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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Defend itself against what?
Former east europe colonies wanting to run from its grasp? Demilitarised europe?

Russia behaves like a wifebeater/rapist who stalks his ex. “Its your fault i have to be so rough, if only you did not resist”

Imaginary genocide. No such thing according to un reports. And since 2014 most deaths have been due to seperatists.

So **** off with your baseless russian propaganda. There is a reason russias invasion was not supported by vast majority of the world. Only the likes of eritrea, iran, north korea supported russia. That should tell you enough.

Russia heavily supports our anti eu far right to break up EU…what a “victim” russia is.

80% of the 44 million ukranian now want closer ties to EU. We stand for their freedom and sovereignity.

You abuse the small % of far right elements in ukraine to justify ethnically cleansing millions. Its disgusting that russia abuses the word “fascist” by using it on every ukranian that not bends to its will.
Yeah, yeah, disgusting. Crimea a river, you westoid hypocrite with your fake outrage.

You are simply butthurt, bcs some one like me is saying the truth in to your face. And in the western empire of lies, there is no bigger thought crime, than saying the truth. Your Ukraine is not the victim, it's a bloody fascist regime, created to kill as many Russians as possible and drag Russia into a war.

And you know what, you European Herrenmensch? I feel pity for you. Look at our 20 year old nazi kid Apollon. He is openly calling Russians subhumans and calling to kill Russians. But you? You have to larp here the so called "democrat". You are supporting ukrainian nazis and at the same time you babbling something about european "far rights", who are lightyears away in beeing far right compared to your ukrainian nazi friends.

What a schizophrenia. But that is the typical mental state of the western Herrenmensch. He is a SSchizo. You know, with a double S, like the Waffen-SS.
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When you see the Ukrainian army retreating it is always done in good and organized order leaving very few things behind but when the Russian army retreats,it is always a debacle and disaster,it also happened when they were forced to retreat from Ukraine northern territories.
it is logical in this particular case, russians are cought with their pants down around kharkov, for global scale apparently UAF has better chain of command and communications among the troops then russians. is it because of structure of units or modern equipment i can not tell.
Yeah, yeah, disgusting. Crimea a river, you westoid hypocrite with your fake outrage.

You are simply butthurt, bcs some one like me is saying the truth in to your face. And in the western empire of lies, there is no bigger thought crime, than saying the truth. Your Ukraine is not the victim, it's a bloody fascist regime, created to kill as many Russians as possible and drag Russia into a war.

And you know what, you European Herrenmensch? I feel pity for you. Look at our 20 year old nazi kid Apollon. He is openly calling Russians subhumans and calling to kill Russians. But you? You have to larp here the so called "democrat". You are supporting ukrainian nazis and at the same time you babbling something about european "far rights", who are lightyears away in beeing far right compared to your ukrainian nazi friends.

What a schizophrenia. But that is the typical mental state of the western Herrenmensch. He is a SSchizo. You know, with a double S, like the Waffen-SS.
Still waiting on that list 🤷🏿‍♂️
Yeah, yeah, disgusting. Crimea a river, you westoid hypocrite with your fake outrage.

You are simply butthurt, bcs some one like me is saying the truth in to your face. And in the western empire of lies, there is no bigger thought crime, than saying the truth. Your Ukraine is not the victim, it's a bloody fascist regime, created to kill as many Russians as possible and drag Russia into a war.

And you know what, you European Herrenmensch? I feel pity for you. Look at our 20 year old nazi kid Apollon. He is openly calling Russians subhumans and calling to kill Russians. But you? You have to larp here the so called "democrat". You are supporting ukrainian nazis and at the same time you babbling something about european "far rights", who are lightyears away in beeing far right compared to your ukrainian nazi friends.

What a schizophrenia. But that is the typical mental state of the western Herrenmensch. He is a SSchizo. You know, with a double S, like the Waffen-SS.
dude, until now your country overplayed its cards, you are conducting some strange hybrid war against a serious country supported by all western world, leave ideologies aside it will not help your cause, it would be better for you to follow what will be next move from your country leadership, at the moment you are on brink of catastrophe in ukraina.
That was fast. Russias Izyum front is collapsing

Keep in mind pictures are coming to telegram channels hours if not days after they were taken,meaning Ukrainian army is probably already inside Kupiansk.
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