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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That is the effect of living in a democratic country instead of a dictatorship.
We can apply sanctions against countries violating international treaties, but we will not force companies to do business with dictatorships.

If Airbus does not want to sell A310s to Iran, there is no reason for us to try to change their mind, is there?
as I said as Europe have no power to protect their companies and is a slave to USA whims , and as we don't care about empty promises and papers and agreement that have no effects .
we care not about it , when USA come on board with agreement then call us as agreement with you guys even don't worth the paper its written on .
you guys simply don't have spine to protect yourself and interesting part we are not the one seeking an agreement , its you guys who crave it
This is how we conducted armored assault. Back in the early 2000s, this is how I was taught exactly to a point how to do that.

The Humvee need to take overhead position to cover the troop, that's why they are leaving, the troop will then sieve thru the crack and engage the Russian using both cover and concealment.

This kind of assault works extremely well in difficult terrain because Humvee are high mobility, and they can get in and out of difficult terrain easy, that's why I keep saying we need to give the Ukrainian better wheeled vehicle like Stryker or LAV. They would have further their gain becasue those are better protected than Humvee.
Not the M1117s or something similar to it?
We demand Payment, Freeze of Interest and Loan, says Russian Conscript

No payment? They fight for free?
Putin previously pays $5,000 per month. Then he reduced to $2,500 per month. Now 0? That’s bitter.
lol, next week is next to impossible. Unless Russian line buckled on the entire front. I don't see that likely.

Probably next month, the Ukrainian may take or at least threaten Nova Kakovhka tho. After that, in about 2 or 3 weeks, they can start threatening Kherson.

Since Kharkiv Offensive it seems the entire Russian line to Kherson is collapsing, conscripts apparently being sent to the frontline with no training or equipment. This could be over soon.

Winter will soon and both sides will be bogged down until next spring. You may get winter units battling it out but won't achieve much. Russia will try and buy until more soldiers can be trained and more equipment manufactured.

Winters coming so if the Ukrainians dont get the russian s the weather will.

Russia tried to compensate a lack of training and quality equipment with large troop counts. Looks like training and quality equipment wins
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The Missile Ukraine Wants Is One the U.S. Says It Doesn’t Need​

Ukrainian officials have asked for a weapon that can strike targets 190 miles away. But the Pentagon — wary of widening the war — says the ones it has provided are powerful enough.


The Pentagon’s Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, are all reserved for top secret war plans in places like the Korean Peninsula.

The Pentagon’s Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, are all reserved for top secret war plans in places like the Korean Peninsula.Credit...Yonhap News Agency/Via Reuters

By John Ismay
Oct. 6, 2022

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Pentagon officials have sent the Ukrainian military an array of equipment totaling billions of dollars. But one powerful weapon, called the Army Tactical Missile System, has become part of a debate about the limits of U.S. support for its ally.

The long-range missile — known as ATACMS and pronounced like “attack ’ems” — can strike targets 190 miles away with a warhead containing about 375 pounds of explosives. It can be fired from the HIMARS mobile launchers that the United States has provided Ukraine, as well as from older M270 launchers sent from Britain and Germany.

Ukrainian officials say the missile could help them regain Crimea, a part of the country that Russia seized in 2014. But Pentagon officials insist they are already giving Ukraine the weapons it most needs: Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, or GMLRS.

And this week, a senior Pentagon official saidthat the guided rockets, which the United States has sent Ukrainian forces by the thousands, can reach most of their targets, even in Crimea.


Why has this weapon been such a sensitive issue?​

It comes down to this: concern in the White House that Ukraine could use the long-range missile to strike targets deep inside Russia, and that President Vladimir V. Putin might respond by escalating the war, possibly by invading a neighboring NATO country.
We’re trying to avoid World War III,” President Biden has said.

But President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine says the weapon is crucial to his country’s ability to launch a wider counteroffensive after its recent advances. He has also insisted that he has no plans to strike Russian cities or target civilians.

The State of the War​

What is this thing?​

The missile was developed in the 1980s to destroy high-value Soviet targets deep behind enemy lines. It was built as a rare guided weapon at a time when the United States mainly relied on “dumb bombs” and other unguided munitions for attacking targets on the ground.

A spokeswoman for Lockheed Martin said that the company has built 60,000 GMLRS and 4,000 ATACMS to date, some of which have been sold to foreign allies. A senior defense official told The New York Times that the United States can more easily part with the less expensive guided rockets, given that the Pentagon’s tactical missiles are all reserved for top secret war plans in places like the Korean Peninsula.

Because ATACMS is the U.S. Army’s longest-range surface-fired weapon, it has traditionally been used in missions approved by three-star generals for the highest-priority targets on a battlefield. Lower-ranking officers are allowed to launch guided rockets as needed in combat.

