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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

How has Russia not yet blocked exit of males leaving the country? Incompetence or compassion? Doesn't make sense: if you arrest journalists or protestors, why not go all in and prevent 20-40 year old males from leaving
There were orders not to let anyone with Draft order out. And report stating that some airport bar male passenger between a certain age (Not necessarily 20-40) from boarding a plane.

Was watching Inside_Russia streams the day he left Russia, he said he saw 5 men in front of him got lead away from border post.
Japan took over eastern china with 1/10th of the population.

False. China did not have Manchuria during WW2.

How has Russia not yet blocked exit of males leaving the country? Incompetence or compassion? Doesn't make sense: if you arrest journalists or protestors, why not go all in and prevent 20-40 year old males from leaving

Russia is a free country. If cowards want to leave, they can do so. The ones who remain are war mongers. There's no point having cowards in the army. They only bring down the whole army. There's a good saying. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Yes,but how much more are they actually having to pay for the privilege of this "independence",or are they merely just switching dependence from one supplier to another?.
Independence from Russian gas not gas as a source of energy

Thank you, Biden. Thank Hillary. We have just received news from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

All 8 scientists from the research team of brain matrix and cellular neuroimaging technology of MPG (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.) Institute of Neuroscience in Germany have joined the Research Center for Brain Science and Intelligent Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Eight top scientists from Germany have submitted their nationality applications to the Chinese government through the channel of China's special talent introduction program. It is expected that they will acquire Chinese nationality within two years.

European politicians are having a good time. But really smart Europeans have started voting with their feet.

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How can somebody so intelligent with this information not have the presence of mind to use the search function and find the correct thread to post this. Whats the connection with the title of Russia-Ukraine war? Other than you just being lazy
False. China did not have Manchuria during WW2.

Russia is a free country. If cowards want to leave, they can do so. The ones who remain are war mongers. There's no point having cowards in the army. They only bring down the whole army. There's a good saying. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Japan had most of eastern part of China. So none of that was part of China? Thats what the history books tell you or choose to ignore: these are the cities Japan occupied: Jiangsu, Shanghai, Shandong, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, plus parts of : Guangdong, Guangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Fujian, Guizhou, Inner Mongolia

The warmongers will surrender faster than these cowards would have when they make first .

in your mind or in reality?

Oh yes they do, especially if you live in reality, like most of us.

THen why so much inflation and debt in the US economy?

It doesnt have to be- its already heavily involved in another war in UKraine.

ha ha ..and then what about "contingencies" for war with CHina, Iran, North Korea?? no plan? thats why you lose wars, blockhead, you fight with ego, not logic.

me too

we've spent alot already so far, but ok.

somewhat, but not fully or accurately.
Every country is running on debt. China's entire economy is tied up in property: so much for industrialization. No developed coutnry is immune from debt. The difference of course is most of the world still wants USD. So more money just gets printed.

N. Korea is no different than taking over Iraq except more backward in its military. ANd it didn't take a million man army to do that.

In your dreams you think if war occurs with N. Korea, the path to get to its nuclear weapons will be via infantry than you are wrong. Most of that will have to be neutralized by air. Much like Iraq's famous battle hardened Rpublican guard was decimated mostly by air
Independence from Russian gas not gas as a source of energy

How can somebody so intelligent with this information not have the presence of mind to use the search function and find the correct thread to post this. Whats the connection with the title of Russia-Ukraine war? Other than you just being lazy
Some unknown scientist losers from a German institute want to migrate to China (probably because the electricity bill is lower) but he celebrates the news as evidence doom of western civilization.
Was watching the latest troop movement on OSINT.

Looks like Ukraine have moved another 4 Brigades into Donetsk around Lyman and Kupiansk. Now there are 4 Brigade in Kupiansk (3rd Tank, 113 TDF, 92nd Mech and 80 Airmobile (the latter two were in the push in Kharkiv at the beginning of September) another 4 around Lyman (25 Airborne, 81 Airmobile, 79 Airmobile and 103 TDF) If and when Lyman is taken, some give it 24 hours some give it 72. There will be 8 Brigades on the continuous line between Lyman and Kupiansk. All converged toward Svatove......

What I found strange is that they have moved 93rd to north of Bakhmut and they moved 54 up north to North of Siversky. 54 is based in Bakhmut, it's garrison is Bakhmut, I would imagine the defence of of Bakhmut is hinged on 54. But they moved up, now 54 is facing Lysychansk.
Source (War in Ukraine)
My goto source about Ukraine is describing the situation in the Lyman area like this:

Lyman encircled, Torske area resemples small pocket and being reinforced by regiment refitted with mobilized troops. Either they set up withdrawal from Lyman or Russia is trying to push Ukraine northwest of Torske area holding on to Lyman.
Well, they are still dark as of a few days ago, and I am implying what I am implying.

Well, set aside training and how Ukrainian fought, because that we know after the war had happened. Belarus has 70,000 Active Troop and 300,000 reported reserves with conscript. That's a good chunk of manpower there. Let's say on war footing, Belarus mobilises 1/3 of those reserve, you are talking about 150,000 men on one flank.

Imagine it was Belarus troop that attack Ukraine from the North, maybe couple with some Russian unit like VDV or Spetsnaz, that will free up 2 or even 3 army to attack somewhere, can Ukraine handle that seismic shift? I don't know, but numerically, that will bring the troop number in Ukraine to roughly 400,000, that's more than enough on table to overwhelm the Ukrainian defender if Russia fought smart.
If Belarus intervene then no doubt NATO will intervene. Also NATO could be readying for a pre-emptive strike on Belarus, which is understandable and then an invasion of Kaliningrad and barter for occupied Ukraine.
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The existence of a 5MW (peanuts) reactor which uses higher concentration is not of importance. Swedish commercial reactors have 2500-3500 MW and then you do not use Highly Enriched Uranium.
have any complain go make it to uncle Sam that built it for us . its how it work , and its our only means to produce radionucleotides needed to treat and diagnose disease for more than 2,000,000 people each year , so sorry we don't let it shutdown again

this Lada?
A perfect choice for people that want to commit suicide.
No board computer, no anti brake blocking system, no electric window lifter, no emission control system, no servo steering, old steering wheel from previous Lada.
the only useful feature for suicide is no anti brake blocking system, the no emission control is good for genocide , the rest useless feature for the purpose
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So what is Berlin Blockade??

And you are talking about Hostilities, it does not have to be border dispute
Berlin was not a border dispute , it was an ill taught dividing a city between two camp ,all party agreed were exact border was, it ended in may 1949, Germany officially joined NATO in 5 May 1955

Putin can't "declare peace", because he didn't have physical ownership of those 4 territories or Oblast.
no there is no peace declaration as no war declared yet , they may declare cease fire a
Berlin was not a border dispute , it was an ill taught dividing a city between two camp ,all party agreed were exact border was, it ended in may 1949, Germany officially joined NATO in 5 May 1955

no there is no peace declaration as no war declared yet , they may declare cease fire a
Again, it does not have to be a border dispute......

And is Ukrainian joining NATO now? Or is NATO membership were given to Ukrainian now? The Hostilities ALWAYS preceded the application. Otherwise, what are you seeking protection from?? A dispute/hostilities you know is going to happened??
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