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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Loool ... oh you are a simpleton when it comes to global politics. If rule of law prevailed then why is it only the weak get punished by the powerful. America makes laws as it sees fit. Ealxmaple every UN legislation against Israel is ignored or vetoed. So nations that wish to survive must have nukes. Please get your head out of the sand
Every UN legislation against Russia, Serbia, Syria & pretty much all Russian ally also vetoed by russian & chinese even though every single of them did worse than Israel.

The US maybe bad & they are legitimate criticism than can be levied against them but right now the West & the US are protecting Ukrainian from genocide. They're doing god's work in my book.
That's political point, I can tell you why that is the way to go but I cannot necessarily explain why that is the case.

All I can say is Biden was weak, if we have people like Bush (not going to use Trump, because we would not have done anything if he is in power), we would have sent in the cavalry a long time ago. You want to crush the offensive, you don't muck around and try to look good in front of the camera, but then that was what our politician has been doing since Iraq and Afghanistan.

And to some degree, I think Biden was weak because people criticize how he handle the Afghanistan drawn down.
imagine McCain was president.
Posting this again after Russia's mobilization, because it's so true.

Why do You think that the US will spare China, when retaliating against a Russian nuclear attack?
China, Iran, North Korea goes at the same time, and the list is longer than that.
I dont think US has that much capacity. im talking about a US attack where the adversary cant retaliate. doing all at the same time is impossible I think.
its so nice to see russia taking outer machuria and Vladivostok ensuring white people have a presence in the western pacific/Asia, even if those white peole are currently a bit rogue.
China has good relation with Russia. In 1800s China and Russia agreed the rivers are the borders.
and in 1900 Russia took inner Manchuria and port Arthur.
Well, Russian commanders wanted to retreat from Kherson but were refused by Putin. They know their position in Kherson is untenable.

The best thing they can do is surrender and survive the war now - their position is lost and their lives would be wasted for no reason.

lol - and NOW they want to give these same people guns !!!!

They all look like they will have "each others back when the shit hits the fan - not !"
I dont think US has that much capacity. im talking about a US attack where the adversary cant retaliate. doing all at the same time is impossible I think.
Think he is referring to when US is being nuke by Russia, US will retaliate by nuking not only Russia but China and North Korea and the world as well.

US most definitely have that capability......
Think he is referring to when US is being nuke by Russia, US will retaliate by nuking not only Russia but China and North Korea and the world as well.

US most definitely have that capability......
well yes they will. but thats not in issue here. Im talking about US first strike. which exists as a US doctrine to win a nuclear war. which I believe is fully capable of succeeding with minimal retaliation from any adversary.

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