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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Pretty sure I saw some pics of Russians using off the shelf DJI Mavics too.

The new ones like Mini 3 Pro and Avata are very small and fly high which makes them difficult to detect.

These don't have that long a transmission range. Only 10 to 15 km. Best used for calling in a missile strike. That's about it.
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If you are going to act cute and insult someone about "standards" at least make the effort to spell check and proofread your post before hitting the reply button. FYI @That Guy is one of the most objective and pragmatic posters on PDF. If you don't like the "standers" as you put it here on PDF, you know where the off ramp is.

--- Back on topic ---
Present situation: Russian response with a wider barrage against Ukrainian targets is not unexpected; the question is how long it can now be maintained. However, Iranian drones have added some extra capability.

Impact: Demands for air defence support will increase - Read tweet below:

Outlook: Expect Russian grey zone operations in Germany and Bornholm over the coming days.

Russia hasn't learned anything from history:

Afghanistan: Circa 1980's
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Ukraine: 2022
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You don't worry.. I am already on a project which is similar to defence.pk. as soon as it get ready. I will let you know. I am bring a team which is mix of highly qualified people. I will provide a place where people can not be bully

I wish every single person in the West would listen to Putin's speech. Obviously, that won't happen so let me summarise as a professional translator for 10+ years. He states, as he has done from the outset, what his intentions and complaints are in the plainest terms possible

Setting aside his brief comments on the recent "referendums", he spends most of his speech discussing the West. His primary complaint isn't NATO expansion, which gets only a cursory mention. The West is greedy and seeks to enslave and colonise other nations, like Russia.

The West uses the power of finance and technology to enforce its will on other nations. To collect what he calls the "hegemon's tax". To this end the West destabilises countries, creates terrorist enclaves and most of all seeks to deprive other countries of sovereignty.

It is this "avarice" and desire to preserve its power that is the reason for the "hybrid war" the collective West is "waging on Russia". They want us to be a "colony". They do not want us to be free, they want Russians to be a mob of soulless slaves - direct quote.

The rules-based order the West goes on about is "nonsense". Who made these rules? Who agreed to them? Russia is an ancient country and civilization and we will not play by these "rigged" rules. The West has no moral authority to challenge the referendums because it has violated...the borders of other countries. Western elites are "totalitarian, despotic and apartheidistic" - direct quote. They are racist against Russia and other countries and nations. "Russophobia is racism". They discriminate by calling themselves the "civilised world".

They colonised, started the global slave trade, genocided native Americans, pillaged India and Africa, forced China to buy opium through war. We, on the other hand, are proud that we "led" the anti-colonial movement that helped countries develop to reduce poverty and inequality.

They are Russophobic (they hate us) because we didn't allow our country to be pillaged by creating a strong CENTRALISED (emphasis his) state based on Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism. They have been trying to destabilise our country since the 17th century in the Times......of Trouble (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_of_T…). Eventually, they managed to "get their hands on our riches" at the end of the 20th century. They called us friends and partners while pumping out trillions of dollars (his irony game is strong today).

We remember this. We didn't forget. The West claims to bring freedom and democracy to other countries but it's the exact opposite of the truth. The unipolar world is anti-democratic by its very nature. It is a lie. They used nuclear weapons, creating a precedent. They flattened German cities without "any military need to do so". There was no need for this except to scare us and the rest of the world. Korea, Vietnam. To this day they "occupy" Japan, South Korea and Germany and other countries while cynically calling them "allies".

The West has surveillance over the leaders of these nations who "swallow these insults like the slaves they are".

He then talks about bioweapon research (haven't heard about them for a while) and human experiments "including in Ukraine".

The US rules the world by the power of the fist. Any country which seeks to challenge Western hegemony becomes an enemy. Their neocolonialism is cloaked in lies like "containment" of Russia, China and Iran. The concept of truth has been destroyed with fakes and extreme......propaganda(irony game still strong).

You cannot feed your people with printed dollars and social media. You need food and energy. But Western elites have no desire to find a solution to the food and energy crises *they* (emphasis his) created.

They solved the problems at the start of 20c with WW1 and the US established dominance of the world via the dollar as a result of WW2. In the 80s they had another crisis they solved by "plundering our country". Now they want to solve their problems by "breaking Russia".

Russia "understands its responsibility to the international community" and will "do everything to cool the heads of these neocolonials who are destined to fail".

They're crazy. I want to speak to all Russian citizens, do we want to replace mum and dad with parent 1 and 2?

They invented genders and claim you can "transition". Do we want this for our children?

We have a different vision.

They have abandoned religion and embraced Satanism - direct quote.

The world is going through a revolutionary transformation. A multipolar world offers nations freedom to develop as they wish and they make up the majority of the world.

