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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Exactly, nothing to fear, just old Soviet technology. Nothing breathtaking and advanced. Lol. Why worry about us Chinamen. Concentrate on Russia and the Mideast. That's right, we can't possibly threaten you. Digital rmb which is the first central bank blockchain currency on earth is just hype, definitely absolutely not in use, US and EU are dwfenitely absolutely not panicking and contemplating their own version. There was also definitely absolutely no few hundred billion crissborder trade done in Rmb last year. Yes, it's all fake news. Lolol

YMTC memory being more advanced than Samsung is fake, Apple wasnt thinking about using it... All fake.

The 32nm EUV machine we completed in 2017, that's bullshit too. The 7nm chip by Smic, hell no. The EMALS on type 003,that's fake the 600km/hr hsr train prototype. The 1200 VAC UHV grid, the largest pumped Hydro storage. Uh uh, all fake we ain't building up our country economically, technologically and militarily. Now close your eyes and sleep tight, just keep on thinking of RUSSIA. THAT'S RIGHT, RUSSIA. LOL
It is good you stopped squeeling about that untested “good on paper” PLA.
We're already going with the nuke talks? Russia doesn't have money nor equipment for "total war", but I guess even you begin to realize slowly that Russia ain't gonna win this war.
Well, you are talking to a dude, presented with all the fact that even Russia agreed still think Ukraine should sue for peace.

That tell you how delusion these people are.

And then the nuke talk is just amazing, sure, Russia spends that many people and equipment so they can nuke Ukraine......If they want to nuke Ukraine, they would have done so already, why waste that many people and resource in the first place..

But then what do you expect from our resident troll here. Nothing to see here, it's just the daily dose of US don't dare to go against the bear.......:lol::lol:
We're already going with the nuke talks? Russia doesn't have money nor equipment for "total war", but I guess even you begin to realize slowly that Russia ain't gonna win this war.

I’ve never understood the Russia “holding back” argument. Sure, they could go full mobilization and call up a bunch of cannon fodder, but a huge amount of their armored force is destroyed. Likely 40-50%, and 85% of their entire forces were deployed to Ukraine. They don’t have much in reserve they can activate.

Ukraine it seems the combination of their bravery mixed with intelligence and weaponry provided by NATO countries is what makes the Ukrainian military very effective
What I found interesting is that Russia fold that fast.

That means they do not even realise the Ukrainian are gathering force and momentum to pull a counter attack. I mean, in this day and age, it's not hard to know your enemy is gathering troop. They allowed the Ukrainian to gather up enough momentum and troop to push them over in 1 fell stroke. I mean, what is the Russian intelligence doing??

I’ve never understood the Russia “holding back” argument. Sure, they could go full mobilization and call up a bunch of cannon fodder, but a huge amount of their armored force is destroyed. Likely 40-50%, and 85% of their entire forces were deployed to Ukraine. They don’t have much in reserve they can activate.

They are the same ones saying "But Russia is only sending their second tier armed forces,the real army is waiting for NATO",while their elite divisions were pulverized in Ukraine so much that they have to send sailors with minimum training in tanks.
Not really mate, civillan infrastructure was mostly intact as does deaths. They didn't target alot of civillan infrastructure through Syrian style carpet bombing. They used precision ammunition alot, which is to reduce destruction.

You don't need nukes for total destruction. Compare Syria with Ukriane with so many civilian infrastructure intact. Russia haven't even started carpet bombing Ukriane. You know the good old bombing ala WW2? Tahts total war, not using cruise missiles to avoid civilian casualties.
Well they leveled plenty of villages and cities with artillery….but here goes:

1. Russia does not have control of ukranian air.
2. Doing carpetbombing style goes against their excuse for war “freeing brothers in ukraine from nazis”.
3. Russia now has hardly any global support. Carpetbombing will make it a total paria.
4. Doing carpetbombing will push countries/nato into establishing no fly zone. Russian airforce stands no chance.
5carpetbombing does not help win the ukranian population over. They will sow immense hatred for generations and thus a costly post-war occupation.
That's Russia's fault for not going total war; you ever seen a boxer going into the ring with one hand tied behind his back?

Dude do you realise Putin upping the intensity everytime?

Well they leveled plenty of villages and cities with artillery….but here goes:

1. Russia does not have control of ukranian air.
2. Doing carpetbombing style goes against their excuse for war “freeing brothers in ukraine from nazis”.
3. Russia now has hardly any global support. Carpetbombing will make it a total paria.
4. Doing carpetbombing will push countries/nato into establishing no fly zone. Russian airforce stands no chance.
5carpetbombing does not help win the ukranian population over. They will sow immense hatred for generations and thus a costly post-war occupation.
Yup Kiev is still standing. Russia could have easily levelled Kiev mate. You coukld level a village with a tank mate.
Yup just like Ukraine. You ain't gonna face the bear direct okay. Its always proxy and what did Syria taught you. The Russians haven't even unleash total war, these are their ethnic cousins for gods sake. They won't use what they used in Syria until the last resort. If they did that, Ukraine is as good as gone, and I can tell you Putin is giving Ukraine alot of chances to reverse course The pain and suffering will be the Ukrainians, the one cheering are the dumbwits here thinking this is a game against good and evil. Numb numbs wake up, its better to let Ukraine lose than win. Russia will unleash their most destructive power. You think you are good guys, but cheering for the destruction of Ukraine is not ethical mate. Use some common sense, Russia can Never lose. They will just do a total destruction when they get cornered dumb fcks.
But you guys have been telling the world that if necessary, China would raze Taiwan even though the Taiwanese are ethnic cousins. So why should the Russians be any different, especially when their Ukrainians 'cousins' are even more threatening than Taiwan is to China? If you have to resort to this myth of 'total war' argument, it mean you lost the argument. You do not know what you are talking about and grasping at rhetorical straws to save face.

