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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

**** off with your propaganda.
Russia bombed 10 times the health facilities and you are trying to paint them as being “kind/soft” here….
They are Russian wannabes 🤣 yet they run away or won't help join putins conscription. They are only good in being keyboard warriors and cheering Russia in the security of their
most often western homes. 🤣
I never said Ukraine were winning, well, there are sign they started to, because that's mobilisation is a sign that Russia is losing.

Traditionally Winter won't see much fighting, it usually used to build fortification and train up replacement. So once there are winter, there won't be as much movement than we had now.

And no, NATO alone does is not responsible for it, it takes two to tango, Russia is as much to blame with NATO. And when you are under attack, what should Ukraine do? Roll over and let Russia take it? Bear in mind there are a lot fo way to push back NATO influence in Ukraine, but Russia is the one that choose war. You can say NATO dangle Ukrainian problem in front of Sweden and Finland to have them join their camp, but none of this would happen unless Russia invades, and they did.
My dear this didn't start due to Ukraine...this started more than 25 years ago. The agreement at the demise of the Berlin Wall was that nato will not expand east. Nato expanded east and the red line was Ukraine. Russia has warned for years. Also the Russian speakers in the eat were under stress. So it's not simple
Ukraine as well as any country has the right to resist. However, Russia also has the right to protect its borders so when Russia was saying no nato in Ukraine why didn't Ukraine just build its own military strong. Why was there a need to join nato.
Now Ukraine will take a 30 years to recover and 100+ years to repay its debt
My dear this didn't start due to Ukraine...this started more than 25 years ago. The agreement at the demise of the Berlin Wall was that nato will not expand east. Nato expanded east and the red line was Ukraine. Russia has warned for years. Also the Russian speakers in the eat were under stress. So it's not simple
Ukraine as well as any country has the right to resist. However, Russia also has the right to protect its borders so when Russia was saying no nato in Ukraine why didn't Ukraine just build its own military strong. Why was there a need to join nato.
Now Ukraine will take a 30 years to recover and 100+ years to repay its debt
Ukraine has every right to defend its territory as it might seem fit. If that includes joining NATO, its none of Russias business. The only reason Russia is against its neighboring country possibly joining NATO, is because it deprives Russia future expansion of its territory.
My dear this didn't start due to Ukraine...this started more than 25 years ago. The agreement at the demise of the Berlin Wall was that nato will not expand east. Nato expanded east and the red line was Ukraine. Russia has warned for years. Also the Russian speakers in the eat were under stress. So it's not simple
Ukraine as well as any country has the right to resist. However, Russia also has the right to protect its borders so when Russia was saying no nato in Ukraine why didn't Ukraine just build its own military strong. Why was there a need to join nato.
Now Ukraine will take a 30 years to recover and 100+ years to repay its debt
The Russian borders are not threten, it`s a nuclear state! It is not easy too understand why the biggest country in the world needs to expand it`s borders.
The Russian borders are not threten, it`s a nuclear state! It is not easy too understand why the biggest country in the world needs to expand it`s borders.
Kind of strange watching the Kremlin alternating narrative of Russia facing total destruction or being the mightiest country on the planet.
Tanks are not a gamechanger. What the US should do is hire Blackwater to fight in Ukraine. Print 100 trillion USD and pay each Blackwater 1 million USD to fight in Ukraine. They can mobilize 1 million Blackwater from the US unemployed population to fight in Ukraine.

We are going to send the 10million Chinese unemployed over with Blackwater. How many Chinatowns are in the US and Europe. And how many 'Anglo towns's are there in China?

They will soon face the full might of Russia which has 4 times the population of Ukraine. If I were them, I flee to Canada.

Just like your country men gave up to Japan despite being 20x population. The ultimate humliation you experienced, you are just sad to see it again

Russia has exempted bankers, journalists, tech workers and will likely expand to other urban white collar jobs. So mobilize your peasants once you have run through criminals.

How much did CIA pay Putin to do this? I am just joking of course. CIA couldn't find a way to avoid Trump putting US on a disaster course so the reach to PUtin is untenable
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