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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia fired 80 missiles to kill 8 people.
Great terror
litte success.

This terror will get a response by Ukraine and the West.
come on recall when west fired 60 missile into Syria to take out a warehouse and kill how many ? 4-5 guards.
that was called precision strike this one great terror and little success
You taking it very wrong my dear Israeli friend. Many Western are not bad infact they very good human. But their establecimient used media as tool to run the lies.. one side they say attack on Iraq was right what Isreal is doing it is right. What Indians are doing in Kashmir they doing right but other side they what Russia is doing it is wrong we have problem with duble standers. You have to accept both side did wrong rather with amaraicn attack on Iraq Syria. Or ireali attack on Syria Jordan Palestine or Russian attack on Ukrainen. Whey selective justice

A good example was that before the identity of the killer in Norway was identified (Anders Behring Breivik), the act was labelled in the media as that of Islamic terrorism.

Yes. I think the media has a part to play. Its also a general attitude of people to believe the media outright. The western media really only gives people what they want. If people in the west were really uncomfortable with it, they would complain or watch something else, and the media would change its attitude.

Ps, don’t go out on a limb here bhai, for putim Russia , moscow has been Pakistan’s sworn enemy and Indians biggest arms provider and has blocked all Kashmiris resolutions against filthy Indians crimes in IOK
Wow now I know how many here in this thread are actually worth discussing this war is worth and whom with its time wasting. Manpands vs Cruise missiles. Like Topgun 2 where su57 downed by f14. in close combat.

Analysis: Putin has backed himself into a corner - and had no choice but to escalate​

Our security and defence editor Deborah Haynes says Vladimir Putin had no choice but to escalate the war in Ukraine after backing himself into a corner.
Here's the latest Haynes had on the situation...
"The problem that Putin has is that he's backed himself into a corner. He can't back down because that would effectively mean the end of his presidency if he failed in Ukraine, given all of the fake news that he has used to support his argument for invading in the first place.
"And yet his military is failing. It failed to take Kyiv, it failed to seize swathes of territory in the east and the south and to hold them.
"That's now being massively challenged by Ukraine and so what options does he have left other than to escalate - and that's what we're seeing.
"We're seeing in terms of the annexation of those four regions that he did last month, with the drafting of hundreds of thousands of Russians into the military - and now with this huge barrage of missile strikes."

You don't worry.. I am already on a project which is similar to defence.pk. as soon as it get ready. I will let you know. I am bring a team which is mix of highly qualified people. I will provide a place where people can not be bully
useless against Iranian drone as they don't care if they are jammed or not . and the only way they know to land is by diving nose down into their target
those Iran suicide drones are powered by primitive 2 cycle fuel motor. They are cheap, loud, they are slow, they fly deep. They aim static targets. a challenge for Ukraine air defense however not impossible to stop. Ukraine needs some rapid guns like Gepards. from military perspective they cause too little damage to turn the tide of the war.
He didn't even know Rouble were print on high strength fabric, not tree, do you think he knew that??
He implies Russia can print rubbe like US prints dollar. It’s like comparing a beggar to a millionaire.
those Iran suicide drones are powered by primitive 2 cycle fuel motor. They are loud, they are slow, they fly deep. They aim static targets. a challenge for Ukraine air defense however not impossible to stop. Ukraine needs some rapid guns like Gepards. But from military perspective they cause too little damage to turn the tide of the war.

He implies Russia can print rubbe like US prints dollar. It’s like comparing a beggar to a millionaire.
I know what he is implying, I am just playing words here.
Americans have low living standard compared to Chinese.
Oh My GODS I'm movin to China then!!! I'll get citizenship..... on second thought I'd rather stay here in the Garden State wy would I go there when I lot of 'em Chinese wants to come over here in the US!? :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:

Anglos are butchers. Anglos butchered millions of native Americans, Australians, New Zealanders.
We're ANGELS compared to your Mao Zedong. :angel:
Man seriously you think killing people is always a form of terror ?
Not per se. The world is overpopulated.
Let’s say Pakistan and India go to war.
India artillery targets civil infrastructure instead of military infra in Pakistan, that’s terror that’s against war conduct.
NATO been in dire need to restock its conventional land forces for decades anyways.

Modern IFVs basically never arrived into service in most of Western armies in sufficient quantities after the cold war ended.