What was ATACMS built for?​

The missile was originally designed to destroy enemy surface-to-air missile defense weapons by blanketing them with hundreds of individual bomblets.

Today, the Pentagon has two versions of the ATACMS in its inventory — the cluster weapon and one that carries a single explosive charge.

Because of the high dud rate of the bomblets carried in the cluster weapon version, the Pentagon would probably provide allies with only the variant containing a single high-explosive charge.

ATACMS is also the Army’s oldest surface-launched missile currently in service, and a prototype of its replacement is being test-firedat White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. That weapon, called the Precision Strike Missile, will fly to ranges previously barred by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

Live Updates: Russia-Ukraine War

3 hours ago

Since the Trump administration chose to exit that pact in early 2019, the Pentagon has accelerated development of the Precision Strike Missile, which is smaller and can fly much farther than its predecessor. Two can fit into the same size container that carries a single tactical missile.

Has the U.S. used them in combat?​

Yes. The U.S. military fired around 30 ATACMS in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm, according to government records. They were used to strike Iraq’s medium-range ballistic missile launchers and surface-to-air missile sites.

Those first-generation cluster munition versions could fly about 100 miles. Once over their targets, they released 950 bomblets.

The Pentagon later restricted the use of cluster munitions because they often failed, littering battlefields with hazardous duds that killed and wounded friendly and enemy soldiers as well as civilians after combat ended. The Army refurbished many of the early ATACMS in the 2000s and replaced the bomblets with a single explosive warhead.

The Army fired more than 400 of the bomblet-carrying tactical missiles in Operation Iraqi Freedom, according to government records, most notably in the early hours of the 2003 invasion.

The U.S. Navy considered adopting the tactical missiles for use on submarines and warships — and even test-fired one from an armored launch vehicle on the flight deck of an amphibious ship off the coast of San Diego in 1995 — but ultimately decided against purchasing it.

Occasionally, U.S. military leaders fire a tactical missile from South Korea into the ocean after North Korea test-fires its own missiles, as in June.

A High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, can be used to fire the guided rockets the United States has been giving Ukraine as well as the longer-range missiles that it wants.

A High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, can be used to fire the guided rockets the United States has been giving Ukraine as well as the longer-range missiles that it wants.Credit...Fadel Senna/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Why does Ukraine want it?​

One word: range. And given that it is the Army’s longest-range ground-fired missile, and that the United States does not have very many of them, providing it to Ukraine could be seen as a sign of America’s commitment to Kyiv.

But there are trade-offs in terms of capabilities.

Compared with the GMLRS, the version of the ATACMS that Ukraine wants carries an explosive warhead that is about 50 percent larger and can strike targets more than three times as far.

The tactical missile is much larger though, about 13 feet long and 2 feet wide, and weighs about 3,000 pounds. As a result, a mobile launcher like the M142 HIMARS can carry six guided rockets but only one tactical missile at a time.

Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Ukrainians need the guided rockets more than they need to be able to attack at longer ranges.

“Volume matters,” General Milley told reporters in July. He said that both weapons were “very effective,” but that right now the GMLRS were “really fulfilling their need.”
Since Kharkiv Offensive it seems the entire Russian line to Kherson is collapsing, conscripts apparently being sent to the frontline with no training or equipment. This could be over soon.

Winters coming so if the Ukrainians dont get the russian s the weather will.

Russia tried to compensate a lack of training and quality equipment with large troop counts. Looks like training and quality equipment wins
While I do hope so, but this is probably some wishful thinking.

There are still ferry and barge ferry supplies to Kherson, not much but at least they keep it coming, it will last longer than the troop East of Kherson, there were talk of low morale and talk of surrender every sine Kharkiv Offensive, not that much on Kherson.

No payment? They fight for free?
Putin previously pays $5,000 per month. Then he reduced to $2,500 per month. Now 0? That’s bitter.
Well, that's what the man said. Nothing, they don't even delay these people mortgage when they pull them off, and ask him to talk to their bank. That's lol
That's another problem.

Again, bear in mind, this is not individual personnel, nor individual equipment failure, but a systematic failure of the entire system. From top to bottom, and that system is, or was (Honestly I don't think anyone will go with Russian system after this) one of the only 2 doctrines in the world. The other being Western and NATO doctrine.

Now country that follow Russian doctrine would be shaking their boots, because you literally see the entire system disintegrated in front of your eyes on TV. the problem is, if this is the case, what can you change to?

Assuming the Russian system is poisonous, everything and anything derived from it would have been fruit from a poisonous tree, and it will only be second best to the Western or NATO system. Which mean either someone have to come up with a military doctrine that's built from scratch, or they would have to follow the Western Doctrine, however, since many of those who uses Russian Doctrine are NATO enemies, no one on the NATO side will help them establish NATO like system in their own country.

