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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

they are bluffing if they take Ukraine In nato. it is bluff with ukraine to keep them fighting.. the day they take Ukrainen in nato i will buy you lunch. You don't know what rift nato countries have with in its members states .Do you think pols or france or Germans will send their kids in war for Ukrainian. As you know they not fool to take ukrain in nato. As Ukraine is under attack. To taking Ukraine in nato which is under attack. It will be start 9f world war Are you getting my point... in Worse case if if if . There is very big if they take Ukrain in nato which has only 0.00 chance then welcome to world War 3 and many of us will not be here writing idiotic stuff. Around 5 billions human will die..
Game play is simple
Weaken Russia use ukriane as guinea pig.

Once war is over ukriane will be abandoned like all previous guinea pigs.

Ukriane can't win this war.. it's going to loose why? Because Russia will escalate

Your infrastructure is important Ukraine was built in 300 years. Syria has the history of1000z years which is gone and destroyed. This is the fate for Ukrainen. Their history their generations their infrastructure will be fucked up. They need 800 billions dollars to rebuild their country. They don't have that money. Western weapons industry is main investor in this war. They not going to give them money to built their country. The money they taking from europ n usa it willntake 100 of years topay of that loans. It will take generations to pay off these loans which they took in last 7 months
Why you guys think war is just pubg game. Comon guys...
Lol. USA won't even give a Penny it's promises are just to keep ukriane busy in hurting the bear..it is using ukrianians as cannon fodder
NATO is already proxy fighting and Russia feels the pain.

Perhaps. But eventually Russia annexes all of Ukraine because 4 times the population which means Russia can sacrifice 30 million people but Ukraine cannot. Then NATO will face a more powerful Russia after Russia annexes all of Ukraine.
Ukriane under grooming to be next Israel, young woman and children are leaving, by the time current population becomes much older, massive Jewish immigration will make Ukraine new homeland for Jews.
Game play is simple
Weaken Russia use ukriane as guinea pig.

Once war is over ukriane will be abandoned like all previous guinea pigs.

Ukriane can't win this war.. it's going to loose why? Because Russia will escalate

Lol. USA won't even give a Penny it's promises are just to keep ukriane busy in hurting the bear..it is using ukrianians as cannon fodder
This was first plan. Israelis and amaraicns wanted to take revenge from Russia after what Russia did with them in Syria. 90 percent urkrains are Orthodox and they are close to russian and Greeks Christians and ukrianian president is jew. Westren Establishment is Catholic. Do you understand my point...

Ukriane under grooming to be next Israel, young woman and children are leaving, by the time current population becomes much older, massive Jewish immigration will make Ukraine new homeland for Jews.
You took my words man
This was first plan. Israelis and amaraicns wanted to take revenge from Russia after what Russia did with them in Syria. 90 percent urkrains are Orthodox and they are close to russian and Greeks Christians and ukrianians president is jew. Westren Establishment is Catholic. Do you understand my point...
Ingenious plan..
Russia first didn't want to bomb cities but ultimately it's going to come to that..they will bomb ukriane into oblivion just like Syria. Remember rebels were winning first untill Russia said **** it...

We saw the first signs the other day
There aren't really any point to send in NATO troop, ground troop is about training and number, Ukraine received enough NATO training to be seen as equal may even be above the average of NATO troop, which mean it have no meaning to send in American boots on the ground. They have enough troop and not short of menpower, sending more don't really help

On the other hand, what we need to do is to tell Ukraine how to fight, where to fight, conduct wargame with them, share intelligence with them, and then supply enough weapon to turn the tides, everything else Ukrainian can do it themselves, and they have been doing a pretty good job so far.
I believe Poutine no longer care about fratricide. Or he is approaching that point of no return. He must know that nuclear blackmail will not work and neither would a nuclear bluff. No capital city will be considered safe if Kyiv is reduced to nuclear rubble. Poutine must know that. So either the Ukrainians make a serious mistake, or Poutine will order an operation that will risk the lives of his troops in wasteful fashion.
Ingenious plan..
Russia first didn't want to bomb cities but ultimately it's going to come to that..they will bomb ukriane into oblivion just like Syria. Remember rebels were winning first untill Russia said **** it...

We saw the first signs the other day
The Russians had been too humane since they still consider Ukrainians as brothers. We must never do the same mistake with Taiwan, go full force and destroy any resistance. Repopulate the island with patriots, these wanwans had been brainwashed for too long. They now fcking think they are a different race.
Ingenious plan..
Russia first didn't want to bomb cities but ultimately it's going to come to that..they will bomb ukriane into oblivion just like Syria. Remember rebels were winning first untill Russia said **** it...

We saw the first signs the other day
Russian did not understand first. They were mistaken sending their jets to fall against western techs. Now they taking same style what iranan did against American in Iraq n Syria.. this new plan going to work well as this will reduce their deaths. This way they can fight for next 5 years. In previous plan Ukraine was becoming Afghanistan for them. Now they can fire their missils from mainland and hurt western gains. Russian received heavy deaths in first plan. Second face will be much safer for them but more deadly for western friends.
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I believe Poutine no longer care about fratricide. Or he is approaching that point of no return. He must know that nuclear blackmail will not work and neither would a nuclear bluff. No capital city will be considered safe if Kyiv is reduced to nuclear rubble. Poutine must know that. So either the Ukrainians make a serious mistake, or Poutine will order an operation that will risk the lives of his troops in wasteful fashion.
Remember what amaraicn Secretary of State said On Cuban missile crisis. We were eye bol to eye bol and i think our adversary judt blink the eyes. But Putin is deferent man then his elders. Man has iron will

The going rate is 5c/post and 10c/thread. Since he cannot contribute intellectually, how else do you expect him to make a living?
You Discuss every possibility. Why you shyaway. When you guys took full advantage of suni shia in your occupied lands. Truth hurts budy
The Russians had been too humane since they still consider Ukrainians as brothers. We must never do the same mistake with Taiwan, go full force and destroy any resistance. Repopulate the island with patriots, these wanwans had been brainwashed for too long. They now fcking think they are a different race.
Devide and rul term coin by our best friend UK 😆
The Russians had been too humane since they still consider Ukrainians as brothers. We must never do the same mistake with Taiwan, go full force and destroy any resistance. Repopulate the island with patriots, these wanwans had been brainwashed for too long. They now fcking think they are a different race.
Too humane? Now it looks like too incapable. I analogized the Russian military to that of a mechanic whose skills consists of only oil change or scrap the motor, and nothing in the middle. Poutine tried the conventional path and is failing, that leave the nuclear option or like I said -- scrap the motor. It seems like the Russian military does not know how to do anything in-between. So for Taiwan, given there is a large body of water which is more difficult than land to traverse, the Parade Line Army (PLA) is having second thoughts.
Perhaps. But eventually Russia annexes all of Ukraine because 4 times the population which means Russia can sacrifice 30 million people but Ukraine cannot. Then NATO will face a more powerful Russia after Russia annexes all of Ukraine.
I do not support this Russian action as they do not have the right to take someone els land. As they are biggest country on planet they dont need ukrianian land . I think they are there only to teach our western friends that russia is not Syria libiya or Afghanistan. Russia is big country and they retaliate when they retaliate It brings destruction for human lives economy and social behaviors in whol world not Russians or Ukraine. It hurts everyone. I hope they setback and fix this issue and safe this world. But i doubt
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