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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia has always failed first then adapted and overcame. WW2 is the best example in the end Russians were the first to reach berlin.
That may be true but only partial picture: its invader was then busy on the western front against a much bigger power (UK, US). There is no western front and the other powers are helping Russia's adversary
you sounded like your opinion is to be respected. LOL :lol: :lol:
in reality, that's exactly how you are- you're the PDF's fake Ukraine thread professor.
I care about how Russia failed 7 months to take Ukrainian land,
YOu think RUssia sending in only 20% of its army initially and then facing Ukraine + NATO's military power would make Russia taking Ukraine's land easy? i dont understand what confuses you- there is nothing confusing- you're the kind of person who pours soapy water on the floor, tells your friend to run on it, they slip, and u tell them how did u fall - NATO has given Ukraine ALL IT HAS, to help Ukraine militarily, because its investing in Ukraine for the future of integrating it, but that wont happen, Russia will never allow Ukraine be a NATO springboard, and you and i know that, but NATO idiots are stubborn - they stayed in Afghanistan for 20+ years when they knew they had lost the war probably 5-10 years in..thats the calibre of stubborn you come from, Ukraine will reduce NATO's capacity, and other adversaries of NATO will be less scared, North Korea fired HGV over Japan 2 days ago, and S Korea fired bad missile after- you are on thh side that loses war after war so enjoy.

THe day know Ukraine has lost the war for sure, you will run from PDF.
it does not matter whether or not NATO is a coward, it matters when Russia loses.
thanks for admitting RUssia hasnt lost yet.
That may be true but only partial picture: its invader was then busy on the western front against a much bigger power (UK, US). There is no western front and the other powers are helping Russia's adversary

Perhaps, but Ukraine is far weaker than Germany in 1941. Germany had massive military industrial complex in 1941. Ukraine's small military industrial complex was missiled by Russia. Also, in 1941 Germany had 79 million population. Ukraine only has about 35 million population. Ukraine cannot be compared with Germany.

I have no contest on Putin being firmly in the Western camp. Up until 2022, he was just a plain bad boy in the group, rather than a pariah. Remember, he had a G8 seat until Crimea.

Now compare, Xi has just done Xinjiang, and got so much flak just for that, but Putin did Chechnya, thousands of assassinations, rouge states, coups abroad, and only got hugs, and kisses from the West.

China was indeed more sanctioned as a country than Russia up until 2022. This is Xi's biggest problem with Putin allegedly: he says how anti-West he is, and then runs to get all the goodies from the West.

The West treated Putin as a member of the club, as one of their own. They genuinely wanted to to make Russia a part of their circle, even with all its antics.
He was very much in the western camp. I remember Bush saying something like 'he peered into his soul' because relations were cordial and bidrectionally important.

He and his cronies made billions and enjoyed them int he west.

But it goes back further. China broke with its socialism with Russia in the 50s because they didn't feel Russia (where communism was invented) was not extreme enough.
It's an big omission to think that RU establishment wants to appeal exclusively to Xi.

From all what I know, Xi never had personal stake in dealing with Putin. He only ever sent his 1st circle men like Liu, Wang, Li to US, and no other country.

Russian affairs in Beijing were relegated to 2nd, and now 3rd tier diplomats, and bureaucrats, but those are exactly the most hawkish rightists.

All those 40 something upstarts in CPC are extreme opportunists, who came to power "from the street" — lowest tier party enforcers, street thugs, etc.

Those will without any doubt welcome russia getting itself into real trouble with the west, and an opportunity to extract any imaginable concessions from the Kremlin for themselves. That will elevate their standing in Beijing ennormously.
Well, that's depends,

From my own Russian source, which is literally depleting by day because I have lost 6 in the last 3 weeks because of part mobilisation....

Russian aren't seeing the Chinese in a good light on this, I don't know if higher up in Russia is ay different but most general Russian sentiment is that Russia is in trouble and China is holding back. That's what piss off everyday Russian.

