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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russians are getting hammered

remember Ukraine was the brains of the Soviet Union so they know a thing or two

they also know how to fight the Russians

Russia is losing this badly and they have way too much material loss

they are very very sloppy and very ill disciplined
Problem is russia is just keeping ukraine in red zone busy in conflict. I believe so.
I think Russia had every intention to bring Ukraine into submission. They have deployed 7, 76, 98 and 106 airborne division, 40, 61, 155, 336 and 810 naval infantry brigade, atleast a handfull of special forces brigades and god knows how many battalion tactical groups with mostly empty infantry fighting vehicles. Russia did its best with its contract army.
If i was georgia i would have some territorial boundaries to settle.

Japan might reclaim an island as well.

And forever friend China cannot be trusted….at all
China to Russia before Russian invasion of Ukraine:

"Our friendship has no limit."

After the invasion:

"You're on your own b**ch."

LOL imagine China not supplying Russia with its malware & backdoor ridden devices. With friend like China who needs Enemy.
Check this..it seems this act/attack has a very big impact on the war..

And this too..

It has zero impact of the fate of the russians in Kherson. They are forced to retreat. Its just a matter of time. No matter how “military summary” is trying to spin the “special operation”, the russian forces are practically encircled in Kherson.
And Weeb Union has basically been parotting russian propaganda since day one. Im sure he doesnt know anything.
Oh look a russian Torture Chamber. Nothing out of the ordinary here for the Russian at least.

Russia is waging colonial war like its the 17th century, while hiding under a nuclear umbrella.
Russia is nothing without their nukes. If they want to send cannon fodders to die let them. I just hope the war doesn't end soon until Ukraine kill at least a million of them. Violence is the only language the russian knows.
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When Ukraine retakes Kherson - will Russia sue for a ceasefire and "talks" as a prelude to try and stabilise her front and re-organise before relaunching another offensive?

Russia needs to buy time right now - maybe "peace talks are around the corner ?"
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