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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

'The APLNG Pipeline transports gas from APLNG’s coal seam gas fields in the Bowen-Surat basins near Wandoan in central Queensland to APLNG’s LNG processing facility at Curtis Island near Gladstone. '

Serious dude. You should use those tax money and educate yourself in basic science. LNG stands for liquified Natural Gas. You need to deliver gas to be liquified, then transport it using LNG carriers. Do you even understand the pressure used to compressed it into liquid would make the normal pipes explode not to mention the cryogenic temperatures make the material brittle. Understand dumbfvk? Lol
lol, you really have no clue didn't you. Again, check where is the pipeline end, it does not end with Curtis Island.

But yeah, keep up the "dumbfuk" insult, that make you look legit

Good post.

Russia has also failed with supply and logistics, including countering hostile drone intelligence gathering and targeting.

Where the hell is Russia has, incredibly given its air force numbers, utterly failed to gain consistent air superiority over Ukraine. No, I am afraid the failures of the Russian military are so great that morale must have taken a hit, and if your soldiers don't want to fight any more, then 'for you, ze var is over'
I will most likely go one further, the entire Russian command and control structure is basically F'ed up.

There should be a person in charge of just about everything but seems like all these set back and short coming came from oversight from the command level. I am pretty sure there are Russian collaborator in Ukrainian line, and I am pretty sure they had reported Ukrainian troop movement, but that information was not pipe down to command structure before it was basically too late, it makes you wonder who is prosecuting the war at senior level?
You just don't understand. Like retreating from Snake Island, Russia not sending its best troops is a goodwill gesture to Ukraine.

Putin could've easily capture Kyiv with his elite troops, but no, he cares about the lives of ordinary Ukrainian civilians. He would rather lose more equipment and see more of his troops die everyday. After all, he just reaffirmed that Russia has lost nothing. That alone just tells you that the lives of Russian troops are nothing compared to the lives of Ukrainians in Putin's eyes. That's what I call universal love.
I lose nothing.

- Vladimir Putin

lol, you really have no clue didn't you. Again, check where is the pipeline end, it does not end with Curtis Island.

But yeah, keep up the "dumbfuk" insult, that make you look legit
Gosh, your last attempt at saving face. So tell me where does the pipeline end and what does it carry? And tell me which consumer uses LNG directly. Lololol.
Hollywood and Bollywood in competition. See, who wins?
was just watching cnn braging about how Ukraine Capture few sqr kms (made it look like they fking capture Moscow) white pussies only good at fighting perception war!!

they created this false facade of wester superiority made them look like champions of human rights

while these fkers dropped a nuclear bomb and the reason they gave was that they dint wanted to prolong war so they fucking killed hunders of thousands
they dropped bombs on civilians because there were "terrorist" while they just wanted OIl

they support Israhell because they want a strategic partner in middle easy!

fucking hypocrites!
I lose nothing.

- Vladimir Putin

View attachment 879097

He probably made some money on top of the war....lol

Gosh, your last attempt at saving face. So tell me where does the pipeline end and what does it carry? And tell me which consumer uses LNG directly. Lololol.
Seems to me, it's you who think people use crude oil directly, as you said Brent Price is the only reason Oil price is high.
Sure they bought crude with Brent Price and put it directly in the pump.

I am still waiting on the answer to the question I asked you like a month ago, I will tell you where it ends up and what does it carry in a month if you can tell me what is the 5-factor affecting oil price.

was just watching cnn braging about how Ukraine Capture few sqr kms (made it look like they fking capture Moscow) white pussies only good at fighting perception war!!

they created this false facade of wester superiority made them look like champions of human rights

while these fkers dropped a nuclear bomb and the reason they gave was that they dint wanted to prolong war so they fucking killed hunders of thousands
they dropped bombs on civilians because there were "terrorist" while they just wanted OIl

they support Israhell because they want a strategic partner in middle easy!

fucking hypocrites!

By and large, geopolitics and international relations are utterly devoid of principles of morality, justice and fair play. It is fundamentally a power game. That is how, it is, and we all have to live with it.
I’ve never understood the Russia “holding back” argument. Sure, they could go full mobilization and call up a bunch of cannon fodder, but a huge amount of their armored force is destroyed. Likely 40-50%, and 85% of their entire forces were deployed to Ukraine. They don’t have much in reserve they can activate.
85%? You do realise that Russia including reserves has an army of about 2 milion. They only sent around 150k troops at most. Rest of the forces are LPR, DPR, Chechens and Wagner. So what the hell are you talking about? Sure Ukraine is doing a fine job against 10% of Russian army.. But the moment the Russian federation decides to go full force this war is over. You know it, I know it, everybody know it.
Russia's new strategy is missile attacks to knock out Ukraine's critical infrastructure and cause millions of Ukrainian refugees to flood into EU. 10 years from now Ukraine's population fall below 30 or even 20 million. By then Ukraine is weak and Russia invade Odessa.

What do you think of this strategy?

@Viet @gambit @Oldman1

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85%? You do realise that Russia including reserves has an army of about 2 milion. They only sent around 150k troops at most. Rest of the forces are LPR, DPR, Chechens and Wagner. So what the hell are you talking about? Sure Ukraine is doing a fine job against 10% of Russian army.. But the moment the Russian federation decides to go full force this war is over. You know it, I know it, everybody know it.

Russia has committed more than 80% of its army's available BTGs. Russian army is only comprised of something like 200 to 300K personnels,large part of them are conscripts.

And what are you going to send those so called "2 millions" with ? Mosint nagants and T55s ? And mass mobilization won't work,you are mistaken if you think Russians would fight and die for Putler's imperialistic dreams.
85%? You do realise that Russia including reserves has an army of about 2 milion. They only sent around 150k troops at most. Rest of the forces are LPR, DPR, Chechens and Wagner. So what the hell are you talking about? Sure Ukraine is doing a fine job against 10% of Russian army.. But the moment the Russian federation decides to go full force this war is over. You know it, I know it, everybody know it.

Excellent factual analysis.
85%? You do realise that Russia including reserves has an army of about 2 milion. They only sent around 150k troops at most. Rest of the forces are LPR, DPR, Chechens and Wagner. So what the hell are you talking about? Sure Ukraine is doing a fine job against 10% of Russian army.. But the moment the Russian federation decides to go full force this war is over. You know it, I know it, everybody know it.
I down know, I think this is their best. If they send a million partially trained conscripts without air superiority, it will just make a very very target rich environment.
85%? You do realise that Russia including reserves has an army of about 2 milion. They only sent around 150k troops at most. Rest of the forces are LPR, DPR, Chechens and Wagner. So what the hell are you talking about? Sure Ukraine is doing a fine job against 10% of Russian army.. But the moment the Russian federation decides to go full force this war is over. You know it, I know it, everybody know it.
Those 2 millions are not fighting troops. Most are civil personnel. Probably less 500,000 fighting personnel Putin can send to the war. That means all land, air and sea forces. Even if he sends 500k into Ukraine, that would not be a winning game.
you can see at the battle of Charkiw. Too many weaklings and cowards among Russian troops.
They ran away leaving all equipment behind.

Russia army is exposed as a giant propaganda.
How’s that Russian offensive going Hassan? :lol: Russia has now lost 600 pieces of armor and equipment since September 1 and the entire Kharkiv Oblast. Your on a sinking ship and don’t even realize it.
He will soon be back with information about Russian encirclement operations around Belgorod and Rostov.
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