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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Both iraq and afghanistan did not have their resources mined under occupation, and most of the contracts are now in chinese hands.

The usa should have used “the russian way” forcefully relocate some rednecks to iraq and afghanistan.
Then invade the country to “protect redneck country X”
Annex as much as you can. Bomb the shit out of everything so 90% of the population is ethnically cleansed and your left with those rednecks.
Then Drain every ounce from the land as you can.
as far as I'm aware its classic Yankee tactic, go read a little about Texas and Hawaii .
If we fight the Russians, we will lose..the United States cannot fight the Russian army: Ex-US Marine


At the Ron Paul Institute conference in Houston, former US Marine intelligence officer and former chief weapons inspector for the United Nations Scott Ritter made a stinging criticism of the Biden administration's policy toward Ukraine, stating bluntly, "If we fight the Russians, we will lose."

US intelligence officer Scott Ritter said:

“I fear that because of Biden's reckless policy, Putin will lose patience and hit America with cruise missiles. The only thing Biden has achieved from his policies is that the Russians hate him. The Russians will win their war, and no one will stop them.”

He said that the United States and NATO would be defeated by the Russians in any war.

He stressed that "the Ukrainian army is the strongest, most efficient and best army in Europe, capable of defeating all NATO armies (except for the United States and Turkey) and now being destroyed in front of the Russians."

He added: “What Russia is actually doing is a military operation, not a war. Everyone knows the real capabilities of the Russian army. The Russians are organized and ready to fight big wars all over Europe and they are training in Ukraine.”

He said that the officers of the Russian army are brave as they fight at the front with their soldiers.

He said the head of the European Union's Foreign Affairs Committee "told me that he is terrified by the course now in Europe, and says that Europe is impossible to defeat Russia."

He stressed that Russia is now a large and stable economic power..

There is a massacre that took place in #Ukraine, known as the “Bucha massacre”

The Ukrainian army accused the Russian army of genocide; Because they found many civilian bodies there, especially since it was the headquarters of the Russian army's assembly near Kyiv.

But the American, Scott Ritter, stated that the Ukrainian police had liquidated those whom they accused of dealing with the Russians..

If we fight the Russians, we will lose..the United States cannot fight the Russian army: Ex-US Marine

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At the Ron Paul Institute conference in Houston, former US Marine intelligence officer and former chief weapons inspector for the United Nations Scott Ritter made a stinging criticism of the Biden administration's policy toward Ukraine, stating bluntly, "If we fight the Russians, we will lose."

US intelligence officer Scott Ritter said:

“I fear that because of Biden's reckless policy, Putin will lose patience and hit America with cruise missiles. The only thing Biden has achieved from his policies is that the Russians hate him. The Russians will win their war, and no one will stop them.”

He said that the United States and NATO would be defeated by the Russians in any war.

He stressed that "the Ukrainian army is the strongest, most efficient and best army in Europe, capable of defeating all NATO armies (except for the United States and Turkey) and now being destroyed in front of the Russians."

He added: “What Russia is actually doing is a military operation, not a war. Everyone knows the real capabilities of the Russian army. The Russians are organized and ready to fight big wars all over Europe and they are training in Ukraine.”

He said that the officers of the Russian army are brave as they fight at the front with their soldiers.

He said the head of the European Union's Foreign Affairs Committee "told me that he is terrified by the course now in Europe, and says that Europe is impossible to defeat Russia."

He stressed that Russia is now a large and stable economic power..

There is a massacre that took place in #Ukraine, known as the “Bucha massacre”

The Ukrainian army accused the Russian army of genocide; Because they found many civilian bodies there, especially since it was the headquarters of the Russian army's assembly near Kyiv.

But the American, Scott Ritter, stated that the Ukrainian police had liquidated those whom they accused of dealing with the Russians..

Scott Ritter .. Might aswell quote Putin.
Only 6 of 136 M777s have been lost. Ukraine still has the vast majority of their M777s.

Those M777s also don’t have there digital fire control systems so they aren’t being used to there full capability.
Stupid and ignorant, Tunisia abolished slavery before the USA and most European countries ..... In 1846 for the people who wants to know ....
Why did the french have to announce a second abolition in Tunisia in 1890?

The point he was making was that the arab (and african) world traded slaves too, and everybody blames the west.
Dude, you are doing EXACTLY the same thing you accusing me of doing, why not just skip this post and post only Russian/Ukrainian war related incident instead of that if YOU HAD A PROBLEM WITH THAT TO BEGIN WITH?

And honestly, I don't really care if you respect me, you don't serve under my command, and I don't know you. You can think I am a clown (which is what I think of you) for all I care.

I do write technical article like this for Ukraine

Have you? Maybe write something like that, then we can talk about Trolling.

BRAH :blah:

I never claimed to be a military expert and i mostly read this thread for info, i skipped loads of ur crap but all i see is u whinning and fighting like a teenage girl and its really irritating. So kindly dont pollute this thread. Also we dont want ur so called technical crap, share something authentic or new info or just shut up. Its like u r flamebaiting others to indulge in useless arguments that can result in blocking the thread once again. Its also pretty evident who the clown is. Kindly take ur circus somewhere else.
You do know Russian invaded Middle East just as much as we do, right? Syria, Yeman, Afghanistan, Iran/Iraq just to name a few. So are you saying when they kill Muslim, that does not count??

LOL. I don't really care about dumbass comment like this as it is useless, I mean what really can you do by sending bad thought?? Does the US Army going to fail BECAUSE you are wishing ill for them?? Or would Russia somehow able to attack kyiv again because you send them your best thoughts??

If you want changes, go to Ukraine and fight for Russia, maybe that will change anything with that equation, sitting at your home in your pyjamas eating Cheetos while sending your best thought mean nothing when real people were there going down in a 2 way firing lanes. Well, at least I went there and try to teach them to kill more Russian, what are you going to do about it? Lay down your prayer mats and Pray?


Sure, explain to me why 4 out of 5 mining company have contract with China (the other have contract with India) instead of the US? When we are the one controlling their government??

What exactly did US plunder in Afghanistan? Bother to name a few??

Perfect example why Americans are so angry and shoot up fellow Americans. Why don't you use your training and anger in defeating gang violence and narco terrorism. Bunch of pussies, you second amendment types, more of a threat to your partner and family

My prayers have been answered, 'Saint Javelin" will become Hizbul Javelin, in few years time. Hopefully Iranians will get examples of starstreak manpad.
So the US did not 'steal' anything. All you have is the word of an ex-president on what the US should have done before he was in office, then he did nothing about it when he was in office.

If the Taliban allowed Al-Qaeda to attack Beijing ala Sept 11, 2001, we would see Chinese tanks thru Kabul.
So why did they attack New York instead of Beijing?
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