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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

This is a military oriented forum, so instead of the PDF Chinese complaining about US on the internet, why not you guys join the Parade Line Army (PLA) and do 'something useful'?

No I'm only commenting on how much you Americans complain about Russia despite being worse than they are. Go take care of Russia instead of complaining on this forum. Do something useful and fight the Russians to stop their war of aggression rather than complaining.
The last 5 pages of the thread is a pure mental retardation.

Ukraine ceases its existence, even if it wins? WTF, It's Russia which has a quite solid chances to fall apart.

Russia is a Yugoslavia on steroids, much, much worse.

It's quite realistic now that Ukraine be chopping off a good part of southern russia now.

Why I see the West being ok with Russia falling apart? It's by far the easiest way to deny them a UN seat with a straight face, and US can keep the security council without a reform.
He does not know who was father of algorithm. Without algorithm his laptop can not work. Tell him Who was father of morden gps system.
There is a big difference: those civilizations were not criticizing everything else the competing/preceding civilization: they took the inventions and moved them forward. This included the Ottomans with the printing press.

All you are doing is putting hypocritical statements about how bad the west is, and yet using everything the west delivers.

Couldn't care less about State propaganda and definitions of good/evil.
There's no "all things west". All your tech is being manufactured in China.
Nobody on this forum or I have every defended western hegemony or past wrongs going to slavery. Yet thats all Putin lovers can think off and distract from the military debate on this thread.

As for tech manufactured in China: you should know there is a difference between building a disruptive innovation, and then once its commoditized, manufacturing it. once you have figured out what you use from China that was invented in China, then you can start a new thread and I will join.

Why should I? It's not my country. I'm Chinese living in Canada. Besides, Russians are not short on man power. Russia has 151 million people. Ukraine has 36 million people. That's enough man power advantage.
Dude, stop faking it. You are a Chinese living in China and with your idiotic posts, fortunately we know that you don't represent the Chinese view point. If people advantage drove victory, China would have not been occupied by Japan and China would have beaten Vietnam in 79. Anybody with an IQ of 50 would know this. This is all you have to go on and is a cut and paste you keep putting in and making yourself sound dumber each time you do this.
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There is a big difference: those civilizations were not criticizing everything else the competing/preceding civilization: they took the inventions and moved them forward. This included the Ottomans with the printing press.

All you are doing is putting hypocritical statements about how bad the west is, and yet using everything the west delivers.

Nobody on this forum or I have every defended western hegemony or past wrongs going to slavery. Yet thats all Putin lovers can think off and distract from the military debate on this thread.

As for tech manufactured in China: you should know there is a difference between building a disruptive innovation, and then once its commoditized, manufacturing it. once you have figured out what you use from China that was invented in China, then you can start a new thread and I will join.

Dude, stop faking it. You are a Chinese living in China and with your idiotic posts, fortunately we know that you don't represent the Chinese view point. If people advantage drove victory, China would have not been occupied by Japan and China would have beaten Vietnam in 79. Anybody with an IQ of 50 would know this. This is all you have to go on and is a cut and paste you keep putting in and making yourself sound dumber each time you do this.
Are you sure you are Pakistani? No disrespect just a question? It seems you only using Pakistani flags to convince Pakistanis
You taking it very wrong my dear Israeli friend. Many Western are not bad infact they very good human. But their establecimient used media as tool to run the lies.. one side they say attack on Iraq was right what Isreal is doing it is right. What Indians are doing in Kashmir they doing right but other side they what Russia is doing it is wrong we have problem with duble standers. You have to accept both side did wrong rather with amaraicn attack on Iraq Syria. Or ireali attack on Syria Jordan Palestine or Russian attack on Ukrainen. Whey selective justice
First of all I am not Israeli. There is not a single post I have that says the Iraq war was justified or the war in Syria by Russians. The world (including Arab countries themselves) have let down the Palestinians. You are absolutely right but thats like you writing a useless post about the sun going up everyday: what point are you making with your Putin sympathy?