So I doubt there are any gain for the Chinese, because at the end of this, If Russia do lose and we have not gone into armageddon, I don't see Russia will have a normal relationship with China.
in reality, that's exactly how you are- you're the PDF's fake Ukraine thread professor.

YOu think RUssia sending in only 20% of its army initially and then facing Ukraine + NATO's military power would make Russia taking Ukraine's land easy? i dont understand what confuses you- there is nothing confusing- you're the kind of person who pours soapy water on the floor, tells your friend to run on it, they slip, and u tell them how did u fall - NATO has given Ukraine ALL IT HAS, to help Ukraine militarily, because its investing in Ukraine for the future of integrating it, but that wont happen, Russia will never allow Ukraine be a NATO springboard, and you and i know that, but NATO idiots are stubborn - they stayed in Afghanistan for 20+ years when they knew they had lost the war probably 5-10 years in..thats the calibre of stubborn you come from, Ukraine will reduce NATO's capacity, and other adversaries of NATO will be less scared, North Korea fired HGV over Japan 2 days ago, and S Korea fired bad missile after- you are on thh side that loses war after war so enjoy.

THe day know Ukraine has lost the war for sure, you will run from PDF.

thanks for admitting RUssia hasnt lost yet.
This is the exact kind of ego-boosting fantasy advice that Russia got from its military that it put itself in this no-win situation and sure humiliation. Russia is humiliated. Its sanctioned. Its trade partners are Iran and N. Korea. Its Air Force no-where to be seen. MOre Russians have left Russia than mobilized.

And industrially Russia will move to the 70s, if its lucky over the next 2 years. All this while NATO's biggest problem is its people may not live with 20 degree room temp, and its pools may not be heated.

I don't think anybody will be running away from PDF. But you should look up who Saddam's and Qaddarfi's adviers are: you are exactly their persona. Disregard the facts and reason and be in some wizard land of alternate reality
in reality, that's exactly how you are- you're the PDF's fake Ukraine thread professor.

YOu think RUssia sending in only 20% of its army initially and then facing Ukraine + NATO's military power would make Russia taking Ukraine's land easy? i dont understand what confuses you- there is nothing confusing- you're the kind of person who pours soapy water on the floor, tells your friend to run on it, they slip, and u tell them how did u fall - NATO has given Ukraine ALL IT HAS, to help Ukraine militarily, because its investing in Ukraine for the future of integrating it, but that wont happen, Russia will never allow Ukraine be a NATO springboard, and you and i know that, but NATO idiots are stubborn - they stayed in Afghanistan for 20+ years when they knew they had lost the war probably 5-10 years in..thats the calibre of stubborn you come from, Ukraine will reduce NATO's capacity, and other adversaries of NATO will be less scared, North Korea fired HGV over Japan 2 days ago, and S Korea fired bad missile after- you are on thh side that loses war after war so enjoy.

THe day know Ukraine has lost the war for sure, you will run from PDF.

thanks for admitting RUssia hasnt lost yet.
Again, you say that as if your opinion count

If Russia do not use 100% of their force, whose fault is that? You fight with one hand tied behind your back, and you got beaten, you still got beaten, can you tell Ukraine "It does not count because I didn't use 100% of my force?"

And I will not even get into strategic and tactical discussion to someone who see Bakhmut and Lyman have the same military value. That's like talking about my lunch plan with a cow.

And tell me when "THAT DAY" come. I don't see it, and I have been waiting for 7 months and in fact. And it's funny you compare Russian-Ukrainian war to US War in Afghanistan when you don't even realise Russia is in US position, and Ukraine is in Afghanistan position......LOL :lol: :haha:
What a nonsense, Russia will be crushed into 30 Million pieces. You can’t imagine the Force and effectiveness which the Ukraine Military machines is gaining and developing!
I think you could do yourself a favor by ignoring this moron's post: all he writes are 'forever war', or 'bigger army wins'. Its all he is capable of typing.
This is the exact kind of ego-boosting fantasy advice that Russia got from its military that it put itself in this no-win situation and sure humiliation. Russia is humiliated. Its sanctioned. Its trade partners are Iran and N. Korea. Its Air Force no-where to be seen. MOre Russians have left Russia than mobilized.

