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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

No, it's an illustration of a news report about the maintenance of the shelter underpass. I found it on the Internet.

I'm a man.
Oops ,sorry.

Yeah...Too bad you did not note how he said 'lost'...

"The war was a strategic failure," Milley told a committee hearing about the US troop pullout from Afghanistan and the chaotic evacuation from the capital Kabul.​
"It wasn't lost in the last 20 days or even 20 months," Milley said.​
"There's a cumulative effect to a series of strategic decisions that go way back," said the general, the top military advisor to President Joe Biden, who ordered an end to the 20-year US troop presence in Afghanistan.​

You clearly did not think about what Milley really meant to say. Did the USAF failed against the Afghanistan Air Force? :lol:
Said to tell you but the cumulative effect was a "DEFEAT", if you don't already know.-""There's a cumulative effect to a series of strategic decisions that go way back,""
What kind of trash is this bs..

Try to enter into an animals cave and try to take it over you will immediately find yourself in a fight... It is idiotic to assume otherwise even if the other party don't share your opinion..

They are from a different civilization they don't share values with all these folks and they have no intention of doing so..

There is no force each man can keep his own way of life and culture.. But thinking otherwise means first you have low-IQ to understand your surroundings and second of all you are probably deluded...

It is delusional to think or assume everything western civilization is holy bible.. When I see people type shxt like that I see it as if they are either kids like that greek PDF member where the other greeks in this website didn't even like him because he was to young and childish....

he's one of those iranian exiles who thinks the shah will come back
Said to tell you but the cumulative effect was a "DEFEAT", if you don't already know.-""There's a cumulative effect to a series of strategic decisions that go way back,""
Sad to tell you that it seems the best, not the only way, to kinda sorta of 'defeat' the US is to lose in battles, give up territories in home soil, then wait until the US got tire and leave. Cumulative, indeed. I wonder which military academy will teach that. :lol:
Not really, Russia is struggling and if you can’t admit that you have your eyes closed.

Of course you can say that since the beatings that Ukrainians are taking aren't what matters to you; to you and other Western propagandists, what counts is how much pain Russia is taking. This is why the effects of the so-called "HIMARS" are exaggerated. But looking at the amount of missile and aerial assaults the Ukrainians are suffering, it is a slaughter. Sadly though, neither the West nor the Ukrainian leaders care about the suffering of the Ukrainians.

Nevertheless, this is another blow that the West is taking. FYI, this is what the war is all about. 👇

From military to economic warfare, Russia has seriously challenged West's hegemony across the globe. In 2022, you have oil and gas purchases taking place outside of the US Dollar. You also have other financial systems such as CHIPS and SPFS in play where trade is conducted outside of the SWIFT system.

And at the end, this translates to West's ability to sanction other countries has been removed or loosened. You (West) sanction a country where you deny the checks from their central banks. Fine, if that country's central bank is registered with SPFS and CHIPS financial systems, they would do trade there that your fraudelent sanctions don't mean anything to them. Gone are the days of embargoing Cuba, DPRK, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, Venezuela, Russia and other countries.
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On Saturday morning, Russian forces fired Kh-101 cruise missiles at military targets in Odessa. The missiles were fired from a Tu-95 strategic bomber. As a result of the strike, a large-scale fire started at one of the warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the western districts of Odessa. The missile hit the warehouse was also confirmed by the speaker of the Odessa military administration, Sergei Bratchuk.

Footage of the liquidation of one of the soldiers of the Ukrainian sabotage group has been published. The Ukrainian car, passing through the checkpoint, did not stop and tried to escape. Turning onto a country road and trying to evade pursuit, he ran into another car with the Russian military, who destroyed the car of a soldier of the Ukrainian sabotage group with shots from a grenade launcher and small arms. A machine gun and documents of a serviceman were found in the car.

Not really, Russia is struggling and if you can’t admit that you have your eyes closed.
Putin says the war has barely started. The problem is he runs out of soldiers. Putin still has plenty weapons to carry on the war for years, but has no people. He now recruits prisoners for the suicide missions in Ukraine.

Already over 4 million Russians left the country. By this pace Russia becomes another Japan just poorer.
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