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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

are you really that simple of mind/IQ that you dont know that the difference between conventional war and insurgency when it comes to results DONT MATTER - you either lose, or you win.
Kicking russia out of ukraine would be conventional. Not insurgency.

Taliban were thrown out of kabul by 3000 SF.
Iraq army was crushed twice.

Yes they can hide behind civilians or in a cave for 20 years till nato gets bored/tired of spending money….that means NOTHING to the difference in power if Nato would step in on side of ukraine.
Russia is the invader here afterall.

ok good luck, lemme know when you succeed, coward- cant even boot 1 boot on the ground -
Ukraine is not nato
Russia has nukes

Cowardice had nothing to do with it.
western cowardly NATO has lost every war it was afraid to put boots down- Iranian took Iraq from your bich azz, now US has screwed your gas so you have to go back to 1900s and use charcoal.
Sure kid. Nato are such weak cowards :) Thats why no one…not even mighty russia..dares to send a rocket a mm on the wrong side of the border. Even if nato massing training and weapons in poland.

you want me to say EU and NATO are doing well when they act stupid and betray their interests because they cant stand up to US, its ok for Russia, that only makes EU easier to beat up.
Winners here are usa and china.

after this war russia is no longer in any state to pose a threat to eu….
in your deams, Ukranians will DIE IN masses before they get any peace, no apologies from me though, they knew what beef with Russia entails, i mean, even NATO doesnt want to fight Russia and its way more capable than Ukraine so why was Ukraine so stupid to think this military adventure against Russia would work?
Are you…besides low IQ, also Blind?
Russia just got routed from kharkiv and kherson is to follow. And here you are claiming how great they are and how weak ukraine/nato.

Their regular army got mangled. Losing paratroopers at hostomel, many spetznaz, the first tank guard…
ha ha - until we see it in life, its a pie in your fantasy.

The only one living in a fantasy is you.

Kherson will be liberated this year. Despite all your trash posts.
Honestly, I believe most of russian army is a bunch of lowlife neanderthals capable of anything you might imagine. That doesnt mean this Bild journalist reporting what he sees and hear is wrong. It just happend that some if the ukrainian version of the story went to far - maybe. Who knows.
The russian literally raped babies man. Going too far for the Russian is just a direction for them. I just don't care because the ukrainians haven't liberated Mariupol and there's likely worst things than stack of gold teeths.

I actually got more triggered from reading the words Bild & journalist being used in the same sentence.

losses...smooshes Putin is going to ride into battle shirtless astride his ferocious bear and wipe out NATO as per that Somalian dude..

Think even Somalian Military can beat this bunch of Russian military......
more proof NATO is a coward that cant enter a war it has apparent advantage in.

Because logic says that if every tiny ant can beat Russian military, then why not NATO? lol- simple minds love simple answers and simple understanding!

Bruh Pakistan would tear them a new one. Russia is incompetent and corrupt as heck. They have their own nawaz sharif but for the military.
Are you confusing RUssian military in Ukraine with Russian military in total? I think you are - Pakistani army CANNOT make a new one for Russia, wanna know why? you have no money to, end of story.

This is a good showing how ammo inefficient are the dumbfire MLRSes.

Basically, even cluster rockets only make sense to be used with WW2 level force densities.

In this entire war, there were, I would say, less than 20 attacks where area damage of MLRSes was used effectively. All near Kiyv, and Melitopol, where they landed few volleys onto famous kilometres long convoys.

The future of rocket artillery is self-targeting munitions. I.E. something like 122mm, but with the Brimstone targetting system.
Retaking Crimea is a big ask. Given how the Ukrainian military have outperformed Russia in recent weeks, its not impossible, but their tactics thus far have been to use the open land to their benefit and encircle Russian strong points, cutting off logistical supply routes and flanking from 3 sides. Access to the Crimean peninsula though is a natural choke point and the peninsula itself has very direct logistics chains whilst the Kerch bridge is still standing. It's going to need an entirely different approach (and at least some naval support, which Ukraine is desperately short of) to the ones that Ukraine have been using to devastating effect recently. They have been very innovative and have improvised extremely well though, so it will be interesting to see how they conduct such an operation.
more proof NATO is a coward that cant enter a war it has apparent advantage in.

Because logic says that if every tiny ant can beat Russian military, then why not NATO? lol- simple minds love simple answers and simple understanding!

Are you confusing RUssian military in Ukraine with Russian military in total? I think you are - Pakistani army CANNOT make a new one for Russia, wanna know why? you have no money to, end of story.
you sounded like your opinion is to be respected. LOL :lol: :lol:

I don't care what you think about NATO, I care about how Russia failed 7 months to take Ukrainian land, it does not matter whether or not NATO is a coward, it matters when Russia loses.

The real question is what self-respecting black person wants to be in this.
Well, if you have to choose to appear in this video or be drafted and sent to the frontline, I would probably choose to appear in this video.

On the other hand, mostly likely his arse is going to be drafted anyway,
you sounded like your opinion is to be respected. LOL :lol: :lol:

I don't care what you think about NATO, I care about how Russia failed 7 months to take Ukrainian land, it does not matter whether or not NATO is a coward, it matters when Russia loses.

I think China will not perform better in a invasion of Taiwan. How would you rate Chinese and Indian Military? Both are heavy influenced by post soviet equipment and their doctrine.
I think China will not perform better in a invasion of Taiwan.
Well, that's another issue. But if this is to be used as a yard stick, then I will say the Chinese invasion is going to be doomed.

Bear in mind, a lot of Chinese military equipment and doctrine were copy from Russia. If I am a Chinese General, I would really be sitting on the edge of my seat and wonder would my army perform any better??

The Russian military has gone from benchmark for other country to making 3rd world country's military feels good about themselves.
It's like the internet said

Zelenskyy is a very accomplished comedian, he virtually turn Russia into a joke.
This is a good showing how ammo inefficient are the dumbfire MLRSes.

Basically, even cluster rockets only make sense to be used with WW2 level force densities.

In this entire war, there were, I would say, less than 20 attacks where area damage of MLRSes was used effectively. All near Kiyv, and Melitopol, where they landed few volleys onto famous kilometres long convoys.

The future of rocket artillery is self-targeting munitions. I.E. something like 122mm, but with the Brimstone targetting system.
I was thinking the same - those grads just make a lot of noise and holes in the fields of Ukraine. Seems like a waste, but probably scary when at the recieving end.
Weve seen a few clips of guided airburst artillery rounds used by the ukrainians. That is really impressive and effective.
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Well, that's another issue. But if this is to be used as a yard stick, then I will say the Chinese invasion is going to be doomed.

Bear in mind, a lot of Chinese military equipment and doctrine were copy from Russia. If I am a Chinese General, I would really be sitting on the edge of my seat and wonder would my army perform any better??

It's like the internet said

Zelenskyy is a very accomplished comedian, he virtually turn Russia into a joke.
That’s my point, Indian Military is also influenced by the British Training, but their doctrine of Combine is warfare is developed from Russian military equipment. Chinas military is absolutely based on soviet Russian doctrine and training. At this moment and time China and India would marginally perform better then Russia. But China is a fast learner. They are watching this war very closely and clandestine.
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