If the threat of a 'nuclearized' Ukraine via NATO was not enough to release that 'total war' capability, then what make you think the current losses by Russia will release it? It looks like Poutine overestimated Russia and underestimated the West. With the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US could have actually invaded the island but we chose the next level down: blockade. We did it because we knew that no one in the Western Hemisphere could come to Cuba's aid and the Soviet Union was nearly as helpless because the Soviet Union did not have sufficient logistical capabilities to support Cuba. With Ukraine, it seems Poutine thought that the US/NATO would do nothing, not could do nothing because Ukraine is land connected to the NATO countries. So Poutine must have know that logistics was not a problem for Ukraine. But he invaded with 'partial war' capability because he (wrongly) thought that the West would do nothing. Looks like Poutine is not so good of a strategist, eh? Should have gone 'total war' from the start.

But now you, numb numb, are telling us that Poutine is too much of a humanitarian and restrains his 'total war' until the last moment? When will that be? The US/NATO is still arming Ukraine, so when will Poutine act on this 'total war' capability? You are no more knowledgeable of Russia-Ukraine relationship than any of us here. I would say you are equally clueless about the China-Taiwan relationship.
Stop with your taliban supermen bullshit please.

Coalition kicked out taliban from kabul with a few thousand men.
In 20 years occupation, never lost a conventional battle.
Last years of occupation lost very low amount of troops (dozens)…clearly not “forced out” by might but by money/Patience

While here we see russian troops routing, losing tens of thousands men, abandoning hundreds of tanks,bmps….
so when Soviets ran out of money and patience and had to step back from cold war hollywood termed that as a defeat but not in Amreikays case during afghan war?

what are standars ser? or we all suppose to watch top guns and bow down to amrikay?
Yup Kiev is still standing. Russia could have easily levelled Kiev mate. You coukld level a village with a tank mate.
How? Explain to me in Military Term. How Russia could have easily levelled a city like Kyiv?

I am not going to challenge the "You could level a village with a tank" as a 19A, I know for a fact that it is Impossible to do.

But do tell me how Russia can easily level a city as big as Kyiv?
We're already going with the nuke talks? Russia doesn't have money nor equipment for "total war", but I guess even you begin to realize slowly that Russia ain't gonna win this war.
I compared the Russian military to a mechanic whose skills are limited to changing the oil and air filter, any more complex and it is the 'nuclear option': scrap the motor.
But you guys have been telling the world that if necessary, China would raze Taiwan even though the Taiwanese are ethnic cousins. So why should the Russians be any different, especially when their Ukrainians 'cousins' are even more threatening than Taiwan is to China? If you have to resort to this myth of 'total war' argument, it mean you lost the argument. You do not know what you are talking about and grasping at rhetorical straws to save face.

If the threat of a 'nuclearized' Ukraine via NATO was not enough to release that 'total war' capability, then what make you think the current losses by Russia will release it? It looks like Poutine overestimated Russia and underestimated the West. With the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US could have actually invaded the island but we chose the next level down: blockade. We did it because we knew that no one in the Western Hemisphere could come to Cuba's aid and the Soviet Union was nearly as helpless because the Soviet Union did not have sufficient logistical capabilities to support Cuba. With Ukraine, it seems Poutine thought that the US/NATO would do nothing, not could do nothing because Ukraine is land connected to the NATO countries. So Poutine must have know that logistics was not a problem for Ukraine. But he invaded with 'partial war' capability because he (wrongly) thought that the West would do nothing. Looks like Poutine is not so good of a strategist, eh? Should have gone 'total war' from the start.

But now you, numb numb, are telling us that Poutine is too much of a humanitarian and restrains his 'total war' until the last moment? When will that be? The US/NATO is still arming Ukraine, so when will Poutine act on this 'total war' capability? You are no more knowledgeable of Russia-Ukraine relationship than any of us here. I would say you are equally clueless about the China-Taiwan relationship.

Did we say that we will raze Taiwan? Please send me an official document saying we will raze Taiwan. If you can find one official statement, I would be willing to kiss your ***, if you can't find it, then please kiss mine. Lolol. Read the official statement and come back to me and talk Jose.

Threat of a nuclearized Ukraine, what are you even smoking numbnuts. Ukraine had nukes, not have nukes, US swore to protect Ukraine on exchange for abandoning it. But now we know that protection meant proxy wars. Lolol.

Putin is restrained not humanitarian. I will bet with you that Russia will not 'lose' this war. How much do you want to bet? Lol

I compared the Russian military to a mechanic whose skills are limited to changing the oil and air filter, any more complex and it is the 'nuclear option': scrap the motor.
It's so poor but where is the stronk USA? I wonder.
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