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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

When you create your new project, pls first understand what the title of the thread means and then respect it in that forum. You are distracting from this topic. Nobody is debating that somebody did right or wrong. This thread is on Ukraine and its war with Russia.

There are other threads for Iraq/Afghanistan or what Israel does. By saying Ukraine should win is not the same as saying that all other wars were justified. Stop distracting from this thread.

Oh and by the way, Russia also invaded Afghanistan and attacked Syria and killed 10s of thousands.

May be you should consult with your Saudi and UAE brothers on why fellow Yemeni lives were dispensable and killed tens of thousands of their fellow arabs and yet still get their butts kicked.

The idea of moral right in this world will never give you the peace of mind you seek. Nobody here has stated that Israel is justified or what India is doing in Kashmir. But just because that injjustice is taking place is not reason for this to happen again

80 missiles with 17 dead? Either numbers of casualties are way off, or these missiles have the letahlity of a lego kit
This world is like jungle. Where saudies Israeli amaraicns Russians Indian France uk the powerful countries have right to attack and occupy destroye poor countries
They did not get free pass. But you either not qualify to tell the people what rules they need to follow. This game is stared by you guys on the cost of Ukrainens lives. It is you who kicked out majority government in Ukraine and brought minority government way you guys did with Mr khan' government. You guys do not qualify to be humen right champions. When you guys start Condemning Israelis in Palestine syria Jordan and India’s actions in Kashmir and American actions in Iraq Syria Afghanistan. We will stand with you guys but as it istoo late for your Condomination. We will let you fight your own wars. We were no body for you guys and will be no body in this war bro. What goes around comes around..
You are making yourself sound like a pathetic fool by bringing matters not connected to this war on this thread. Its reducing the IQ level of the conversation. Looks like you like to use western tech (everything you are using to access this forum is a result of western inventions, but may have been manufactured elsewhere). Probably some of your family members got western vaccines. If you have an issue on US in Iraq, there were posts by the thousands on that matter when it was relevant. Its not relevant. US left Iraq. Nobody is sitting in the US saying 'wow that was such a great thing to go in'. Thats the reality. Only you are living that era as a way to cover your below average IQ Putin whose main job is to keep on replacing his generals .
Hospitals, shopping malls don't work without electricity. Targeting the few power plants is enough. No need to waste missiles.

Try it yourself. Try shooting a cruise missile with a MANPADS. Let me know how it goes.
Hospitals have fuel electric generator for emergencies.

Anyway, there is something more criminal than intentionally disrupt the activity of a hopsital?
He wouldn't want to use his soldiers to waste in Ukraine , he's keeping a big portion of them intact to face bigger war against west , that's what ay sane person would do
Oh you mean the competent soldiers that he can't trust to protect the bridge but he has outsourced that protection to FSB? The rest of his military is there to suppress his civilian population as Tsar Putin wants to be king for life
80 missiles with 17 dead? Either numbers of casualties are way off, or these missiles have the letahlity of a lego kit

The world is already slave to the USD and Putin and his cronies were already in that category with their properties and holdings in the West. They stole from Russia to park it in the west. Or did you not know that?

And if Putin really was the saviour against US hegemony, this was a shitty way to demonstrate it by taking his own country back to N. Korea standards in the next 20 years. He should have maintained his illusion of greatness by soft power and interference around the world. Even if war stops tomorrow, Russia prestige is gone, its weapons unless go for free, nobody will buy.

And its cut off economically from the world and unable to import anything from any advanced economy.

So your wish may have been noble that he was standing up to a unipolar world. But he did it in an idiotic way

Putin is a US Anglo pawn piece. There is hardly a doubt.

These men and nations at least their leaderships are all in the same pocket. It is a performance as it has always been.

Russia's recent hits on Ukraine are just to keep their internal power structure as status quo and intact so that no disruption to the leadership can occur. They may simply be a gesture. If not and Russia escalates war to highest degree without nuclear, then that is the will and design of those in charge of UK, USA, and Russia.
50 pubs closing every month as inflation crisis bites
Jump in operating costs and reluctant consumers inflict pain on industry

New figures show that there are now around 39,800 pubs in England and Wales, with the number of closures accelerating in summer.

Between the end of June and September, a total of 150 pubs were either demolished or turned into homes and offices - close to the 200 pubs which shut in the whole previous six months.

Usa gift to Europe
Better for the tax payer in terms of health outcomes of population.Thats the ultimate gift

but that doesnt logically mean that is what will happen in this war- use logic and stop relying on stupid fallacies.
Are they waiting for a wedding invite to put their best? No f))*(9(*&ing country in history of the last 100 years has gone in with a mercanary force and then mobilized its prisoners. You go in with the best. But for some reason there is an idiotic fallacy that 'oh yes there must be a bigger and better equipped force'. Even the tank regiment protecting Moscow has been used here

Americans have low living standard compared to Chinese.
Spoken like a true loser where the suburban peasants come to work in the city and only in the last 5 years have gotten the basic human right to send their kids to school where they live vs. in the country side. Fortunately for the great Chinese people, you are just a low life and don't speak for them.