We have many like-minded friends in Western countries. We see and appreciate their support. They are forming liberation, anti-colonial movements as we speak - direct quote. These will only grow.

We are fighting for a fair world for our country. The idea of exceptionalism is criminal and we must turn this shameful page. The breaking of the West's hegemony is INEVITABLE (emphasis his).

There is no going back. We are fighting for our "great (as in big), historic Russia". Our values are (irony game crescendo): love of our fellow man, compassion and mercy.

Truth is with us, Russia is with us.

That's the end of the speech. As I said from day 1, the purpose of what Putin is doing in Ukraine is to throw the West off its pedestal. This isn't about NATO or Ukraine, this is the big play to replace the current world order.
Who died and made him Tsar and spokesperson for the Russian population. Nobody. At least nobody for the last 20 years
Small correction, Mongols never conquered India, they were twice defeated by the local Muslim Turks and India was spared their destruction. Mongols did conquer and destroy the dominant power in Middle East and Abbassid Caliphate, a blow from which Islamic civilization never recovered.
I agree but funder of mugal empire baber mirza was grand grand son of tamur lang and tamur wife was gand gand daughter of gangaz khan. That mean mungul became mugal inindia and they converted to Islam
You don't worry.. I am already on a project which is similar to defence.pk. as soon as it get ready. I will let you know. I am bring a team which is mix of highly qualified people. I will provide a place where people can not be bully

You wrote an offensive remark and now complain about being bullied.

I understand it is your last post here , so bye bye.

Oky genius! Let's start from unification of Germany events. What was agreed by German Chancellor US and soviet leaders.
Unification of journey was agreed on one principle principle That Allied forces will not go into the East Germany Later Allied forces went into the East Germany Lithuania Georgia Poland turkey keep extending to their borders.As we all know putin was there in East Germany as kgb official and he is main witness of that agreement when he demands to fullfil that agreement. I believe he as right. You know when nato got into the 🇹🇷 turkey.they blocked black sea for Russian. When nato got into Spain. Nato blocked Chablalter for them. British n French sea was already blocked for them. Soviet or Russian sea as we all know it is frozen for 8 months a year. Biggest country on planet it needs sea routes to trade with world. It is like if I park my car infront of your doorstep for 40 years what will you do..
Now come to Cuban Missile crisis. Do you know why it had happened. Because USA had installed atomic bombs and its misiles defence systems in Turkey and soviet Retaliated with cuban missil installment. When soviet installed those missile near US borders. US started crying like Prostitute.
If we follow the example of cuban missile crisis and amaraicn reaction. Then give right to Russians to defend their mother land when nato keep Extending to their borders on American behalf.
You know what cost soviet paid being Blocked in Turkish spanish franch British waters. They jumped in Afghanistan to have Access to warm waters. They thought if they go to European waters there will be world War 3. They thought Afghanistan n pakistan are much easy targets. Their Misscalculation cost them to lose 12 of its provinces including East Germany.
This time they took this risk to fight with Europe. They know if they did not stop amaraicns in Europe then their end is near as Russian nation.
End of story is with out knowing anything about Global politics. Dont jump in into discussions with harsh words.
Now look into the map how much territory they lost. Orange color they lost the land in green color it was their tread routes . Green color routes are blocked by nato..now they have 1 short route via Afghanistan and Pakistan and here comes removal of Imran khan by Americans. Do you understand what i mean. Same way they killed first pm of Pakistan. He was ready to give tread access to warm waters.
With your revisionist ignorant logic of trying to justify an attack in this century you are bringing back grievances from 70 years ago. Thats genius. Grievances are only brought up by the not winning side.

Why stop here: why not then get Uzbekistan and Kazakastan get occupied too. In fact why don't you move there first and then promote the idea of living under Russian rule.

There is no moral right here (ether Russia or the west). Don't make Russia sound like some poor innocent victim that has historical grievance so everybody on this thread should magically support them.

Soviets went into Afghanistan to expand but they failed. They also built their satellite states with direct control over Hungary and Poland. But they could not keep control of them and eventually lost them.

So if your issue is Russia is miserable at maintaining its influence and so they should get Ukraine, thats a different matter. But your logic , regardless of how far back you go to blame western countries, does not change history or Russia's track record of having its own (but failed) record of not expanding and then retaining influence.

May be the country you live in can surrender to the occupying force the next time its attacked under the logic that there is a legitimate grievance and you can bring some history in at that time.
You wrote an offensive remark and now complain about being bullied.

I understand it is your last post here , so bye bye.

