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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The “endkampf “ at Lyman
5,000 russian troops are trapped at the city with no way out. Moscow general staff refused the retreat of the troops from the encirclement.
Ukraine says Only 3 options the russian troops try to break out, surrender or die.

Ukrainische Soldaten entladen Waffenteile in der kürzlich zurückeroberten Stadt Kupjansk.

© Foto: AP/dpa/Kostiantyn Liberov
have any complain go make it to uncle Sam that built it for us . its how it work , and its our only means to produce radionucleotides needed to treat and diagnose disease for more than 2,000,000 people each year , so sorry we don't let it shutdown again

the only useful feature for suicide is no anti brake blocking system, the no emission control is good for genocide , the rest useless feature for the purpose
Look at the bigger picture,don't find little clips of few soldiers to get the orgasm.

With no physical control.
Though in your wet dreams definitely they are part of Ukraine.
So any Pakistan claim to territory controlled by India is bogus?
Israel then have legal claim to the West Bank?
I doubt You will find many on PDF to agree with You.

Physical control has nothing to do with international borders
Lol all at least one year or more after trump left it and European failed all of their obligation against iran in the JCPOA because they were afraid of usa, try harder. or you except you make a deal then you break it and the other party still follow its obligation .

western arrogance and hypocrisy at its fullest

So any Pakistan claim to territory controlled by India is bogus?
Israel then have legal claim to the West Bank?
I doubt You will find many on PDF to agree with You.

Physical control has nothing to do with international borders
Israel opened the can by annexing occupied Golan . why don't talk about it , why not provide the same support for syria
How the picture has changed. In June Ukraine army retreated from Sjewjerodonezk, now in October the offensive may bring them back to the city.

Sjewjerodonezk, Ukraine | Rückzug aus umkämpfter Stadt
Sjewjerodonezk im Juni: Ukrainischer Soldat kurz vor dem Rückzug. Bald könnte es umgekehrt gehen.
Trump exited from JCPOA and triped sanctions

BTW if I had any power in Iran I would make tens of nukes and tested them on centcom bases
I salute you... Iran must join China and Russia and become one of the biggest economies with massive firepower both conventional and nuclear. No one gives the right or shyt about have and have nots.
I salute you... Iran must join China and Russia and become one of the biggest economies with massive firepower both conventional and nuclear. No one gives the right or shyt about have and have nots.
Thank you my dear friend

I pray your wishes come true and very shiny future for Muslim countries
The entire northern Donbas front on verge of collapse. Russia offensive against Ukraine army at Bakhmut at southern front proves a strategic mistake.



I’m actually happy Putin is going all in. The West will throttle Russia until every last Russian depot is scraped and their back is broken in two, so that there’s no doubt about who got thoroughly humiliated and defeated.
With that casualty rate they would have not one tank left in 3 years.
But before that, they will run out of the better tanks.
Oh, and ofc of their crews...
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