Americans have low living standard compared to Chinese.
Spoken like a true loser where the suburban peasants come to work in the city and only in the last 5 years have gotten the basic human right to send their kids to school where they live vs. in the country side. Fortunately for the great Chinese people, you are just a low life and don't speak for them.
Germany is going to spend billions on Ukraine for nothing. What a waste.
Humiliating Putin will be worth it.
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Anglos are butchers. Anglos butchered millions of native Americans, Australians, New Zealanders.
This is why after thousands of years China can only dream of Taiwan, and is happy with Hong Kong. And got butchered by Japanese, and if it wasn't for Anglos, eastern China would be under Japanese control still
First question i will not asnwer second why Russian attacked Afghanistan in 80 they were blocked in western waters by our western friends. They were force to jump in Afghanistan to reach in warm waters . I belive if they tried to go there as they trying to go now it could have be world War three. And we inch closer to world War three after Russian Retaliation.By the way one Israeli objected on my post now my own Pakistanis are objecting lol Pakistan is getting funny these days .
This is sovit map and Russian map you can look yourself how much land they lost in last 40 years because of blockade. It is like you slice the cake slowly View attachment 886172
You sound worse with each post you make. If you are upset about being flagged , its not about your viewpoint but the stupidity.

What is this the 1800s that Soviets needed a warm water port? They have ice breakers and can navigage all of north pole. You have empathy for their desire of a warm water port. Their fu*()(ng geography put them in the cold and they don't have a warm water port. Not the West. And you know Afghanistan does not have a port. Look up on google map, and it will tell you that in 1980 also it did not have a warm water port.

And it is not a birth right to have a warm water port that a country that does not have one, can go invade, kill tens of thousands, produce millions of refugees to have a go at it. I wonder where you could even find like minded analysts like you to join your project that have this 'birthright' perspective. From that logic then everything that anybody did or does is a birth right. Including slavery (access to cheap labor being a birth right by extension)

You are making no sense to justify the true losing empire. Russians have lost through out the 100 years. ONly reason they prevailed over Germany was because Germany was occupied on the western front.

Now stop with the stupidity and put something makes some sense (or go cry victim and start your project)
You sound worse with each post you make. If you are upset about being flagged , its not about your viewpoint but the stupidity.

What is this the 1800s that Soviets needed a warm water port? They have ice breakers and can navigage all of north pole. You have empathy for their desire of a warm water port. Their fu*()(ng geography put them in the cold and they don't have a warm water port. Not the West. And you know Afghanistan does not have a port. Look up on google map, and it will tell you that in 1980 also it did not have a warm water port.

And it is not a birth right to have a warm water port that a country that does not have one, can go invade, kill tens of thousands, produce millions of refugees to have a go at it. I wonder where you could even find like minded analysts like you to join your project that have this 'birthright' perspective. From that logic then everything that anybody did or does is a birth right. Including slavery (access to cheap labor being a birth right by extension)

You are making no sense to justify the true losing empire. Russians have lost through out the 100 years. ONly reason they prevailed over Germany was because Germany was occupied on the western front.

Now stop with the stupidity and put something makes some sense (or go cry victim and start your project)
Oky what els. Are you the same Israeli which was upset on my post now you are using Pakistani flags. Right? You need to understand one thing my Israeli friend. We are very close to world War three. Those who are enjoying and making fun of this situation and they taking this as some random move they are mistaken. This war will finish around 5 billions people on earth. Do you get my point.. our stupid leaders invited this war at home.
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Looks like you like to use western tech (everything you are using to access this forum is a result of western inventions, but may have been manufactured elsewhere).

I mean we won't be even using PC's if it weren't for Greeks / Persian / Arab centers of learning back in the day. No one civilization can call themselves the embodiment of knowledge. Lets stop throwing out generalist statements like "western inventions" just because you don't have any other argument left.
I mean we won't be even using PC's if it weren't for Greeks / Persian / Arab centers of learning back in the day. No one civilization can call themselves the embodiment of knowledge. Lets stop throwing out generalist statements like "western inventions" just because you don't have any other argument left.
The argument was in context of 'Putin is so great' and 'west is so evil'. This is not about evil and good. Its about who is winning and can loser have a winning scenario. So if west is so evil then swear off all things west then.
I mean we won't be even using PC's if it weren't for Greeks / Persian / Arab centers of learning back in the day. No one civilization can call themselves the embodiment of knowledge. Lets stop throwing out generalist statements like "western inventions" just because you don't have any other argument left.
He does not know who was father of algorithm. Without algorithm his laptop can not work. Tell him Who was father of morden gps system.
80 missiles with 17 dead? Either numbers of casualties are way off, or these missiles have the letahlity of a lego kit

The world is already slave to the USD and Putin and his cronies were already in that category with their properties and holdings in the West. They stole from Russia to park it in the west. Or did you not know that?

And if Putin really was the saviour against US hegemony, this was a shitty way to demonstrate it by taking his own country back to N. Korea standards in the next 20 years. He should have maintained his illusion of greatness by soft power and interference around the world. Even if war stops tomorrow, Russia prestige is gone, its weapons unless go for free, nobody will buy.

And its cut off economically from the world and unable to import anything from any advanced economy.

So your wish may have been noble that he was standing up to a unipolar world. But he did it in an idiotic way
Russia fired 80 missiles to kill 8 people.
Great terror
litte success.

This terror will get a response by Ukraine and the West.
The argument was in context of 'Putin is so great' and 'west is so evil'. This is not about evil and good. Its about who is winning and can loser have a winning scenario. So if west is so evil then swear off all things west then.
You taking it very wrong my dear Israeli friend. Many Western are not bad infact they very good human. But their establecimient used media as tool to run the lies.. one side they say attack on Iraq was right what Isreal is doing it is right. What Indians are doing in Kashmir they doing right but other side they what Russia is doing it is wrong we have problem with duble standers. You have to accept both side did wrong rather with amaraicn attack on Iraq Syria. Or ireali attack on Syria Jordan Palestine or Russian attack on Ukrainen. Whey selective justice
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