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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Are you seriously that dumb not to figure out Jens Stoltenberg meant the People of the Freeworld, or "the West" collectively.
wait, are you seriously this dumb to call this comment by the head of NATO, a military alliance, "speaking for the freeworld"?
This is indirect admission that NATO is in war with RUssia- we all know it on PDF< except you.

Not all the country in the west are US and NATO, hell, not all of Europe are NATO.
stupid semantics by a low IQ fake professor like you - stop ducking - you know we are talking ABOUT NATO HERE_ the entity whose interests the Ukraine war serves- getting its next "client".
what about those biolabs bro? any deets on them?
Please don't tell me you are this dumb, because at least I use to think you are at least normal.
you look dumb avoiding my question - me: 1, you 0.
Any 8x8s that can be provided besides that Stryker with the 105 gun? Or maybe Marine Corp's LAVs? Don't know if we have any in storage of old LAVs or something similar.

We don't have much LAV, Canadian have a lot, because they just upgraded their LAV 3 to Gen 4 Lav 6. Think they donated or donating 39 LAV 6 to Ukraine once the new one rolled off the production line.

Canadian have around 600 LAV III and their plan is to acquire 360 LAV 6. And probably a few has been in service as it was back in 2015, so I would think Canada should have a few LAV III in storage.

On the other hand, we have a few hundred MGS that was pulled from service this year and probably a few hundred Stryker in storage or currently at the hand of Army National Guard, if US want to lend lease those, I think it could be done
I know we are replacing the M113s with the new model I believe it is already in production. Israel who may not provide weaponry have thousands of M113s with upgraded armor which are being replace with Namers.
Ukraine already have some AIFV from Netherland, they didn't say how many the Dutch gave them, but it should be in hundred.

Beside Israel, Turkey also have a lot of upgraded M113, but I don't think turks would have transfer those to Ukraine.
wait, are you seriously this dumb to call this comment by the head of NATO, a military alliance, "speaking for the freeworld"?
This is indirect admission that NATO is in war with RUssia- we all know it on PDF< except you.

So when UN secretary-general said anything, then does that mean it is officially UN Sanction or in any capacity on UN? Then should UN Condemn Russia annexation because Guterrez said this

Or how about this tweet from the man himself??

Or Did I miss the UN resolution somewhere??

I mean, if you are so dumb and cannot think the chief of an organisation cannot say anything that is not sanctioned by that organisation, then I can't help you man.

And pothead, I have already said numerous times, NATO is essentially at war with Russia by the means of sending weapon to Ukraine and organise Troop training to Ukrainian soldier. If you don't know that, that I cannot help you.

stupid semantics by a low IQ fake professor like you - stop ducking - you know we are talking ABOUT NATO HERE_ the entity whose interests the Ukraine war serves- getting its next "client".
what about those biolabs bro? any deets on them?

What Bio Lab? Even WHO said there were no biological program in those Bio Lab in Ukraine

And yes, that is from the official position of UN

And lol, but seeing that's you, well, I figure you would felt for those crack story. Do carry on though, because I need my daily laugh

you look dumb avoiding my question - me: 1, you 0.

lol, who's keeping score now? If it was me, even if I give you the win, it's me 2 you 1. Don't forget who is the idiot that said the money (And not all those money was from NATO for Pete's sake) when all the post I was referred to was weapon transfer? And then who is the idiot who think Mexico had not attacked the US back in 1800s?

Or somehow those don't count? Or you are simply too senile to remember those LOL

Do you want me to quote back what you said??
Again, Electricity playbook has not been used since 1970.

Case in point, the "Heavy Missile strike" on Ukraine 2 days ago have brought power down for Ukrainian, for exactly 14 hours according to my friend who live in Kyiv.

It changes nothing on ground, in fact, they took 3 more village and press closer to Svatove on the ground to now within 13 km (It was 20 km before). I mean, if you want to waste your precious ammo and drone on civilian infrastructure, that's up to you, but that's how people lose war. And Ukraine will gladly for you to bomb civilian power station or distribution hub.

The thing is, Ukraine did have a lot of vet with combat experience.

In Ukraine, you are put into reserve for 4 years after you served 2 years in Donbas, which was an active warzone before Feb 2022. And that lasted for 8 years, and then the conventional campaign back in 2014 lasted for 6 months.