Which means, until a new doctrine, most possibly from China or even India or one of those regional military power come forward, there are not a military doctrine that can challenge the west. And that will send shockwave to the core of most country that uses Russian Doctrine. Because essentially, people know how to defeat your army.

You are right, I think Pakistan is a example of trying to follow the western war doctrine and British discipline while of60% of Pakistani equipment is originated from soviet origin or routes. The same goes for India. China May be trying to change and develop them self as they have shown in the past war history in Korea and Vietnam. The Chinese are very good learners.

**** = t dot me


⚔️🇺🇸🐮💩 Fiend Analysis of the situation in Ukraine from American Troll and Muzzlewhores Institute for the Study of War (ISW):

⚠️ Even if you trolls and morons don't like it, Wagner not only likely made incremental gains around Bakhmut. They have taken over two settlements 100%! Why likely? Graduate in mathemathics missing or only semantic problems? And naming of those, who are not allowed to be named ( when they are successful) helps against fear, as we know from Harry Potter. 🍻

October 6 Key Takeaways🔻

▪️ Russia’s use of Iranian-made drones is not generating asymmetric effects the way the Ukrainian use of US-provided HIMARS systems has done and is unlikely to affect the course of the war significantly.

▪️ The Wagner Private Military Company announced the creation of its own private Telegram channel on October 6, indicating that Wagner financier Yevgeny Prigozhin may want a voice that is clearly his own to compete with milbloggers and possibly Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov, who all have their own Telegram channels.

▪️ Ukrainian forces likely continued counteroffensive operations in northeastern Kharkiv Oblast near Kupyansk and operations to threaten Russian positions along the Kreminna-Svatove road in western Luhansk Oblast on October 6.

▪️ Russian troops are likely establishing defensive positions in upper Kherson Oblast following the collapse of the Russian line in northeast Kherson.

▪️ Russian troops continued ground attacks in Donetsk Oblast on October 6 and likely made incremental gains around Bakhmut.

▪️ Russian forces continued to conduct routine artillery, air, and missile strikes west of Hulyaipole, and in Dnipropetrovsk and Mykolaiv Oblasts on October 6.

▪️ Local Russian officials appear to be frantically looking for ways to fund their mobilized units as the Kremlin increasingly expects local administrations to pay for the war effort from their own budgets.

▪️ The Ukrainian Resistance Center reported on October 6 that Russian forces began the forced mobilization of Ukrainian citizens in Russian-occupied Kremmina and Starobilsk, Luhansk Oblast.

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Source: understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-october-6 🥁🥁🥁01BTC10:
If the HIMARS make a difference like they claim then Russian's much more numerous Tornado system should win the war?

E On:
In a recent interview US Ret. Gen. Jack Keene holds that Ukraine military (UkA) with USA provided resources (F16s, tanks, etc.) will be able, in the spring offensive, to retake the Donbas & the south.

Keene holds that Putin needs to be taught a lesson, and with the US's resources the UkA will be able to give Putin & the RF a decisive, unforgetable defeat.

The ret Gen. has minimal regard for the RF mobilized troops. He considers them weak, demoralized, incapable of defeating the new improved UkArmy.

Listen to the man & judge for yourself:

Vasyl Jirov:
Aint this the same guy that got his *** kicked by farmers and never won a major war in his life? Smells like copium

Isw are clowns 🤡

E On:

N.B. I haven't yet located on which Fox News programme Ret. Gen Jack Keene said the following.... He sees the bloody conflict in Ukraine as a big financial savings for the US....! (What about all those human lives that are killed...? And these people, especially the interviewers, NEVER talk about the 8+ years of the thousands of murdered civilians in the Donbass & in the south....)

From Elena's comment on iEarlGray Telegram channel

"American General Jack Keane honestly admitted today on the Fox News channel: “For just $66 billion, we got Ukraine at war with Russia.”

According to him, the United States has invested about $66 billion in the Kyiv regime since February of this year, which helped arm Ukraine and set up local society for war with Russia. The old warrior said that “investments in Ukraine today are very profitable, because for relatively little money in the interests of the United States, not Americans die in the war with Russia, but Ukrainians.”

The confessions of the former chief of staff of the US Army are so cynical and frank that they knock the ground out of all pacifists and supporters of a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Ukraine. The questions of who attacked first and why this is necessary disappear by themselves. You just need to carefully listen to the words of the general:

“Some Republicans doubt the correctness of our spending today, including on Ukraine. But we have a budget of 6 trillion dollars, and, in fact, it is several hundred billion more. We invested crumbs in Ukraine - only 66 billion a year. This is 1.1% of the budget. And we get disproportionately large benefits.