The forum discussion is about a an attack on a bridge, or how weapons will be supplied or how Putin is acting like the ultimate CIA plant by making every wrong decision.

Then you have people like you talking about all the wrongs that west did and how slavery was wrong but you justify Russia's birth right to have access to a warm water port by invading Afghanistan. Then post a map that shows Afghanistan is landlocked. Slavery was wrong but attacking Afghanistan and subsequently Paksitan to get to a warm water port would have been fin.

How is that relevant when war is occurring now? You think this is some sort of a sissy fest where if you hate the winning side, you take a grivience approach of what happened 300 years and come back put the map of Afghanistan and say 'slavery was wrong, but Russia deserved AFghanistan'.

This is the irrational approach and thought process that got Russia into this mess: from being a perceived global power to a hollow shell of nothing that is putting its prisoners to fight a war and replacing its own generals faster than I change socks.

Pls post some of Saudi/UAE levelling Yemen while you are at it. Where are they?

Or put some of the Iranians egging Hamas on to fight the Israelis and make the Gazans turn to cannon fodder while the murdering Iranians sit a 1000 miles away.

It seems everyone started saying no to usa. Yesterday French Minister and today saudia....European population is getting angry on US occupation on Europ. Infact they are getting into senses that they were occupied by USA since world war2
What news are you reading? A 'Pledge' definitely falls into a saying 'yes' category.

G7 pledges support for Ukraine in emergency meeting​

By Clyde Hughes

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky makes a statement in the capital Kyiv on Monday. He will speak to the G7 on Tuesday. Photo by Ukrainian President Press Office/UPI | <a href=/News_Photos/lp/acc52a931143db9aa40257b7e2b7ef48/ target=_blank>License Photo</a>

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky makes a statement in the capital Kyiv on Monday. He will speak to the G7 on Tuesday. Photo by Ukrainian President Press Office/UPI | License Photo

Oct. 11 (UPI) -- G7 members said Tuesday they will continue to assist Ukraine in defending itself against Russia and condemned Moscow for the escalation of the war this week with two straight days of intense missile attacks throughout the country.
The G7 met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky remotely, spurred by Moscow delivering a widespread attack after a portion of the Kerch Bridge that connected Russia with occupied Crimea was destroyed over the weekend, angering the Kremlin.

Members also denounced Russia's forcibly capturing Crimea in 2014, which has never been recognized by the international community.
"We condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms and recall that indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilian populations constitute a war crime," the G7 said in a joint statement released Tuesday. "We will hold [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin and those responsible to account.

"The G7 firmly condemn and unequivocally reject the illegal attempted annexation by Russia of Ukraine's Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions in addition to the autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol."
Zelensky has continued to push G7 members to continue their support, especially militarily against Russia. Kyiv had had recent success in stalling Russian advances and in limited circumstances pushed Moscow back in key areas in the eastern and southern portions of the country.
"We have imposed and will continue to impose further economic costs on Russia, including on individuals and entities -- inside and outside of Russia -- providing political or economic support for Russia's illegal attempts to change the status of Ukrainian territory," the G7 said.
RELATED U.S. airport websites reportedly hit by Russian hacking group

"We deplore deliberate Russian escalatory steps, including the partial mobilization of reservists and irresponsible nuclear rhetoric, which is putting global peace and security at risk. We reaffirm that any use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons by Russia would be met with severe consequences."
The emergency meeting was confirmed by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who had talked with Zelensky. G7 members include the United States along with Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan.
G7 members have already imposed heavy sanctions on Moscow when they invaded Ukraine in February, but that has not deterred Putin and the Kremlin from capturing land and attempting to annex land it now occupies.

