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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

According to a BBC report, Ukrainian military officials have said that “they have captured enough working weapons from Russia recently to replace all their losses to date”.
According to a BBC report, Ukrainian military officials have said that “they have captured enough working weapons from Russia recently to replace all their losses to date”.

Doubt. I have not seen them use a single T-72B3 so far. They also cannot recover any tank that breaks down on the field because all their repair facilities got missiled.
I know I’m responding to the other poster saying Russia didn’t go all out, hence my response, who goes to war half-hearted?

Dude do you realise Putin upping the intensity everytime?

Yup Kiev is still standing. Russia could have easily levelled Kiev mate. You coukld level a village with a tank mate.

Ukraine still has their S-300's, BUK's, and probably NASAMS what can all reach altitude of where Russian strategic bombers fly. Wouldn't be good look for Russia if their bombers started dropping from skies.
Ukraine still has their S-300's, BUK's, and probably NASAMS what can all reach altitude of where Russian strategic bombers fly. Wouldn't be good look for Russia if their bombers started dropping from skies.

None of them can counter a 3,000 km range missile. And NASAM won't be available until 2024, 2 years from now. Their radars would also have a hard time locking on Kh-101 which has very small RCS.

I've noticed lack on fighting footage coming from Russians. Russians are only capable of attacking civilian targets because second rate military can't win on battlefield and is on panick mode.
I've noticed lack on fighting footage coming from Russians. Russians are only capable of attacking civilian targets because second rate military can't win on battlefield and is on panick mode.

Russians don't need to fight Ukrainians in Ukraine. Just lob missiles and destroy critical civilian infrastructure. Force millions of Ukrainians to flee to the West. Depopulate Ukraine. Once Ukraine's population falls below 20 million, then invade Kharkov with a 200 grand grand army.
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