In a way, Ukrainian military probably have more experience on how to fight a conventional war than any of the NATO military combine, because NATO had not seen 1 since 1970 (Or 1982 if you are British). It's one thing to fight in Afghanistan and playing whack-a-mole hunt, another to fight toe to toe with some country in a set piece.
Nato fought 4 wars in last 20 years Iraq Syria lybia Afghanistan. How you say they dont have experience to fight a war.. I agree to you on one point when its comes man to man war they do hit n run Practice. But when it comes to proxies war they have good experience
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Su-34 attack jet carrying a missile and a jamming pod

Se Sabe que es "Conventional War"?
recuerda mis palabras, no lucharán en la guerra convencional. no enviarán a sus hijos a que los maten en una guerra que no es de ellos. se están asegurando de sangrar a Rusia. a ellos no les importa Ucrania ... si todavía crees que enviarán a sus hijos a la guerra por los ortodoxos ucranianos, entonces estás viviendo en el cielo de los tontos.

mark my words they will not fight conventional war. they will not send their sons to get killed in war which is not theirs. they are making sure to bleed Russia. they dont care about Ukraine.. if you still believe they going to send their sons in war for Ukrainian Orthodox then you are living in fools heaven
mark my words they will not fight conventional war. they will not send their sons to get killed in war which is not theirs. they are making sure to bleed Russia. they dont care about Ukraine.. if you still believe they going to send their sons in war for Ukrainian Orthodox then you are living in fools heaven

Exactly. Who fights war. Who loses election. NATO will not fight unless NATO is attacked.
recuerda mis palabras, no lucharán en la guerra convencional. no enviarán a sus hijos a que los maten en una guerra que no es de ellos. se están asegurando de sangrar a Rusia. a ellos no les importa Ucrania ... si todavía crees que enviarán a sus hijos a la guerra por los ortodoxos ucranianos, entonces estás viviendo en el cielo de los tontos.

mark my words they will not fight conventional war. they will not send their sons to get killed in war which is not theirs. they are making sure to bleed Russia. they dont care about Ukraine.. if you still believe they going to send their sons in war for Ukrainian Orthodox then you are living in fools heaven
Se la guerra convencional ya, es una guerra lucho por Ukraine.

Para a mis palabra, no habra NATO fuerza en Ukraine. No necceito alli
NATO is already proxy fighting and Russia feels the pain.
but without ground troops to hold ground, you lose the war, so has NATO learned that lesson- even in Syria, NATO doesnt have much territory or freedom to operatte..but they fired 52 Tomahawks into Syria under Trump...in the long term, war is won by who holds ground more permanently using troops/ground forces- thats why NATO has lost every recent war, its so pathetic- they have all the reasons to win, but they always lose.
Se la guerra convencional ya, es una guerra lucho por Ukraine.

Para a mis palabra, no habra NATO fuerza en Ukraine. No necceito alli
they are bluffing if they take Ukraine In nato. it is bluff with ukraine to keep them fighting.. the day they take Ukrainen in nato i will buy you lunch. You don't know what rift nato countries have with in its members states .Do you think pols or france or Germans will send their kids in war for Ukrainian. As you know they not fool to take ukrain in nato. As Ukraine is under attack. To taking Ukraine in nato which is under attack. It will be start 9f world war Are you getting my point... in Worse case if if if . There is very big if they take Ukrain in nato which has only 0.00 chance then welcome to world War 3 and many of us will not be here writing idiotic stuff. Around 5 billions human will die..
they are bluffing if they take Ukraine In nato. it is bluff with ukraine to keep them fighting.. the day they take Ukrainen in nato i will buy you lunch. You don't know what rift nato countries have with in its members states .Do you think pols or france or Germans will send their kids in war for Ukrainian. As you know they not fool to take ukrain in nato. As Ukraine is under attack. To taking Ukraine in nato which is under attack. It will be start 9f world war Are you getting my point... in Worse case if if if . There is very big if they take Ukrain in nato which has only 0.00 chance then welcome to world War 3 and many of us will not be here writing idiotic stuff. Around 5 billions human will die..
Dude, that's not what I said at all......
but without ground troops to hold ground, you lose the war, so has NATO learned that lesson- even in Syria, NATO doesnt have much territory or freedom to operatte..but they fired 52 Tomahawks into Syria under Trump...in the long term, war is won by who holds ground more permanently using troops/ground forces- thats why NATO has lost every recent war, its so pathetic- they have all the reasons to win, but they always lose.
Your infrastructure is important Ukraine was built in 300 years. Syria has the history of1000z years which is gone and destroyed. This is the fate for Ukrainen. Their history their generations their infrastructure will be fucked up. They need 800 billions dollars to rebuild their country. They don't have that money. Western weapons industry is main investor in this war. They not going to give them money to built their country. The money they taking from europ n usa it will take 100 of years topay off those loans. It will take generations to pay off those loans which they took in last 7 months
Why you guys think war is just pubg game. Real world every single bolt cost money. Comon guys...
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