Russians basically have put a 30mm onto everything by now, close to no Western armoured vehicles sans tanks can stand it. .50 BMG on top of those M113s is a peashooter in comparison too.

In other words, most of NATO light armour can't do anything about RU light armour, while RU light armour can destroy most NATO light armour, and unlike NATO, RU has tons of IFVs, since they make them cheap (no fancy ceramics, aluminium, modular construction, or anything)
NATO IFV have a different role than RU/Soviet IFV.

We use our IFV as a quick response and to travel with Armor, which were used to deliver troop as soon as armor runs in, you never supposed to run NATO IFV without armor, either in a 4/4 or 8-8 (single platoon with 4 IFV and 4 Tanks or 2 platoon abreast with 8 tanks and 8 IFV) Which mean there are no point for NATO IFV to get big guns and heavy armor.

Russian IFV are used to literally fight with Infantry, they are almost used exclusively with Infantry that may or may not have armor cover. They are design to fight standalone battle with infantry.

As for whether or not M113 is useful, well, seeing most Ukrainian advance are focus on mobility, M113 would suit that role to a dot.
Russia is trying to avoid civilian casualties, that's why so few were killed by the missile strikes. The purpose of the missile strikes is to hit infrastructure. Retaliation for the bridge bombing you could say.

Analysis: Putin has backed himself into a corner - and had no choice but to escalate​

Our security and defence editor Deborah Haynes says Vladimir Putin had no choice but to escalate the war in Ukraine after backing himself into a corner.
Here's the latest Haynes had on the situation...
"The problem that Putin has is that he's backed himself into a corner. He can't back down because that would effectively mean the end of his presidency if he failed in Ukraine, given all of the fake news that he has used to support his argument for invading in the first place.
"And yet his military is failing. It failed to take Kyiv, it failed to seize swathes of territory in the east and the south and to hold them.
"That's now being massively challenged by Ukraine and so what options does he have left other than to escalate - and that's what we're seeing.
"We're seeing in terms of the annexation of those four regions that he did last month, with the drafting of hundreds of thousands of Russians into the military - and now with this huge barrage of missile strikes."

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Putin makes Russia to a beggar. The war costs Russia 1 billion USD per day. Russia economy collapsing. Putin needs money, he sells oil, gas, coal, gold, diamonds and everything else up to 30 percent discount to China, India.
A good example was that before the identity of the killer in Norway was identified (Anders Behring Breivik), the act was labelled in the media as that of Islamic terrorism.

Yes. I think the media has a part to play. Its also a general attitude of people to believe the media outright. The western media really only gives people what they want. If people in the west were really uncomfortable with it, they would complain or watch something else, and the media would change its attitude.

Ps, don’t go out on a limb here bhai, for putim Russia , moscow has been Pakistan’s sworn enemy and Indians biggest arms provider and has blocked all Kashmiris resolutions against filthy Indians crimes in IOK
Look i do not favor Putin. I just hate duble face people. selective Justice selective humenrights Selective freedom of speech. Last week 4 Palestinian God killed but these western media mafia is still talking about Unfortunate event of a girl who got killed police custody in iran. They behaing like American police never kill people.
Last thing we dont care what Putin is doing as they did not care when usa was doing with Muslim world.

Analysis: Putin has backed himself into a corner - and had no choice but to escalate​

Our security and defence editor Deborah Haynes says Vladimir Putin had no choice but to escalate the war in Ukraine after backing himself into a corner.
Here's the latest Haynes had on the situation...
"The problem that Putin has is that he's backed himself into a corner. He can't back down because that would effectively mean the end of his presidency if he failed in Ukraine, given all of the fake news that he has used to support his argument for invading in the first place.
"And yet his military is failing. It failed to take Kyiv, it failed to seize swathes of territory in the east and the south and to hold them.
"That's now being massively challenged by Ukraine and so what options does he have left other than to escalate - and that's what we're seeing.
"We're seeing in terms of the annexation of those four regions that he did last month, with the drafting of hundreds of thousands of Russians into the military - and now with this huge barrage of missile strikes."

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I know this defence.pk is under influence. Even Israeli telling us to leave this web.. man we gave hell of time to this shit. You keep puting Negative rating. We Pakistanis are realizing who are our real enemies with in us..
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