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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukraine soon has more a means to defend itself against russian terror bombings. Germany begins this month the delivery of 30x "Gepard" flak tanks to Ukraine.
no problem with ammo. Norway produces the 35mm.

The US could have stayed ad infinitum in Afghanistan. It was the Afghan Army that failed, not the US. We weren't going to hold their hands forever. Eventually, Afghans had to take responsibility for their own country. They failed.

Why did you hold their hands for 20 years then? You could just leave after 2/3 years. After you lost, now you say Afghan army failed. How is Afghan army's failure is not your failure, you are the one who created the Afghan army.

He is talking about the russian occupation army, not the russians in general.

In the 21st century such looters, rapist, and colonialists should be met with critiscism and ridicule. A name fitting their barbarity.
I see nothing wrong here.

You mean American and European robbers, looter, rapists and colonialists?
In my humble opinion.

Russia has lost the war politically and strategically, regardless the thrust towards The Dnieper River seems unstoppable.

Attrition warfare is not in Russia's interest at all. Definitely the worst way to win the heart of Ukrainians. Russia original plan was a lightning war, but failed. Feel sorry for Russians.

The generals of Russia army and intelligence underestimated Ukraine, which is fatal.

Never underestimate your rival.
I agree. Russia underestimated Ukraine and its will to fight.
Why did you hold their hands for 20 years then?

At least the American made an effort to put the afghan army on it's feet.

That is a lot more than what the Russians did in Afghanistan.

Russians invaded Afghanistan ( in the same manner they now invaded Ukraine ) , in order to conquer it. Yet i see no criticism about that. Strange.

At least the American made an effort to put the afghan army on it's feet.

That is a lot more than what the Russians did in Afghanistan.

Russians invaded Afghanistan ( in the same manner they now invaded Ukraine ) , in order to conquer it. Yet i see no criticism about that. Strange.

Americans stay in Afghanistan not to make Afghans stand up, but to plunder Afghanistan's resources.

In 1950/1951, the Chinese army withdrew from North Korea after helping the Koreans repel the Americans. North Koreans can stand up by themselves, and we have not interfered with them. This is the real help.
Autistic people normally live on their own world and they get their own ideas too. Lol
You must be speaking about yourself.

China's wealth DEPENDS on the democratic West. China's wealth is only one degree of separation from democracy. Without the consumerism of the democratic West, China would have ZERO resources upon which to learn and steal from in order to reform after the communist experiment disaster. Yeah...You definitely did not get it.
Seriously man, are u a 13 yo kid? U keep repeating urself like those kids fighting and u claim to be some kind of military expert? We have military guys here and everyone respects them, why? Because they behave like one.
This is a news and update thread and u have given zero news or update and just trolling and cheerleading. Why dont u just keep to ur so called military expertise and update about the ground situation, if u can even do that and not engage in trolling and teenage fights.

This thread have been blocked once because of ur unnecessary trolling and dumb arguments and fights. If u have something useful to share then plz do so but stop with ur cheerleading trolling or this thread might get blocked again.

Dude, you are doing EXACTLY the same thing you accusing me of doing, why not just skip this post and post only Russian/Ukrainian war related incident instead of that if YOU HAD A PROBLEM WITH THAT TO BEGIN WITH?

And honestly, I don't really care if you respect me, you don't serve under my command, and I don't know you. You can think I am a clown (which is what I think of you) for all I care.

I do write technical article like this for Ukraine

Have you? Maybe write something like that, then we can talk about Trolling.

BRAH :blah:
Russia had to destroy almost all of Mariupol to capture a few vehicles and some used NLAWs.. Impressive.
And “in Odessa, the warehouse that store Harpoon missiles was destroyed”.. THE warehouse.. Why are you posting this made up Twitter BS like its the truth.
Fact is Russias offensive land grabbing has stalled. Theyre bombing ukrainian infrastructure out of desperation, calling it victory. In reality it is terrorbombing, and you and your twitter accounts are glorifying it.
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You don't care about fellow Americans. When the US invades another country in the Middle East, I bet Russians will be shipping boatloads of Atgms, drones etc for the rebels.

I wish the US military would be used to prevent gangs terrorising people in many US urban areas, the cartels killing Americans through powerful opioids and mass shootings.
You do know Russian invaded Middle East just as much as we do, right? Syria, Yeman, Afghanistan, Iran/Iraq just to name a few. So are you saying when they kill Muslim, that does not count??

LOL. I don't really care about dumbass comment like this as it is useless, I mean what really can you do by sending bad thought?? Does the US Army going to fail BECAUSE you are wishing ill for them?? Or would Russia somehow able to attack kyiv again because you send them your best thoughts??

If you want changes, go to Ukraine and fight for Russia, maybe that will change anything with that equation, sitting at your home in your pyjamas eating Cheetos while sending your best thought mean nothing when real people were there going down in a 2 way firing lanes. Well, at least I went there and try to teach them to kill more Russian, what are you going to do about it? Lay down your prayer mats and Pray?


Americans stay in Afghanistan not to make Afghans stand up, but to plunder Afghanistan's resources.

In 1950/1951, the Chinese army withdrew from North Korea after helping the Koreans repel the Americans. North Koreans can stand up by themselves, and we have not interfered with them. This is the real help.
Sure, explain to me why 4 out of 5 mining company have contract with China (the other have contract with India) instead of the US? When we are the one controlling their government??

What exactly did US plunder in Afghanistan? Bother to name a few??
Americans stay in Afghanistan not to make Afghans stand up, but to plunder Afghanistan's resources.

Russians invaded Afghanistan ( in the same manner they now invaded Ukraine ) , in order to conquer it. Yet i see no criticism about that. Strange.
Such as...???
In July 2017, trump said that the USA has not done enough to develop Afghanistan's mineral resources.

Obviously, trump believes that the speed of looting should be accelerated.

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