Jack Keane clearly indicates the goal of the United States: “Washington was able to do the main thing, create a serious rival for Moscow on the borders of Russia, which will have to prevent the Russian leadership from pursuing a policy of influence in Eastern Europe, especially in the countries of the former USSR ... This will deprive them of the opportunity under Putin to realize their ambitions, how to take, for example, some of the Soviet republics back .... And, if this happened, and Russia still took some former republic of the USSR, then NATO would start a war.

The scale of this war would be much larger than what is happening now. And the risks of nuclear would be much higher. And the consequences of such a conflict are completely incomprehensible and not obvious to either side. This is what we avoided throughout the Cold War, a conventional war between two nuclear powers. Therefore, such an investment, specifically in Ukrainians, who are fighting Russia in the interests of the United States, is very profitable.”

The general's revelations need to be printed out in the form of leaflets and glued on their foreheads, to everyone who is against holding an NWO."
Not the M1117s or something similar to it?
I would say Stryker or LAV would better suit the role. You can carry more troop into combat that way. M1117 are mostly used for ISTAR, it makes sense for Afghan to have it because they would need to call US Air Strike on target, it wouldn't make sense for the Ukrainian to have them.

If the Ukrainians can get close to Crimea with HIMARS, the Russian Navy will have to pull back because of also threats by Harpoons and other missiles. Something to think of providing Ukrainians with ability to hit ships in every part of the Black Sea since they can never match ton for ton with ship production, but large long range missiles would be enough to compensate. If the Ukrainians can whittle down their defenses and push them back from defending the narrow strip of road from the mainland to Crimea even with the Russian artillery, they have a good chance. No air assault, remember I mentioned about providing helos?
Ukraine won't put HIMARS close to the frontline, that is a good way to have them destroyed by COUNTBAT or Airstrike. they will put them inland, The reason is Russia don't need to put pressure on Ukraine if their job is to defend Crimea, it would have been another way around. Which mean the Ukrainian would expose their troop in order to go on the attack.

It's very hard to crack Crimea defence, traditional sense you would need to have naval superiority to be able to take it. Again, I don't know if Russian is this inept but what I am saying is the general term.

Remember when I mentioned about M1117s should be sent? Exactly for that reason. And I think the Ukrainians are capable of operating them and using them for scouting or recon quite well.

Saw satellite pictures of them setting up trenches around Nova Kakovhka, not impressed. Easily to shred them in the trenches with accurate artillery fire and HIMARS as well as drones with grenades, even use drones at night while attacking them simultaneously with vehicles and infantry.
Already mentioned M1117 so I am not going to talk about it again.

As for Nova Kakovhka, well, you still need to get there and dislodge them from their position before you can take it, that would take a week considering the Ukrainian is still around 60km from Nova Kakovhka.

And if you ask me, if you only started digging trench when you see your enemy at the gate, you are not going to hold that city..

You are right, I think Pakistan is a example of trying to follow the western war doctrine and British discipline while of60% of Pakistani equipment is originated from soviet origin or routes. The same goes for India. China May be trying to change and develop them self as they have shown in the past war history in Korea and Vietnam. The Chinese are very good learners.
Pakistan is another issue, China on the other hand, are quite heavily entrenched into Soviet Doctrine. You can see that from the unit distribution and formation of the Chinese PLA.

Problem is not whether or not Chinese can learn, the problem is, there are no one to teach them, which make their way to make their own doctrine ever harder. on the other hand, it would be easier for both Pakistan and India to migrate to Western or Western like System. Because both have Western Influence within their system. In this case, I think even Pakistan can teach the Chinese about Western Doctrine. But that would not be comprehensive tho, it would just be a start.

**** = t dot me


⚡🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Summary of the 6th Separate Cossack Regiment for October 6⚡

🔥 During the merciless fire of the artillery and units of the regiment were destroyed:

▪️ MLRS Rocket Division Fire: 1 Unit, 2 trucks, 16 Ukranazis

▪️ Howitzer Division Fire: 2 Guns, 1 SAU, 1 Pickup Truck, 14 Ukrofascists

▪️ Fire from Automatic Grenade Launchers: Up to 12 personnel

▪️ Fire from ATGM Units: 1 Pickup Truck, 1 BMP

And just now these ukrofascists were driving by bus on the #Soledar - #Artemovsk Highway, apparently they were bringing help, and then BAM ... 💥
ATGM rocket - and there is no group of fascists!

How many? The Ukropians will write a figure in their casualty list later!

****/Slavyangrad /@evgeniy_lisitsyn/#VID
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