And industrially Russia will move to the 70s, if its lucky over the next 2 years. All this while NATO's biggest problem is its people may not live with 20 degree room temp, and its pools may not be heated.

I don't think anybody will be running away from PDF. But you should look up who Saddam's and Qaddarfi's adviers are: you are exactly their persona. Disregard the facts and reason and be in some wizard land of alternate reality

Well, he sounded like this guy


Maybe @925boy was him? I don't know
Now I know that this twitter poster is a moron. OPEC can't fix prices by destination . Whats specially moronic is that US doesn't even import OPEC oil and its the world's top oil producer.

but that's what you had in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen, and NATO still lost all those wars - try again.

in your mind, lol.



if you wanna call my counter points trolling, thats your choice, but you ducked my points and then started ad homineming me, so that means im not trolling, You're the one whose trolling me because i dont give into your incorrect opinions and beliefs.
They are not trolling. They are dumb and ignorant. Whatever other war was lost or won is not at debate here. But because you can't take Putin's repeated humiliation you have to keep on changing to 'x lost y war so Putin si doing well'
That’s my point, Indian Military is also influenced by the British Training, but their doctrine of Combine is warfare is developed from Russian military equipment. Chinas military is absolutely base on soviet Russian doctrine and training. At this moment and time China and India would marginally perform better then Russia. But China is a fast learner. They are watching this war very closely and clandestine.
That's another problem.

Again, bear in mind, this is not individual personnel, nor individual equipment failure, but a systematic failure of the entire system. From top to bottom, and that system is, or was (Honestly I don't think anyone will go with Russian system after this) one of the only 2 doctrines in the world. The other being Western and NATO doctrine.

Now country that follow Russian doctrine would be shaking their boots, because you literally see the entire system disintegrated in front of your eyes on TV. the problem is, if this is the case, what can you change to?

Assuming the Russian system is poisonous, everything and anything derived from it would have been fruit from a poisonous tree, and it will only be second best to the Western or NATO system. Which mean either someone have to come up with a military doctrine that's built from scratch, or they would have to follow the Western Doctrine, however, since many of those who uses Russian Doctrine are NATO enemies, no one on the NATO side will help them establish NATO like system in their own country.

Which means, until a new doctrine, most possibly from China or even India or one of those regional military power come forward, there are not a military doctrine that can challenge the west. And that will send shockwave to the core of most country that uses Russian Doctrine. Because essentially, people know how to defeat your army.
more proof NATO is a coward that cant enter a war it has apparent advantage in.

Because logic says that if every tiny ant can beat Russian military, then why not NATO? lol- simple minds love simple answers and simple understanding!

Are you confusing RUssian military in Ukraine with Russian military in total? I think you are - Pakistani army CANNOT make a new one for Russia, wanna know why? you have no money to, end of story.
Bagdad Bob, you are back with us but now advising Russians. Why would NATO do the equivalent of using a latrine (sending boots on the ground) when it has the equivalent of indoor plumbing (intelligence, precision weapons, knowledge) to have greater effect.

Is your point that you are bitter that NATO is fighting an unfair war and it should send boots and the only way to prove its manhood? Start cleaning your own toilet and not flush it. That will give you an idea why NATO is not doing it. And may be it has learned from other insurgency operations.

Btw, here are some famous quotes you made in 2003:

Baghdad Bob on the Invasion​

Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf made so many statements as information minister. Here is a sampling of some of his more outlandish quotes:

  • "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"
  • "My feelings, as usual, we will slaughter them all."
  • "Our initial assessment is that they will all die."
  • "No I am not scared and neither should you be!"
  • "We will welcome them with bullets and shoes."
  • "They're not even [within] 100 miles [of Baghdad]. They are not in any place. They hold no place in Iraq. This is an illusion ... they are trying to sell to the others an illusion
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