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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

By and large, geopolitics and international relations are utterly devoid of principles of morality, justice and fair play. It is fundamentally a power game. That is how, it is, and we all have to live with it.
thats why this whole system is flawed and has been for ages and will come down crashing! even Tom cruise will fail!
I "think" Russian commands are drunk on some heavy shit, or maybe they are just corrupt where only few incompetent members got promoted. Otherwise, I have no clue why they didn't attack critical infrastructure or made Ukraine completely dark or destroyed the dams etc., The 1st things you usually do is to take out communications, infrastructure etc., This is such a "weird" war. Either nuke Ukraine out of existence or be smart and take out every critical thing they have.

Whatever it is, it has completely destroyed any perception of Russian might or Putin's power. Many countries and media would have still taken the Russian propaganda if they could at least shown some resemblance of planing or execution.

To me they just look like a tough guy drinking vodka with a messy beard but having a IQ of 34.

Municipal deputies in 18 Moscow and St. Petersburg districts demand Putin's resignation​

12 September 2022 11:39

In eighteen municipal districts of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, deputies have signed a public demand for Russian president Vladimir Putin to step down from his post.

“We, the municipal deputies of Russia, believe that the actions of its president Vladimir Putin are detrimental to Russia’s and its citizens’ future. We demand Vladimir Putin's resignation from the post of the President of the Russian Federation,” reads the demand, as published by Ksenia Thorstrom, a municipal deputy of the Semenovsky District in Saint Petersburg.

The list of signatories also includes:

· Andrei Moiseykin, Dvortsovy District (Saint Petersburg)

· Dmitry Markevich, Liteyny District (Saint Petersburg)

· Roman Volga, Kolpino (Leningrad Region)

· Vitaly Bovar, Vladimirsky District (Saint Petersburg)

· Sergey Samusev, Municipal District 15 (Saint Petersburg)

· Alexander Budberg, Moskovskaya Zastava (Saint Petersburg)

· Dmitry Baltrukov, Smolninskoye District (Saint Petersburg)

· Anna Karulicheva, Narvsky District (Saint Petersburg)

· Valery Shaposhnikov, Vladimirsky District (Saint Petersburg)

· Galina Filchenko, Tverskoy District (Moscow)

· Timofey Nikolaev, Lomonosovsky District (Moscow)

· Olga Shtatskaya, Lomonosovsky District (Moscow)

· Yulia Shcherbakova, Cheremushki (Moscow)

· Vasily Khoroshilov, Akademichesky District (Moscow)

· Margarita Sharipova, Ramenki (Moscow)

· Vladimir Volokhonsky, Municipal District 72 (Saint Petersburg)

· Olga Fattush, Gavan (Saint Petersburg)

· Ekaterina Silaeva, Severnoye Izmaylovo (Moscow)

Earlier, the Deputy Council of the Lomonosovsky District in Moscow also appealed to Putin demanding his resignation. As the deputies pointed out, “things went south” starting from Putin's second presidential term.

Meanwhile, the municipal deputies of Smolninskoye in Saint Petersburg announced their intention to submit a suggestion to the State Duma to charge Putin with high treason for starting the war in Ukraine. According to the authors, his acts fall under Article 93 of the Russian Constitution on impeachment. The procedure of impeachment in Russia implies that the president can be removed from their post if the State Duma charges them with treason or other serious crimes.
85%? You do realise that Russia including reserves has an army of about 2 milion. They only sent around 150k troops at most. Rest of the forces are LPR, DPR, Chechens and Wagner. So what the hell are you talking about? Sure Ukraine is doing a fine job against 10% of Russian army.. But the moment the Russian federation decides to go full force this war is over. You know it, I know it, everybody know it.
Russian committed at least 400,000 ground troop at this point, this is from the original 200 BTG (240,000 troop) deployed in February 24, 2022 with another 100 BTG (~100,000) During May 2022, plus volunteer Battalion (Around 50 BTG) couple with Navy and Air Force personnel.

Russian ground force alone only has around 850,000 reported strengths. Around 130,000 of those are conscript, 200,000 are National Guard, only the rest are fighting force.

On the other hand, if Russian decided to go full force on this war, then Russia will be over, because it will basically open for anyone to attack, Russia have 850,000 ground force, but they also have 6.6 million square miles of land to defend, most of these troop are used fo static defence with Finland, Georgia, China and Japan.
You are just arguing for the sake of it and writing things that are not needed.

They obviously have some motivation as they invaded Ukraine for the last 7 months. But it's not the same motivation as WW2 when they defended their homeland. They lost ~15% of their entire population, still didn't give up and went all the way up to Berlin. I doubt an invasion warrants the same level of motivation.
Nevertheless an invasion still requires some motivation but it's not the same level that is shown in an existential threat such as the WW2 scenario.

The original point I was making with @PakFactor is that, the Russian dog has a lot of fight in it even after taking severe losses as they demonstrated in WW2. If the same motivation exists in Ukraine war (doubtful), the Russian dog still has a lot of fight in them even after heavy losses. It is yet to be seen how much motivation they have to win in Ukraine which will be translated to the fight they will put forth and commit to.
You are confusing lack of capability with lack of motivation. You have yet to understand the difference between USSR and Russia.

Russians have thrown everything at Ukraine short of nuclear weapons to limited effect. What more it can throw at Ukraine to make difference? Peasants armed with sticks? By the next year perhaps.

Ukraine is much better organized and motivated to fight in comparison to other countries that Russia chose to invade since the 1960s. Ukraine is actually getting better at fighting with support of NATO.

You can assume that there is much fight left in Russia but my counter is NOT in offensive capacity. Russians were unable to capture Kyiv. They were ousted from Kharkiv recently. They will loose more ground in Ukraine in coming days. Russian military losses are staggering in this front. This war will leave Russian army exhausted and broken and it will take many years to rebuild it. This legacy will haunt Russia for a long time. Much more than Afghanistan.
The way russia retreated without fight was clearly russian ruse. The water level risen now the ukraine forces which crossed the river might be cutoff. Pretty sure russians are gonna do actual counter attack maybe in 15 to 30 days.
On the other hand, if Russian decided to go full force on this war, then Russia will be over, because it will basically open for anyone to attack, Russia have 850,000 ground force, but they also have 6.6 million square miles of land to defend, most of these troop are used fo static defence with Finland, Georgia, China and Japan.
none of these countries will attack russia. It does not need any defence posture with any neighbour except Ukraine.
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