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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

EU 8th sanction package coming.

More russian banks will be ousted from Swift: Gazprombank, Alfbank and Rosbank.

More painful steps against Russia

EU demands the UN to oust Russia from UN Security Council.

So what? Russia has plenty of trees. Print 100 trillion rubles. Plus, consumer goods import from China is surging. Russian standard of living is increasing.

Ukraine army pressing on offensive at Donbas, retaking areas of Yatskivka and Bakhmut.



Relax. This is the first forever war in human history. In the past wars ended. This is the first war that will never end.
Hey, India going to have more population than China very soon... China can't win against India by your reasoning.

Look, now weapons will start to play a decisive role.
Ukraine army pressing on offensive at Donbas, retaking areas of Yatskivka and Bakhmut.

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They will soon face the full might of Russia which has 4 times the population of Ukraine. If I were them, I flee to Canada.

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