is not ancient or interesting, and the natural sights there are not breathtaking. it was a good place to live and work in the context of Ukraine, but that was that.

Pictured - The city of Donetsk. And yes, it still mostly looks like that. The war goes on outside of the city, so the city itself is largely intact. Even when American propagandists (well, Ukrainian propagandists officially paid by the US) shoot their videos in Donetsk, the city looks quite nice in those videos.

the problem is i said villages in the area
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