Who i Offended? That admain is Continuesly giv2ing negative ratings to a user. I objected on that. By the way I am working on project like defence.pk since may. As I feel this web is working under......... you know what I mean. And a Isreal going to tell if I stay on this web or not. I know you have seen my previous posts where I take Isreal for all his wrong doings in Palestine.. common man.. you Israelis are funny
. You did not asnwer my questions and still try to tell others about modalities. Nato attacked Iraq right? Afghanistan right?. You attacked lybia right?. . Answer those questions first.. UN is joke. It is Prostitute which works for USA uk France and Isreal. UN CAN notT DO NOTHING. Look at Kashmir and Palestine
When you create your new project, pls first understand what the title of the thread means and then respect it in that forum. You are distracting from this topic. Nobody is debating that somebody did right or wrong. This thread is on Ukraine and its war with Russia.

There are other threads for Iraq/Afghanistan or what Israel does. By saying Ukraine should win is not the same as saying that all other wars were justified. Stop distracting from this thread.

Oh and by the way, Russia also invaded Afghanistan and attacked Syria and killed 10s of thousands.

Iraq and liybia were supper rich countries then saudia and Qatar. Go and see those countries are shit whol now after your imposed war.. you still defending attack on Iraq Syria libiya Palestinian Kashmir. That shows how dubleface bc idiot you are.
We dont give any one morality lesson.. as you accepted iraq did not had WMD. When you going to compensate them. Any Afghan was involved in 9/11?. Osama used to dine in wighthouse. He was the man who made usa solo supper power after defeating soviet in Afghanistan. So dont talk shit here. We not idiots like many in west. Brain size of chicken. Go read about petrol dollar economy and Wallstreet guys those who meet sadam and qadafi after arab Israel war with offer to protect their dictatorship if they sell petrol in dollars. Those dictators who are selling petrol in dollars they are best budy of west. Those refused they are under mud. You are ignorant n funny.. West sell one wine with three labels Democracy humenrights and terrorism. Where Iraqi Palestinian Kashmir lives are less important then Ukrainens.
You and your kind is birth of this media mafia.
May be you should consult with your Saudi and UAE brothers on why fellow Yemeni lives were dispensable and killed tens of thousands of their fellow arabs and yet still get their butts kicked.

The idea of moral right in this world will never give you the peace of mind you seek. Nobody here has stated that Israel is justified or what India is doing in Kashmir. But just because that injjustice is taking place is not reason for this to happen again

Meanwhile Russia have just fired missiles into Zaporizhzhia killing 17 people. Zaporizhzhia is one of the four areas where Putin claimed that 92% voted for him recently, so is he now intentionally killing Russians?
80 missiles with 17 dead? Either numbers of casualties are way off, or these missiles have the letahlity of a lego kit
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When you create your new project, pls first understand what the title of the thread means and then respect it in that forum. You are distracting from this topic. Nobody is debating that somebody did right or wrong. This thread is on Ukraine and its war with Russia.

There are other threads for Iraq/Afghanistan or what Israel does. By saying Ukraine should win is not the same as saying that all other wars were justified. Stop distracting from this thread.

Oh and by the way, Russia also invaded Afghanistan and attacked Syria and killed 10s of thousands.
First question i will not asnwer second why Russian attacked Afghanistan in 80 they were blocked in western waters by our western friends. They were force to jump in Afghanistan to reach in warm waters . I belive if they tried to go there as they trying to go now it could have be world War three. And we inch closer to world War three after Russian Retaliation.By the way one Israeli objected on my post now my own Pakistanis are objecting lol Pakistan is getting funny these days .
This is sovit map and Russian map you can look yourself how much land they lost in last 40 years because of blockade. It is like you slice the cake slowly
Screenshot_20221010-092207_Samsung capture.jpg
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Meanwhile Russia have just fired missiles into Zaporizhzhia killing 17 people. Zaporizhzhia is one of the four areas where Putin claimed that 92% voted for him recently, so is he now intentionally killing Russians?
80 missiles with 17 dead? Either numbers of casualties are way off, or these missiles have the letahlity of a lego kit

Whether you are for Putin or against him, he is the last man standing against a unipolar world where everyone outside the US becomes a slave to the USD.
The world is already slave to the USD and Putin and his cronies were already in that category with their properties and holdings in the West. They stole from Russia to park it in the west. Or did you not know that?

And if Putin really was the saviour against US hegemony, this was a shitty way to demonstrate it by taking his own country back to N. Korea standards in the next 20 years. He should have maintained his illusion of greatness by soft power and interference around the world. Even if war stops tomorrow, Russia prestige is gone, its weapons unless go for free, nobody will buy.

And its cut off economically from the world and unable to import anything from any advanced economy.

So your wish may have been noble that he was standing up to a unipolar world. But he did it in an idiotic way
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