Russia had been part of the group until it forcibly annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.
President Joe Biden said Monday he talked with Zelensky as well, as he offered continued military, humanitarian and economic support from the United States.
The White House said that in the phone call Biden underscored his ongoing engagement with allies and partners to continue imposing costs on Moscow and holding Russia accountable for its alleged war crimes and atrocities.
In the meantime, members of the United Nations General Assembly on Monday debated a resolution to Russia over its illegal attempt to annex four regions of southern and eastern Ukraine. Representatives from Russia and Ukraine both criticized the other countries over the war.
The General Assembly is expected to vote on the draft resolution later this week and follows the U.N. Security Council's failed attempt to adopt a similar resolution on Sept. 30 due to Russia utilizing its veto power.
On the battlefield early Tuesday, Moscow launched a barrage of missiles targeting the southern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia. The Ukrainian State Emergency Service said Russia launched 12 missiles early Tuesday, hitting public facilities and killing at least one person.
This was first plan. Israelis and amaraicns wanted to take revenge from Russia after what Russia did with them in Syria. 90 percent urkrains are Orthodox and they are close to russian and Greeks Christians and ukrianian president is jew. Westren Establishment is Catholic. Do you understand my point...

You took my words man
What exactly in your fantasy land have they done to Israel? I am not a fan for Israel. Israel still holds Golan and with impunity fly where it wishes and bomb what it wishes. While the Russians were there.

You got the Bath party as spineless wimps (with Russia support behind it) in the 60s and 70s have no effect in Israel. The only Israelis shot in air to air were Pakistani pilots flying their same Russian aircraft in the 73 war.

For all of everybody's opinions on how NATO does not fight but helps Ukraine: imagine where the middle east had been if in the 60s/70s, the Arabs had been able to leverage this kind of success against Israel. Soviet tactics were outdated, and Arabs were spineless. But one thing the Arabs universally got really good at was bombing their own civilians: Saudis, UAE, Egyptions (in Tahrir) and of course your Syrian friends.

Are you sure you are Pakistani? No disrespect just a question? It seems you only using Pakistani flags to convince Pakistanis
Look through all my posts on this thread and even your IQ level will determine where I am from when you connect the dots. I thought you were crying about being bullied and going to start a competing forum of ignorant dumwitted idiots that only follow Russian twitter handles and not think through facts.
Gas is several times more expensive but now only 9% of gas is coming from Russia. Its lost its biggest customer. And Europeans still have gas but it costs more.

Costs more is more palatable than not having an alternate.

What the FT has not had is coverage on what it does to poor countries whose starvation rates are going up because food that was unaffordable after the pandemic is impossible now

From yesterday's Financial Times:

Since the invasion of Ukraine in February, EU sourcing of Russian gas has plummeted from 46 per cent to 9 per cent. This pivot came partially through increased piped gas from Norway and Algeria. Even more noteworthy, the dramatic increases in shipped LNG imports from the US and elsewhere have replaced the lost Russian vaporous gas from the targeted pipelines. This new supply surge to the EU now approaches, based on our calculations, 40 per cent of total global LNG supply.

