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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia doesn’t have an overwhelming artillery advantage and hasn’t for 2-3 months now.

They still do. From 4:1 to 10:1, but yes, not 25:1 anymore.

You guys all seen the mountains of expended shell casings they left after themselves in Kharkiv region.

When they ran from Kharkiv, the only thing they tried evacuating was their arty. And they left almost everything else, including even tanks. This is how important the artillery is for them — it's a lifeline for them.

Just a week ago, I had a privilege to exchange few words with a guy from French Foreign Legion who fought in Ukraine, and just few days after he was killed in Russian shelling west of Lyman, when they were staging to storm another village. Russians still clearly have enough tubes, and ammo to routinely do area shelling. And when they manage to catch UA in woods, it's guaranteed losses.
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They still do. From 4:1 to 10:1, but yes, not 25:1 anymore.

You guys all seen the mountains of expended shell casings they left after themselves in Kharkiv region.

When they ran from Kharkiv, the only thing they tried evacuating was their arty. And they left almost everything else, including even tanks. This is how important it is for them — it's a lifeline for them.

Just a week ago, I had a privilege to exchange few words with a guy from French Foreign Legion who fought in Ukraine, and just few days after he was killed in Russian shelling west of Lyman, when they were staging to storm a village. Russians still clearly have enough tubes, and ammo to routinely do area shelling.
Definitely need more artillery for the Ukrainians as well as drones to hunt down the Russian artillery. .
They still do. From 4:1 to 10:1, but yes, not 25:1 anymore.

You guys all seen the mountains of expended shell casings they left after themselves in Kharkiv region.

When they ran from Kharkiv, the only thing they tried evacuating was their arty. And they left almost everything else, including even tanks. This is how important it is for them — it's a lifeline for them.

Just a week ago, I had a privilege to exchange few words with a guy from French Foreign Legion who fought in Ukraine, and just few days after he was killed by Russian shelling west of Lyman, when they were staging to storm a village. Russians still clearly have enough tubes, and ammo to routinely do area shelling.

They may have an advantage in number of tubes but that’s largely been offset by lack of ammo, which the Pentagon has already alluded to, and the precision strike capability of HIMARS, which forces Russia to move their ammo depots way behind their front lines stressing their already atrocious logistics.

No one says they still can’t do area shelling, but their advantage has been offset to a huge degree.
The entirety of Kharkiv offensive was done with totally insufficient level of artillery support.

Most villages were taken without any artillery support at all, because they only had enough for attacks on key large cities.

They were lucky Russians were in shock, and did not manage to realise that for entire week.

Lyman is where they caught up to that. They put cannon fodder in front, and tubes behind. A rush on Humvees, and MRAPs no longer worked there.
The entirety of Kharkiv offensive was done with totally insufficient level of artillery support.

Most villages were taken without any artillery support at all, because they only had enough for attacks on key large cities.

They were lucky Russians were in shock, and did not manage to realise that for entire week.

Lyman is where they caught up to that. They put cannon fodder in front, and tubes behind. A rush on Humvees, and MRAPs no longer worked there.
lol, that was by design not because they were lucky........ That's what the "Surprise" come from. They will know when you trying to prep the area with artillery or rocket fire

As I said when they have done it, this is a textbook exploit attack, they probed the line and know that was the weak point, they took that pressure point and managed to free all those areas quickly, that's more have t to with on the ground intel than artillery power. They know that point is thinly defended, and they exploited that point in line and broke thru.
Very strange things are starting to happen in Kherson region.

RU soldiers are starting to quietly fraternise with UA solders on the radio, and there been at least 1 confirmed face to face meeting in Oleksandrivka.

I think RU force is considering themselves doomed there.
Well, you can see by judging where the Russian men ran off to in order to avoid Draft........

How many Russian fled to China or Iran??
I mean the other way around.
The most western haters live in China and Iran. That’s a large reservoir for Putin foreign soldiers. Especially chinese, judging their hatred comments, I think they will fight Ukraine for free.
Very strange things are starting to happen in Kherson region.

RU soldiers are starting to quietly fraternise with UA solders on the radio, and there been at least 1 confirmed face to face meeting in Oleksandrivka.

I think RU force is considering themselves doomed there.

Well, Russian commanders wanted to retreat from Kherson but were refused by Putin. They know their position in Kherson is untenable.
Putins already controlls 80% of area he wants to annex

Ukriane has made 0 gains in areas he would like to annex.

Putin has made his goals clear for th first time.
I.e annex four regions of donbass and area sorrunding crimea.

With full mobilization and going all in one focused area withdrawing from thw rest of ukraine it would be tough for ukraine to withstand this pressure

I mean the other way around.
The most western haters live in China and Iran. That’s a large reservoir for Putin foreign soldiers. Especially chinese, judging their hatred comments, I think they will fight Ukraine for free.
I wont be surprised if putin simply starts buying marceniries
Putins already controlls 80% of area he wants to annex

Ukriane has made 0 gains in areas he would like to annex.

Putin has made his goals clear for th first time.
I.e annex four regions of donbass and area sorrunding crimea.

With full mobilization and going all in one focused area withdrawing from thw rest of ukraine it would be tough for ukraine to withstand this pressure

I wont be surprised if putin simply starts buying marceniries
Controlling 80 percent of what? Those occupied territories are within Ukraine artillery.
Maybe you should care of how to hold Russia itself together as it is collapsing. Today I read because Microsoft doesn’t grant license anymore Russia turns to Linux. Will be challenging because most of smart people, IT professionals have left Russia.
Iran has signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty. That means they do not have the right to make nukes.
Loool ... oh you are a simpleton when it comes to global politics. If rule of law prevailed then why is it only the weak get punished by the powerful. America makes laws as it sees fit. Ealxmaple every UN legislation against Israel is ignored or vetoed. So nations that wish to survive must have nukes. Please get your head out of the sand
If rule of law prevailed then why is it only the weak get punished by the powerful. America makes laws as it sees fit. Ealxmaple every UN legislation against Israel is ignored or vetoed. So nations that wish to survive must have nukes.
A vetoed resolution has no value. It is not a resolution.
If Iran, which does not have the right to have nuclear arms, develops such arms anyway, it can legally be punished.

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