While Putin doubles down, his gas gambit is failing​

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld
As Russia launches missile strikes on Kyiv and other major cities across Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin’s plans to stoke fears of a European freeze this winter are on the point of backfiring.
While Russia needs to sell the EU its natural gas, Europe no longer needs these supplies. Gas is becoming a buyer’s market. The energy crunch should be no threat to unified support for Ukraine, let alone Europeans’ comfort this winter, despite Putin’s machinations.
Certainly the alleged sabotage of the active Nord Stream 1 pipeline and the unopened Nord Stream 2 pipeline has shut down two sources of Russian gas, but the EU no longer needs them. Similarly, Putin’s fresh threats to cut off Russian gas still being sent through the Ukrainian transit pipeline system are intended to spark renewed concerns in Europe. But Europeans should be warmed by the burst of gas transforming markets this autumn.
Much attention has been focused on the demand side of the market equation: the reduction or destruction of demand, rationing and switching away from natural gas. Basic economic reasoning, however, means we should not forget the supply side.
Analysis of underlying supply patterns reveals that, contrary to common belief, Europe is securing enough gas and liquefied natural gas from global markets to fully substitute for lost Russian supplies already. What is more, it can fully replace every last bit of Russian gas without any need for demand destruction or even substitution away from gas.
Since the invasion of Ukraine in February, EU sourcing of Russian gas has plummeted from 46 per cent to 9 per cent. This pivot came partially through increased piped gas from Norway and Algeria. Even more noteworthy, the dramatic increases in shipped LNG imports from the US and elsewhere have replaced the lost Russian vaporous gas from the targeted pipelines. This new supply surge to the EU now approaches, based on our calculations, 40 per cent of total global LNG supply.
It is easy to overlook this revolution because it is still very new. But a review of every large LNG development project, liquefaction terminal and production field shows that this year alone, more than 100bn cubic metres of additional supply is expected to be brought online. This is a 20 per cent increase in total LNG supply.
With demand for LNG declining in the rest of the world, particularly in China, the new additions to global supply are enough to fully replace Europe’s dependence on Russian gas from the Nord Stream and Ukrainian transit pipelines. So much for Putin’s “gas supply crunch”.
To be sure, LNG is expensive and consumers and businesses are understandably concerned about skyrocketing energy costs. But this is a separate question from whether there is enough gas for Europe to fully replace Russian supply.
European governments are clearly already prioritising fiscal relief for consumers with respect to both building-heating (42 per cent of gas consumption across the EU) and electricity costs (28 per cent of gas consumption), with massive subsidies and transfer payments on an unprecedented scale.
European industry, which accounts for 30 per cent of gas consumption, has long feared structurally higher gas prices, but the data suggest that the potential economic impact is considerably less than feared.
The most natural-gas intensive sectors — metals, chemicals, paper, coke, fertilisers and refined petroleum/minerals processing — account for a quarter of the region’s natural gas usage, but only 3 per cent of the total gross value added in Europe, and less than 1 per cent of the total European workforce.
All the data suggest that, contrary to fears of a supply crunch, Europe is securing enough gas and LNG from global markets to fully replace supplies from Russian gas. Putin, by contrast, will be losing what we conservatively estimate to be $100bn from lost gas sales annually.
Having undermined his country’s reputation as a reliable energy supplier, which the Soviet Union maintained even at the height of the cold war, Putin has very little existing export capacity and faces difficulties in building more given icy conditions and the challenges of Arctic shipping. The single pipeline connecting Russia to China carries 10 per cent of the capacity of Russia’s European pipeline network, and China is not rushing to build any new ones.
So the only losers from this gas blackmail are Putin and his enablers.


Your thoughts on this ? :

The last 5 pages of the thread is a pure mental retardation.

Ukraine ceases its existence, even if it wins? WTF, It's Russia which has a quite solid chances to fall apart.

Russia is a Yugoslavia on steroids, much, much worse.

It's quite realistic now that Ukraine be chopping off a good part of southern russia now.

Why I see the West being ok with Russia falling apart? It's by far the easiest way to deny them a UN seat with a straight face, and US can keep the security council without a reform.
Russia is losing that's why they're panicking. While Russia is lobbing missiles, ukrainians actually succeding in taking back more & more land.

Turns out if you don't "westernize" your armed forces you are not going to win war.
Ukraine certainly needs security otherwise Putin, hooligans and rapists will return. Nobody will ever trust the words coming from their mouths.
Russia reminds me much of a stalker. A man stalks his ex wife after divorce. The man can’t move on, he becomes aggressive, violent because his ex wife finds a new relationship with a new man (Nato).
100% this.

Even the twisted excuses russia make.

“If you did not resist so much i would not have to be so heavyhanded”

And where every slight leads to further violent outbursts.

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